JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

JAC Board Class 10th English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

JAC Class 10th English The Tale of Custard the Dragon Textbook Questions and Answers

Thinking about the Poem (Page 132)

Question 1.
Who are the characters in this poem? List them with their pet names.
(इस कविता में कौन-कौन से पात्र हैं? उनके पालतू नामों के साथ उनकी सूची बनाइए।)
The following are the characters with their pet names:
(निम्नलिखित पालतू नामों वाले पात्र हैं।)

CharactersPet Names
Little black kittenInk
Little grey mouseBlink
Little yellow dogMustard
The dragonCustard


पात्रपालतू नाम
छोटा काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चाइंक
छोटा स्लेटी रंग का चूहाब्लिक
छोटा पीला कुत्तामस्टर्ड

Question 2.
Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?
(कस्टर्ड एक सुन्दर सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग क्यों करता था? अजगर को “कायर अजगर” क्यों कहा गया है?)
Custard was coward. That is why he was called “cowardly dragon”. All other animals laughed at him. He did not like that. So he cried for a nice safe cage.
(कस्टर्ड कायर था। इसलिए उसे “कायर अजगर” कहा गया है। दूसरे सभी जानवर उस पर हँसते थे। वह इस सब कुछ को पसंद नहीं करता था। इसलिए वह एक सुन्दर सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग करता था।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 3.
“Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful…” Why?
(“बेलिंडा उसको गुदगुदी करती थी, वह निर्दयतापूर्वक उसको गुदगुदी करती थी….” क्यों?)
Belinda tickled Custard to tease him for his cowardice.
(बेलिंडा कस्टर्ड को उसकी कायरता के कारण चिढ़ाने के लिए उसको गुदगुदी करती थी।)

Question 4.
The poet has employed many poetic devices in the poem. For example “Clashed his tail like iron in a dungeon”-the poetic device here is a simile. Can you, with your partner, list some more such poetic devices used in the poem?
(कवि ने इस कविता में कई काव्य युक्तियों का प्रयोग किया है। जैसे “Clashed his tail like iron in adungeon” यहाँ पर काव्य युक्ति उपमा का प्रयोग किया गया है। क्या आप कविता में प्रयुक्त काव्य युक्तियाँ ढूँढ सकते हैं?)
Similes use in the poem:

  1. Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears.
  2. And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard.
  3. Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears.
  4. Snorting like an engine.
  5. He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm

कविता में प्रयुक्त उपमाएँ हैं

  1. बेलिंडा भालुओं से भरे ढोल के समान थी।
  2. छोटा पीला कुत्ता मस्टर्ड की तरह तेज था।
  3. बेलिंडा भालुओं से भरे बैरल की तरह बहादुर है।
  4. इंजन की तरह साँस लेना।
  5. उसने डाकू पर ऐसे हमला किया जैसे रोबिन पक्षी कीड़े पर करता है।)

Question 5.
Read stanza three again to know how the poet describes the appearance of the dragon.
(इस बात का पता लगाने के लिए कि कवि अजगर का वर्णन कैसे करता है stanza तीन को फिर से पढ़ो।)
In stanza three of the poem the poet describes the physical side of the dragon. By stating his ‘big sharp teeth’, ‘spikes’ and ‘scales’, the poet makes him fearful.
(तीसरे stanza में कवि अजगर के शारीरिक पहलू का वर्णन करता है। उसके बड़े तेज दाँत, नुकीले काँटे और नीचे बनी मोटी त्वचा, कवि उसे डरावना बनाता है।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 6.
Can you find out the rhyme scheme of two or three stanzas of the poem?
(क्या आप दो या तीन stanzas की लय योजना का पता लगा सकते हैं?).
The rhyme scheme is :

  • Second stanza – aa bb
  • Third stanza – da bb

Question 7.
Writers use words to give us a picture or image without actually saying what they mean. Can you trace some images used in the poem?
(लेखक वास्तव में जो वह कहना चाहते हैं उसे कहने कि बजाय शब्दों से वैसे चित्र या रूप पैदा कर देते हैं। क्या आप कविता में प्रयुक्त ऐसे रूपों का पता लगा सकते हो?)
Some of the images used in the poem are:

  1. Mouth like a fireplace – Chimney for a nose
  2. Daggers on his toes
  3. His beard was long, one leg was wood.

(कविता में प्रयुक्त ऐसे रूप हैं

  1. अंगीठी जैसा मुँह
  2. चिमनी जैसी नाक
  3. अपने पंजों पर लड़खड़ाता है
  4. उसकी दाढ़ी लंबी थी, एक टाँग लकड़ी की थी।)

