JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

JAC Board Class 10th English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

JAC Class 10th English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord Textbook Questions and Answers

Subject-Verb Concord:

In a sentence the verb should (agree with) match the subject in terms of number and person. This agreement between the verb and the subject is called Subject-Verb Concord. If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular; if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.

I am a basketball player. (singular subject and singular verb)
She is a skilful driver.

They are Indian citizens. (plural subject and plural verb)
We have never been to the US.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

Given below are some rules for correct subject-verb agreement.
1. Besides agreeing in number, a verb must also agree with subject in person.
He is a guide and mentor.
I am wearing a cardigan.

2. Two or more singular subjects joined by and take a plural verb.
Apple and cherry are my favourite.
Sugar and chocolate powder are needed for the cake.
Pepperoni and cheese make a pizza delicious.
Rishabh and his friends want to go on a tour.

3. If two singular subjects refer to the same person or thing or express one idea, the verb must be singular.
The director and producer is coming on the movie sets.
Bread and butter is a common breakfast in many households.
The captain and coach of the team has been sacked.

4. If we use an uncountable noun as the subject of a verb, we use the singular form of the verb.
This equipment is unusable.
The rainwater flows through the streets.
The cow milk is kept in a glass bottle.

5. The verb has to agree with the real subject that follows the introductory there or here. If the subject is singular, then there or here will be followed by a singular verb. If the real subject is plural, then there or here will be followed by a plural verb.
There has not been a single complaint of new tenants.
There are many varieties of organic food in our market.
Here is the food that you ordered.
Here are the bananas that I bought directly from the farm.

6. If the singular subjects are preceded by each or every, a singular verb is used.
There are two girls. Each girl is smiling.
Every boy and girl has written a letter to the principal. Each item was checked thoroughly before selling.

7. The singular subjects joined by or, either…or, neither…nor receive a singular verb.
Examples: Neither the director nor the actor is interested in making the film.
Either my uncle or my aunt is coming to my house tomorrow.
Indian food or Chinese food is present at stall no. 3.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

8. If one of the subjects is plural, then the verb agrees to the nearest subject in number. In such case, generally the plural subject is placed next to the verb.
Either my parents or my siblings are coming to the parent-teacher meeting.
Either ten pastries or two cakes are enough for the party.
Neither the employees nor the manager was responsible for the fault.
Neither Bryan nor his friends are going to the market.

9. When the subjects joined by ‘either or’ or ‘neither nor’ are of different persons, the verb will agree in person and number with the noun nearest to it.
Neither you nor your staff members know how to behave.
Either you or your brothers are invited to the party.
Neither they nor we shall go to the shopping mall.
(Always remember that, when either and neither are used as pronouns, they are treated as singular and always take the singular verb.)
Example: Either of the books is fine for IELTS preparation.

10. A collective noun may take both singular and plural verb.
The family is driving across the country this summer. The family are doing a different work.
The couple eats out once a month.
The couple are taking separate cars to work today.

11. Confusing nouns, plural in form but singular in meaning, take singular verb.
Physics is an important branch of science.
The second innings was enjoyed thoroughly by the crowd.
The news was announced at 7 p.m.
Athletics is good for young people.
Billards is played all over the world.

12. A plural noun which is the name of a book or country always receives a singular verb.
The United States is a powerful nation.
The Arabian Nights is a collection of amazing stories.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

13. When two or more singular subjects are joined by with, as well as, besides, the verb is in singular form.
The captain with his coach was practising for the next match.
The class teacher as well as the peon has eaten lunch.
No one besides the mechanic knows the real problem.
The student with his parent has come to meet the principal.

14. A relative pronoun’s verb must agree with its antecedent in number and person.
It was I who am responsible for this mess.
He is one of the few people who have been inducted into elite commando force.

15. Some nouns are preceded by a lot of, a plenty of, a great deal of, etc. These nouns take a singular verb when they refer to amount or quantity. But they take a plural verb when they refer to number.
There is plenty of juice in the glass.
There are plenty of food varieties available in India.
A great deal of research has been done already.

16. When a singular subject is joined by in addition to, except, etc., with another noun or pronoun, we use a singular verb.
Everyone except Dimple was ready to go to the picnic.
In addition to my sister, my brother has also decided to visit me at the campus.

