JAC Board Class 10 Social Science Notes History Chapter 3 The Making of Global World
→ Human societies have become steadily more interlinked.
- Travellers, traders, priests and pilgrims travelled vast distances for carrying goods, money, ideas, skills, inventions and even germs and diseases.
- Indus Valley Civilisation was linked with present West Asia. Cowries was a form of currency from the Maldives.
→ Silk Routes Link the World:
- The Silk routes proved to be a great source of trade and cultural link between distinct parts of the world.
- The silk routes were regarded as the most important routes linking the distant parts of the world.
- These routes existed even before the Christian Era and flourished till the 15th century.
- The Buddhist preachers, Christian missionaries and later on Muslim preachers used to travel by these routes.
- Food Travels: Food offers many examples of long distance cultural exchange. Foods like potatoes, soya, maize, etc., were not known to our ancestors.
→ Conquest, Disease and Trade:
- The world shrank in the 16th century after the European sailors found a sea route to Asia and America.
- The Indian subcontinent had been known for bustling trade with goods, people, customs and knowledge. It was a crucial point in their trade network.
- After the discovery of America, its vast lands, abundant crops and minerals began to transform trade and lives everywhere.
- Precious metals, particularly silver from mines located in Peru and Mexico enhanced Europe’s wealth and financed its trade with Asia.
- The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was underway.
- The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was not a conventional military weapon but germs of small pox which they carried.
- America’s original inhabitants had no immunity against such types of diseases.
→ A World Economy Takes Shape:
- Abolition of the com law.
- Under pressure from the landowners’ groups, the government restricted the import of foodgrains.
- After the com laws were scrapped, food could be imported into Britain more cheaply than it could be produced in the country.
- British farmers were unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land were left uncultivated.
- As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose.
- Faster industrial growth in Britain led to higher incomes and more food imports.
→ The Role of Technology:
- Technology had a great impact on the transformation of the 19th century world such as railways, steamship and telegraph.
- Technological advances were often the results of social, political and economic factors.
- The refrigerated ships helped to transport the perishable food items over a long distance.
- It facilitated the shipment of frozen meat from America, Australia or New Zealand to different European countries.
→ The Nineteenth Century (1815 to 1914)
- In the 19th century, economic, political, social, cultural and technological factors interacted in complex ways to transform societies and reshape external relations by European cqnquests.
- Rinderpest or the cattle plague: It was carried by infected cattle imported from British Asia to feed Italian soldiers. Rinderpest killed 90% of the cattle and destroyed African livelihoods.
- Meaning of ‘Indentured labour’ – ‘Indentured labour’ means labour by a bonded labourer under contract to Work for an employer for a specific period of time.
- It brought higher income for some and poverty for others.
- In the 19th century indenture was described as a new system of slavery.
- Living conditions were harsh but workers discovered their own ways to survive.
- Indian bankers financed export agriculture in Central and South-East Asia
- Britain had ‘Trade surplus’ with India- Value of British exports were bigger than the value of imports from India.
→ The Inter War Economic:
- The First World War was mainly fought in Europe.
- During this time, the world experienced economic and political instabilities and another miserable war.
- The First World War was fought between ; two power blocs. On the one hand were the allies – Britain, France, Russia and later joined the US, and on the opposite side- Germany, Austria, Hungary, Ottoman and Turkey.
- This war lasted for four years.
→ Technological Transformations:
- Modem industrial war- First-time modem weapons like machine guns, tanks, aircraft, chemical weapons, etc., were used on a massive scale.
- Millions of soldiers had to be recruited from around the world, and most of them were men of working age.
- British borrowed large sums from US banks.
- The war transformed the US from being an international debtor to an international creditor.
- US recovery was quicker after the war.
- Important feature of the US economy of 1920’s was mass production.
→ The Great Depression:
Factors responsible for depression
- Agricultural overproduction made the price of agriculture products slumping.
- Many countries financed their investment through the loan they got from the USA.
- American capitalists stopped all loans to European countries.
- In Europe, it led to a failure of some major banks and collapse of currencies like Sterling.
- Doubling the import duties by the USA, which hit the world trade badly.
→ Bretton Woods Institutions:
- To deal with external surpluses and deficits a conference was held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, the USA.
- International Monetary Fund and World Bank were set up to finance post war restructuring.
- The post war international economic system is known as Bretton Woods system.
- This system was based on fixed exchange rates.
- IMF and World Bank are referred to as Bretton Woods Twins.
- The US has an effective right of veto over key IMF and World Bank.
→ Decolonisation and Independence:
- Most developing countries did not benefit from the fast growth of Western economies in the 1950s and 60s.
- They organised themselves as a group, the group of 77 or G-77 to demand a New International Economic Order (NIEO).
- The relQcation of industry to low wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flow.
- Because of New economic policy, china became a favourite destination for the MNCs to invest.
- It was a system that would give them real control over their natural resources, more development assistance, fairer prices for I raw materials and better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries, markets.
- In last two decades, the economy of the world has changed a lot as countries like China, India and Brazil have achieved rapid economic development.
→ End of Bretton Woods and the Beginning of ‘Globalisation’
- The US dollar could not maintain in relation to gold
- It led collapse of the system of fixed exchange rates and introduction of floating exchange rates.
- 1970’s MNCs also started shifting production to low-wage countries.
- The relocation of industries to low wage countries stimulated the world trade and capital flow.