Question 8.
Do you find The Tale of Custard the Dragon to be a serious or a light-hearted poem? Give reasons to support your answer.
(क्या आप इस कविता ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ को एक गंभीर अथवा दिल को बहला देने वाली कविता मानते हैं? अपने उत्तर के समर्थन में कारण दीजिए।)
It is a light hearted poem. The animals have been treated as human beings. There is irony in the poem. The animals who boast of their power, prove to be cowards. But the dragon whom everyone calls cowardly, fights bravely and kills the pirate.
(यह मन को बहलाने वाली एक कविता है। पशुओं को मानव के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है। कविता में व्यंग्य भी दिया गया है। पशु जो अपनी शक्ति की शेखी मारते हैं, वे कायर होते हैं। लेकिन अजगर जिसे हर कोई कायर कहता है, बहादुरीपूर्वक लड़ता है और डाकू को मार देता है।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 9.
This poem, in ballad form, tells a story. Have you come across any such modern song or lyric that tells a story? If you know one, tell it to the class. Collect such songs as a project.
(यह कविता एक लंबे गाया गीत के रूप में, जो एक कहानी का वर्णन करती है? क्या आपने कोई आधुनिक गीत सुना है जो किसी कहानी का वर्णन करता है? यदि आप जानते हैं तो कक्षा को बताइए। प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में ऐसे गीतों का संग्रह करो।)
For self-attempt.
(विद्यार्थी स्वयं करें।)

JAC Class 10th English The Tale of Custard the Dragon Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Where did Belinda live?
Belinda lived in a little white house.

Question 2.
What was the name of Belinda’s little black kitten?
His name was Ink.

Question 3.
Who was Blink?
Blink was Belinda’s little grey mouse.

Question 4.
Who was Mustard?
Mustard was Belinda’s little yellow dog.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 5.
What name was given to the dragon?
He was given a name custard:

Question 6.
Who was called cowardly?
Custard was called cowardly.

Question 7.
Who attacked over them?
A pirate attacked over them.

Question 8.
Who faced the pirate bravely?
Custard faced the pirate bravely.

Question 9.
What happened to the pirate?
He was killed by the dragon.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 10.
Who mourned over the death of the pirate?
None mourned over the death of the pirate.

Question 11.
What did the dragon cry for?
The dragon cried for a nice safe cage.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Where did Belinda live? Which animals lived with her?
(बेलिंडा कहाँ रहती थी? कौन-कौन से पशु उसके साथ रहते थे?)
Belinda lived in a little white house. Some animals also lived with her. They were: a little black kitten, a little grey mouse, a little yellow dog and little pet dragon.
(बेलिंडा एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में रहती थी। उसके साथ कुछ पशु भी रहते थे। वे थे एक छोटा काला बिल्ली का बच्चा, एक छोटा स्लेटी चूहा, एक छोटा पीला कुत्ता और छोटा पालतू अजगर।)

Question 2.
What were the pet names of Belinda’s animals?
(बेलिंडा के जानवरों के पालतू नाम क्या थे?)
The little black kitten was called Ink. She gave the name Blink to the little grey mouse. The little yellow dog’s pet name was Mustard. The dragon was given the pet name Custard.
(बिल्ली के छोटे बच्चे को इंक के नाम से पुकारा जाता था। उसने छोटे स्लेटी रंग के चूहे को ब्लिंक नाम दिया। छोटे पीले कुत्ते का पालतू नाम मस्टर्ड था। अजगर को कस्टर्ड पालतू नाम दिया गया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 3.
How does the poet describe Belinda and her animals’ bravery? How was Custard different from them?
(कवि बेलिंडा और उसके जानवरों की बहादुरी का वर्णन किस रूप में करता है? कस्टर्ड उनसे कैसे भिन्न था?)
The poet says that Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears. Ink and Blink followed lions down the stairs. Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage. But Custard was a coward. He kept crying for a nice safe cage.
(कवि कहता है कि बेलिंडा भालुओं से भरे बैरल की भाँति बहादुर थी। इंक और ब्लिंक सीढ़ियों पर शेरों का पीछा करते थे। मस्टर्ड इतना बहादुर था जितना की एक क्रोधित बाघ। लेकिन कस्टर्ड कायर था। वह एक बढ़िया सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग करता रहता था।)

Question 4.
How does the poet describe the dragon’s mouth and nose?
(कवि ने अजगर के मुँह और नाक का वर्णन किस प्रकार किया है?)
The dragon had a snorting nose like an engine. He had a big mouth. He gulped the pirate alive.
(अजगर की इंजन की तरह सूंघने वाली नाक है। उसका एक बड़ा मुँह है। उसने डाकू को जीवित निगल लिया।)