17. Class nouns also take a singular verb.
The furniture I bought is expensive.
The food was cooked by my brother.
Our luggage was carried to the train coach by a coolie.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

18. Some nouns which appear to be plural in form when preceded by a pair of or a set of take a singular verb.
A new pair of specs was gifted to me by my brother.
A set of binoculars was given to me by my cousin.

19. Collective nouns like group, crowd, flock, regiment, etc., are generally followed by a singular verb.
A troop of soldiers was guarding the minister’s bungalow in the riot-hit area.
The crowd of people is cheering for the batsmen.
A group of boys was creating a ruckus on the street.
The flock of sheep was being tended to by a shepherd.

20. We use a singular verb in case of distance, weight, height or amount of money even when the subject is plural.
Five litres of oil was enough to reach Pune.
Ten millilitres of solvent was added to the mixture.
Twenty dollars is a high price to pay.
Five years is the maximum sentence for this offence.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

Exercise (Solved)

A. Answer any len of the questions gisen heloss by choosing the most appropriate option. [10 x 1 = 10]

1. Why ……………. they left the tossn?
(a) was
(b) were
(c) has
(d) have
(d) have

2. ills snowing outside. The weather ……………. he cold.
(a) should
(b) must
(c) is
(d) are
(b) must

3. FIc years ……………. a long time.
(a) are
(b) am
(c) is
(d) none of these
(c) is

4. I don’t know if anybody ……………. to watch the movie right now.
(a) want
(b) wants
(c) is wanting
(d) are wanting
(b) wants

5. Our neighbour’s pet dog ……………. to be absolutely harmless.
(a) seem
(b) seemed
(c) seems
(d) seeming
(c) seems

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

6. How would you react if someone ……………. at you loudly?
(a) have shouted
(b) had shouted
(c) is shouted
(d) are shouted
(b) had shouted

7. Everyone ……………. problems. We all need to learn how to deal with them.
(a) has
(b) have
(c) don’t have
(d) doesn’t have
(a) has

8. A bunch of roses ……………. decorated in the vase.
(a) was
(b) is
(c) are
(d) none of these
(b) is

9. If two singular nouns are joined by ‘and’ the serb used will be …………….
(a) singular
(b) plural
(c) neither singular nor plural
(d) either singular or plural
(b) plural

10. The team of players ……………. dedicated.
(a) are
(b) is
(c) am
(d) were
(b) is

11. Saurabh and Shristi…………….completed the group project for the science exhibition yet.
(a) has
(b) have
(c) haven’t
(d) hasn’t
(c) haven’t

12. Can you suggest me any medicine for back pain, or ……………. I see a doctor?
(a) must
(b) should
(c) may
(d) will
(b) should

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

B. Answer any ten of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate option. [10 X 1 = 10]

1. Bread and butter ……………. my favourite breakfast.
(a) is
(b) was
(c) were
(d) are
(a) is

2. The fridge and air conditioner of the house ……………. been checked by the technicians.
(a) has
(b) have
(C) was
(d) were
(b) have

3. The fragrance of these roses ……………. refreshing.
(a) is
(b) am
(c) are
(d) will
(a) is

4. Neither Koel nor her friends ……………. the directions well.
(a) knows
(b) known
(c) know
(d) knowing
(c) know

5. Neither the boys nor the girls ……………. submitted their answer sheets.
(a) has
(b) is
(c) have
(d) am
(c) have

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

6. Esther of the shirts ……………. okay for me. I trust your choice.
(a) are
(b) is
(c) was
(d) were
(b) is

7. The e-commerce website, which contains several choices ……………. it difficult to choose one.
(a) make
(b) makes
(c) has made
(d) making
(a) make

8. Neither India nor England ……………. attending the meeting.
(a) are
(b) was
(c) were
(d) is
(d) is

9. Every one in the society ……………. come up to donate blood on the Blood Donation Day’.
(a) has
(b) have
(c) hasn’t
(d) haven’t
(a) has

10. Everybody, someone, nobody, everyone, no one, each one take ……………. verb.
(a) plural
(b) plural and singular
(c) singular
(d) singular or plural
(c) singular

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Subject-Verb Concord

11. The teacher ……………. have a word with the child’s parents.
(a) should
(b) must
(c) may
(d) ought to
(d) ought to

12. Half of the class ……………. deciding to prepare an act on the Panchatantra.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) was
(d) were
(a) is

JAC Class 10 English Solutions

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