Question 5.
Belinda and the other animals have been described as brave. But on seeing the pirate they behaved in a cowardly way. How did they react?
(बेलिंडा और अन्य पशुओं को बहादुर कहा गया है लेकिन एक डाकू को देखकर वे सभी कायरों की तरह व्यवहार करने लगे। उन्होंने कैसी प्रतिक्रिया की?)
Belinda turned pale with fear. She cried for help. Mustard ran barking fearfully. Ink went to the bottom of the house. The little mouse ran into his hole in no time.
(बेलिंडा भय के मारे पीली पड़ गई। वह मदद के लिए चिल्लाई। मस्टर्ड भय से भौंकता हुआ भाग गया। इंक घर के तहखाने में चला गया। छोटा चूहा बिना समय गँवाए अपने बिल में घुस गया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 6.
How did Custard prove to be brave when the pirate came?
(कस्टर्ड ने डाकू के आने पर अपनी बहादुरी कैसे दिखाई?)
Custard, the dragon, jumped and snorted like an engine. He struck the pirate with his tail like irons. There were different sounds of clatter, clank and jangle. He attacked the pirate as a robin attacks a worm.
(कस्टर्ड, अजगर ने छलाँग लगाई और वह इंजन की भाँति गहरी साँस खींचने लगा। उसने अपनी पूँछ से डाकू को चोट मारी। वहाँ पर लोहे के टकराने जैसी अनेकों आवाजें आ रही थीं। उसने डाकू पर ऐसे हमला किया जैसे एक रोबिन पक्षी कीड़े पर हमला करता है।)

Question 7.
How did the pirate react when the dragon attacked him?
(जब अजगर ने डाकू पर आक्रमण किया तो उसने कैसे प्रतिक्रिया की?)
The pirate looked at the dragon with an open mouth. He swallowed some liquor from his pocket flagon. He fired two bullets. But they did not hit the dragon. The dragon attacked him and swallowed him.
(डाकू ने मुँह खोलकर अजगर की ओर देखा। उसने अपनी जेब में रखे पात्र में से कुछ शराब निगली। उसने दो गोलियाँ दागीं। लेकिन वे अजगर को नहीं लगीं। अजगर ने उस पर आक्रमण किया और उसे निगल लिया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 8.
How did they say their admiration for the dragon after the death of the pirate? (डाकू की मौत के पश्चात् उन्होंने अजगर के प्रति अपनी प्रशंसा का प्रदर्शन कैसे किया?)
They became very happy. Belinda embraced him. Mustard licked him. Ink and Blink jumped round surrounding him. They expressed their joy in this way. No one mourned for the pirate.
(वे बहुत खुश हो गए। बेलिंडा ने उसे गले से लगा लिया। मस्टर्ड उसे चाटने लगा। इंक और ब्लिंक उसके चारों ओर कूदते . हुए घूमने लगे। उन्होंने अपनी खुशी का इस ढंग से प्रदर्शन किया। किसी ने भी डाकू के लिए शोक प्रकट नहीं किया।) .

Question 9.
What did they say about their bravery after the pirate’s death?
(डाकू की मौत के पश्चात् उन्होंने अपनी बहादुरी के लिए क्या कहा?)
Mustard said that he would have been twice as brave if he had not got nervous. Ink and Blink said that they had been three times as brave as he. But Custard said that he agreed with them. He said that they were braver than him.
(मस्टर्ड ने कहा कि यदि वह घबराया न होता तो वह इससे भी दोगुनी बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन करता। इंक और ब्लिंक ने कहा कि वे उससे तीन गुनी बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन करते। लेकिन कस्टर्ड ने कहा कि वह उनकी बात से सहमत है। उसने कहा कि वे उससे अधिक बहादुर थे।)

Question 10.
Who among them was actually brave? How did he show his bravery?
(वास्तव में उनमें सबसे अधिक बहादुर कौन था? उसने अपनी बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन कैसे किया?)
Custard, the dragon, was the only one who was actually brave. The others were all cowards. They disappeared when they saw the pirate. But the dragon faced him bravely and swallowed him up.
(कस्टर्ड, अजगर, उनमें केवल मात्र वास्तव में बहादुर था। अन्य सभी कायर थे। डाकू को देखकर वे सभी लुप्त हो गए। लेकिन अजगर ने बहादुरी के साथ उसका सामना किया और उसे निगल गया।)

Essay Type Questions

Question 1.
Write the brief summary of poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ in your own words.
(कविता ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ का संक्षिप्त सारांश अपने शब्दों में लिखें।)
‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is a comical poem written by Ogden Nash. A young lady name Belinda lived in a little white house with her four pets. They were Ink a little black kitten, Blink-a little grey mouse, Mustard-ayellow dog and Custard-a little pet dragon. Ink, Blink and Mustard boasted of their bravery. They often made fun of custard for his cowardice. One day a pirate breaks into Belinda’s house. He had pistols in his both hands. Ink, Blink and Mustard run away in fear and hide themselves. But custard faces the pirate bravely and kills him. Belinda was very much happy with Custard. She embraced him. The other pets also danced with joy. But soon after they were again boasting of their bravery. Belinda was again taken in by them. She showered all her care for Ink, Blink and Mustard and leaving Custard crying for a nice safe cage.

(‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’Ogden Nash द्वारा लिखित एक हास्य कविता है। बेलिंडा नाम की एक नवयुवती अपने चार पालतू जानवरों के साथ एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में रहती थी। वे थे इंक-एक छोटा काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चा, ब्लिंक-एक छोटा स्लेटी रंग का चूहा, मस्टर्ड-एक पीले रंग का कुत्ता और कस्टर्ड एक छोटा पालतू अजगर। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड हमेशा अपनी बहादरी की शेखी मारते रहते थे। वे कस्टर्ड का उसकी कायरता के लिए प्रायः मजाक उडाया करते थे।
एक दिन एक डाकू बेलिंडा के घर में घुस जाता है। उसके दोनों हाथों में पिस्तौलें थीं। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड डरकर भाग जाते हैं और स्वयं को छुपा लेते हैं। लेकिन कस्टर्ड बहादुरी के साथ डाकू का सामना करता है और उसे मार देता है। बेलिंडा कस्टर्ड से बहुत अधिक खुश थी। उसने उसे गले से लगा लिया। दूसरे जानवरों ने भी खुशी के मारे नृत्य किया। लेकिन उसके शीघ्र बाद ही वे पुनः अपनी बहादुरी की शेखी मारने लगे। बेलिंडा फिर से उनकी बातों में आ गई। वह अपना सारा प्यार इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड को देने लगी और उसने कस्टर्ड को एक सुंदर सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग के साथ छोड़ दिया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 2.
How is ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ a ballad? Discuss.
(‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ एक लंबी गाथा कैसे है? वर्णन करें।)
A ballad is a poem that tells a story. The theme of a ballad is adventure, bravery, romance, etc. Then it is highly musical due to its rhyme scheme. This poem has these qualities. But it is a parody of a ballad. The poet shows these qualities in a humorous way. Belinda lived in a little white house. Some animals also lived with her. They were: a little black kitten, a little grey mouse, a little yellow dog and little pet dragon. The little black kitten was called Ink. She gave the name Blink to the little grey mouse. The little yellow dog’s pet name was Mustard. The dragon was given the pet name Custard. Custard was coward. That is why he was called “cowardly dragon”. All other animals laughed at him. He did not like that. So he cried for a nice safe cage.

(लंबी गाथा एक ऐसी कविता होती है जिसमें एक कहानी का वर्णन होता है। एक लंबी गाथा का विषय साहस, बहादुरी, रोमांच इत्यादि से भरपूर होता है। यह कविता अपनी लय योजना के कारण उच्च स्तरीय संगीतमयी है। इस कविता में ये गुण हैं। परन्तु यह लोक गाथा के रूप में एक काव्य व्यंग्य है। कवि इन गुणों को एक हास्यप्रद ढंग से प्रदर्शित करता है। बेलिंडा एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में रहती थी। कुछ जानवर भी उसके साथ रहते थे। वे थेः एक छोटा काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चा, एक छोटा स्लेटी रंग का चूहा, एक पीले रंग का कुत्ता और एक छोटा पालतू अजगर। बिल्ली के छोटे बच्चे को इंक के नाम से पुकारा जाना था। पालतू उसने छोटे स्लेटी चहू को बिल्क का नाम दिया। छोटे पीले कुत्ते का पालतू नाम मस्टर्ड था। अजगर को पालतू नाम कस्टर्ड दिया गया। कस्टर्ड कायर था। इसलिए उसे “कायर अजगर” कहा गया है। दूसरे सभी जानवर उस पर हँसते थे। वह इस बस कुछ को पसंद नहीं करता था। इसलिए वह एक सुन्दर सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग करता था।) .

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Where did Belinda live?
(A) in a red house
(B) in a white house
(C) in a small hut
(D) in a mud house
(B) in a white house

Question 2.
Who lived with Belinda?
(A) her father
(B) her mother
(C) her pets
(D) all of the above
(C) her pets

Question 3.
The colour of their wagon was:
(A) red
(B) white
(C) green
(D) yellow
(A) red

Question 4.
The name of the little black kitten was:
(A) Ink
(B) Blink
(C) Mustard
(D) Custard
(A) Ink

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 5.
Who was Blink?
(A) kitten
(B) mouse
(C) dog
(D) dragon
(B) mouse

Question 6.
Which of the following boasted to be brave?
(A) Ink
(B) Blink
(C) Mustard
(D) all of the above
(C) Mustard

Question 7.
The name of the yellow little dog was
(A) Ink
(B) Blink
(C) Mustard
(D) Custard
(C) Mustard

Question 8.
The name of the dragon was
(A) Ink
(B) Blink
(C) Mustard
(D) Custard
(D) Custard

Question 9.
What did the other animal make fun of the dragon?
(A) for his cowardice
(B) for his small size
(C) for his big mouth
(D) all of the above
(A) for his cowardice

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Question 10.
Who attacked Belinda’s house?
(A) a soldier
(B) a pirate
(C) an army
(D) a lion
(B) a pirate

Question 11.
Who killed the pirate?
(A) Belinda
(B) Ink and Blink
(C) Mustard
(D) Custard
(D) Custard

Question 12.
What did Custard long for?
(A) a nice safe cage
(B) a nice self forest
(C) a pirate
(D) Belinda’s love
(A) a nice safe cage

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Important for Comprehension Of Stanzas 

Read the following stanzas and answer the questions that follow:


Belinda lived in a little white house,
With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

(a) Where did Belinda live?
(b) What was the colour of the kitten?
(c) Apart from the kitten which other animals were living with her?
(d) Give a pair of rhyming words.
(e) What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
(a) Belinda lived in a little white house.
(b) The kitten was of black colour.
(c) The other animals were: a mouse, a dog and a dragon.
(d) The rhyming words are: house-mouse wagon-dragon
(e) The rhyme scheme of this stanza is ‘aabb’.


Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink,
And the little grey mouse, she called him Blink,
And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard,
But the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard.

(a) What was the name of the kitten?
(b) What name she gave to the mouse?
(c) Why was the dragon named as ‘Custard’?
(d) What was the name of the dog?
(e) Name the poem and the poet.
(a) The name of the kitten was Ink.
(b) She gave the name Blink to the mouse.
(c) Dragon was named as ‘Custard’ because he was a coward.
(d) The name of the dog was Mustard.
(e) Poem: The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Poet: Ogden Nash.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
And realio, trulio daggers on his toes.

(a) What was on top of the dragon’s body?
(b) How does the poet describe the dragon’s mouth and nose?
(c) Whatdid the dragon have on his toes?
(d) What sort of teeth did he have?
(e) Write a pair of rhyming words.
(a) The dragon had spikes ort top of his body.
(b) The poet describes his mouth like a fireplace and nose like a chimney.
(c) He had daggers on his toes.
(d) He had big sharp teeth.
(e) The rhyming words are teeth-undemeath, nose-toes.


Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

(a) How is Belinda described in the stanza?
(b) How did Ink and Blink show their strength?
(c) How did Mustard show his bravery?
(d) What did Custard cry for?
(e) Name the poem and the poet.
(a) Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears.
(b) Ink and Blink showed their strength by chasing lions down the stairs.
(c) Mustard showed his bravery in anger.
(d) Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
(e) Poem: ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’, Poet: Ogden Nash.


Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him Percival,
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon
At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.

(a) Whom did Belinda tickle ?
(6) Who was called Percival by Ink, Blink and Mustard?
(c) How did the animals make fun of the dragon?
(d) What was the colour of the wagon?
(e) Who was cowardly?
(a) Belinda tickled the dragon.
(b) The dragon was called Percival by Ink, Blink and Mustard.
(c) All the animals laughed at him sitting in little red wagon.
(d) The wagon was of red colour.
(e) The dragon was cowardly.


Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
And Blink said Weeck ! which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

(a) How long did Belinda laugh?
(b) Which kind of giggling sound does a mouse produce?
(c) How did Ink and Mustard ask the mouse his age?
(d) What did custard cry for?
(e) Name the poem and the poet.
(a) Belinda laughed till she shook the house.
(b) It is‘Weeck’.
(c) They asked his age rudely.
(d) Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
(e) Poem: ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’, Poet: Ogden Nash.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.
Meowch ! cried Ink, and ooh ! cried Belinda, ’
For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.

(a) What did they suddenly hear?
(b) What did Mustard do?
(c) What did they see in the window?
(d) Whose nasty sound was it?
(e) What was the pirate doing?
(a) They suddenly heard a nasty sound.
(b) Mustard growled.
(c) They saw a pirate in the window.
(d) It was the pirate’s nasty sound.
(e) The pirate was climbing in the window.


Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
His beard was black, one leg was wood;
It was clear that the pirate meant no good.

(a) What did the pirate have in his hands?
(6) What was in his teeth?
(c) How does the poet describe his beard and leg?
(d) Did the pirate come for something good?
(e) Write a pair of rhyming words.
(a) He had pistols in his hands.
(b) He had a sword in his teeth.
(c) His beard was black and his leg was of wooden.
(d) No, he did not come for something good.
(e) The rhyming words are: right – bright wood – good.


Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp.
Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.

(a) Why did Belinda cry for help?
(b) What did Mustard do when it heard the cry of Belinda?
(c) How did Ink behave?
(d) Where did the mouse slip away?
(e) Name the poem and its poet.
(a) Belinda cried for help to see the pirate.
(b) Mustard ran with a fearful bark.
(c) Ink trickled down to the bottom of the house hold.
(d) The mouse slept away in to this hole.
(e) Poem: The Tale of Custard the Dragon Poet: Ogden Nash


But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

(a) Upon whom did Custard jump?
(b) How did he clash his tail?
(c) What did be look like when he clashed with the pirate?
(d) How did custard snort?
(e) Write a pair of rhyming words.
(a) Custard jumped on the pirate.
(b) He clashed his tail with clattering, clanking and jangling sounds.
(c) He looked like a robin falling on a worm.
(d) He snorted like an engine.
(e) The rhyming words are engine-dungeon, squirm-worm.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,
And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
He fired two bullets, but they didn’t hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit
The Tale of Custard The Dragon [Poetry Section]

(a) What did the pirate gulp?
(h) How did the pirate attack Custard?
(c) What did the dragon do to the pirate?
(d) Whose dragon was it?
(e) Name the poem and the poet.
(a) The pirate gulped grog from his flagon.
(b) He fired two bullets but they did not hit.
(c) Custard, the dragon, swallowed him fully.
(d) It was Belinda’s dragon.
(e) Poem: ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ Poet: Ogden Nash.


Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
No one mourned for his pirate victim.
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
Around the dragon that ate the pirate.

(a) Who did Belinda embrace and why?
(b) What did Ink, Blink and Mustard do?
(c) What was the reason of their glee?
(d) Name the poem and its poet.
(e) What does ‘mourned’ and ‘gyrate’ means?
(a) Belinda embraced custard because he killed the pirate.
(b) Ink and Blink did a dance and mustard licked custard.
(c) The pirate was killed.
(d) Poem: The Tale of Custard the Dragon, Poet: Ogden Nash
(e) (i) mourned : feel sad, (ii) Gyrate : Dance


But presently up spoke little dog Mustard,
I’d have been twice as brave if I hadn ’t been flustered.
And up spoke Ink and up spoke Blink,
We’d have been three times as brave, we think,
And Custard said, I quite agree.
That everyone is braver than me.

(a) What did Mustard say after the event?
(b) What did Ink and Blink speak about the situation?
(c) What was Custard’s reaction?
(d) Was Custard brave?
(e) What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
(a) Mustard said that he would have been twice brave if he had not become nervous.
(b) They said that they had been three times as brave.
(c) Custard agreed that everyone was braver than him.
(d) No, Custard was not brave.
(e) The rhyme scheme of this stanza is ‘aabbcc’.

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Belinda still lives in her little white house,
With her little black kitten and her little grey mouse,
And her little yellow dog and her little red wagon,
And her realio, trulio little pet dragon.

(a) Where does Belinda still live?
(b) What is the colour of kitten?
(c) Of what colour is the wagon?
(d) With what is Belinda living?
(e) What type of a dragon is it?
(a) Belinda still lives in her white house.
(b) The kitten is black.
(c) The wagon is red.
(d) Belinda is living with her little black kitten, her little grey mouse, her little yellow dog and her little
pet dragon.
(e) It is a little pet dragon.


Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.

(a) How brave is Belinda?
(b) Who chase the lions down the stairs?
(c) What does Custard keep crying for?
(d) What is the quality of Mustard?
(e) Write a pair of rhyming words.
(a) Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears.
(b) Ink and Blink chase the lions down the stairs.
(c) Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
(c) Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage.
(e) The rhyming words are:
bears – stairs rage – cage.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in English

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Introduction in English

This is a comical poem written by Ogden Nash. It is written in the form of a ballad. Belinda lives in alittle white house with her four pets. They are : Ink-little black kitten, Blink-alittle grey mouse, Mustard-a little yellow dog and custard a little pet dragon. They have a red wagon. A pirate attacks them. Belinda cries for help. The dragon gobbles the pirate.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in English

“Che Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is a comical poem written by Ogden Nash. A young lady name Belinda lived in a little white house with her four pets. They were Ink a little black kitten, Blink-a little grey mouse,Mustard – ayellow dog and Custard alittle pet dragon. Ink, Blink, and Mustard boasted of their bravery. They often made fun of custard for his cowardice. One day a pirate breaks into Belinda’s house. He had pistols in his both hands. Ink, Blink and Mustard run away in fear and hide themselves. But custard faces the pirate bravely and kills him. Belinda was very much happy with Custard. She embraced him. The other pets also danced with joy. But soon after they were again boasting of their bravery. Belinda was again taken in by them. She showered all her care for Ink, Blink and Mustard and leaving Custard crying for a nice safe cage.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in Hindi

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Introduction in Hindi

(यह Ogden Nash द्वारा लिखित एक हास्य कविता है। यह एक गीत के रूप में लिखी गई है। बेलिंडा एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में अपने चार पालतू जानवरों के साथ रहती है। वे हैं-इंक-एक छोटा काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चा, ब्लिंक-एक छोटा स्लेटी रंग का चूहा, मस्टर्ड-एक छोटा पीले रंग का कुत्ता और कस्टर्ड-एक छोटा पालतू अजगर । उनके पास एक लाल गाड़ी है। एक डाकू उन पर आक्रमण कर देता है। बेलिंडा मदद के लिए चिल्लाती है। अजगर डाकू को निगल जाता है।)

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in Hindi

‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ ogden Nash द्वारा लिखित एक हास्य कविता है। बेलिंडा नाम की एक नवयुवती अपने चार पालतू जानवरों के साथ एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में रहती थी। वे ये इंक-एक छोटा काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चा, ब्लिक-एक छोटा स्लेटी रंग का चूहा, मस्टर्ड-एक पीले रंग का कुत्ता और कस्टर्ड एक छोटा पालतू अजगर। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड हमेशा अपनी बहादुरी की शेखी मारते रहते थे। वे कस्टर्ड का उसकी कायरता के लिए प्रायः मजाक उड़ाया करते थे।

एक दिन एक डाकू बेलिंडा के घर में घुस जाता है। उसके दोनों हाथों में पिस्तौलें थीं। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड डरकर भाग जाते हैं और स्वयं को छुपा लेते हैं। लेकिन कस्टर्ड बहादुरी के साथ डाकू का सामना करता है और उसे मार देता है। बेलिंडा कस्टर्ड से बहुत अधिक खुश थी। उसने उसे गले से लगा लिया। दूसरे जानवरों ने भी खुशी के मारे नृत्य किया। लेकिन उसके शीघ्र बाद ही वे पुनः अपनी बहादुरी की शेखी मारने लगे। बेलिंडा फिर से उनकी बातों में आ गई। वह अपना सारा प्यार इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड को देने लगी और उसने कस्टर्ड को एक संदर सुरक्षित पिंजरे की माँग के साथ छोड़ दिया।

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Translation in Hindi


Belinda lived in a little white house,
With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.

Word-meanings: Kitten = the young one of a cat (बिल्ली का बच्चा); wagon = carriage, truck, (ट्रक); realio = word for ‘really’ (सचमुच); trulio = word for ‘truly’ (सचमुच); dragon = flying snake (उड़ने वाला साँप)।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा एक छोटे-से सफेद घर में रहती थी और उसके साथ एक छोटी काली बिल्ली और एक छोटा स्लेटी चूहा रहता था, एक छोटा पीला कुत्ता रहता था और एक छोटी लाल गाड़ी थी, और सचमुच एक पालतू ड्रैगन भी रहता था।)


Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink,
And the little grey mouse, she called him Blink,
And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard,
But the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard.

Word-meanings : Sharp = (here) intelligent (अक्लमंद); coward = timid (डरपोक)।
(हिंदी अनुवाद-अब उस छोटी काली बिल्ली का नाम इंक था, और वह छोटे स्लेटी चूहे को ब्लिंक कहकर पुंकारती थी और छोटे पीले कुत्ते का नाम मस्टर्ड था, जो अक्लमंद था। मगर ड्रैगन एक कायर था, और वह उसे कस्टर्ड कहती थी।)


Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
And realio, trulio daggers on his toes.

Word-meanings: Spikes = sharp nails (तीखी कीले); scales = hard skin, (सख्त त्वचा); daggers = knives, (छुरे)।
(हिंदी अनुवाद-कस्टर्ड नाम के ड्रैगन के बड़े और तेज दाँत थे। उसके शरीर के ऊपर नुकीले कील थे और नीचे मोटी त्वचा थी। उसका मुँह भही की तरह था, नाक एक चिमनी की तरह थी और सचमुच, उसके पैरों की उँगलियों पर छुरे थे।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Belinda was as brave as a barrelfull of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Word-meanings : Barrel = container (बर्तन); chased = followed (पीछा किया); stairs = staircase (सीढ़ियाँ); rage = anger (गुस्सा)

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा भालुओं से भरे बैरल की तरह बहादुर थी, और इंक और ब्लिंक सीढ़ियों पर शेरों का पीछा करते थे। मस्टर्ड इतना बहादुर है जितना गुस्से में बाघ। मगर कस्टर्ड सदा एक अच्छे और सुरक्षित पिंजरे के लिए चिल्लाता रहता था।)


Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely catted him Percival,
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.

Word-meanings : Tickled = scratched, (गुदगुदी की); unmerciful = without mercy (क्रूरता से); rudely = impertinently (घृष्टता से)।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा उसको क्रूरता से गुदगुदी करती थी। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड अभद्रता से उसे पर्सिवाल कहते थे। वे छोटी लाल गाड़ी में बैठकर सचमुच कायर ड्रैगन पर हँसते रहते थे।)


Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
And Blink said Weeck ! which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Word-meanings: Giggled = laughed (हँसी); weeck = laughing sound (हैंसने की आवाज़)।
(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा तब तक हँसती रही जब तक कि घर हिलने नहीं लगा। और ब्लिंक ने कहा वीक! जो कि चूहे के हँसने की आवाज़ होती है। इंक और मस्टर्ड ने तब अभद्रता से उसकी उम्र पूछी, जब कस्टर्ड अच्छे और सुरक्षित पिंजरे के लिए चिल्लाया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.
Meowch! cried Ink, and ooh! cried Belinda,
For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.

Word-meanings: Nasty = bad (बुरी); growled = low thundering sound (हल्की गरजने की आवाज़); pirate = a dacoit, (डाकू); winda = word for window (खिड़की)।

(हिंदी अनुबाद-अचानक उन्होंने एक बुरी आवाज़ सुनी, और मस्टर्ड गुर्राया और तब सबने मुड़कर देखा। इंक ‘म्याउं’ कहकर चिल्लाई और बेलिंडा ने चिल्लाकर कहा ‘ओह’, क्योंकि खिड़की में से एक डाकू आ रहा था।)


Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
His beard was black, one leg was wood;
It was clear that the pirate meant no good.

Word-meaning: Cutlass = sword (तलवार)।

(हिंदी अनुनाद-उसके बाएँ हाथ में पिस्तौल थी, उसके दाएँ हाथ में पिस्तौल थी। और उसके दाँतों के बीच एक चमकती हुई तलवार थी। उसके दाढ़ी काली थी और उसकी एक टाँग लकड़ी की थी। यह स्पष्ट था कि डाकू बुरा करने आया था।)


Belinda paled, and she cried Help l Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.

Word-meanings : Paled = terrified (भयभीत); fled = ran away (भाग गया); yelp = barked (भौंका); trickled down’= (here) went (चली गई); strategically = cleverly (चालाकी से)।
(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा भयभीत हो गई और वह सहायता के लिए चिल्लाई। मगर मस्टर्ड भयभीत ढंग से भौंककर गायब हो गया। इंक घर के निचले भाग में चली गई और छोटा चूहा चालाकी से अपने बिल में चला गया।)


But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

Word-meanings : Snorting = sound of air coming out of nostrils (फुफकारना); clashed = attacked (हमला); dungeon = cellar (तहखाना); clatter and a clank = sound of irons striking (लोहे की टकराने की आवाज़); jangling = sound of iron (लोहे की आवाज़); robin = a bird (एक पक्षी)।

(हिंदी अनुबाद-मगर कस्टर्ड एक इंजन की तरह फुफकारते हुए कूदा। उसने अपनी दुम से ऐसे आवाज़ की जैसे तहखाने में जंजीरें टकराती हैं। फिर वह कड़कड़ाहट की आवाज़ करते हुए डाकू पर ऐसे झपटा जैसे कीड़े पर पक्षी झपटता है।)


The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,:
And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
He fired two bullets, but they didn ’1 hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit
Word-meanings: Gaped = looked with surprise (हैरानी से देखा); gulped = swallowed, (निगल गया); grog = liquor (मदिरा); flagon = container (पात्र)।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-डाकू ने बेलिंडा के ड्रैगन को हैरानी से देखा। उसने अपनी जेब से पात्र निकालकर उसमें से कुछ शराब पी। उसने दो गोलियाँ चलाईं। मगर वे चूक गईं और कस्टर्ड उसे पूरा निगल गया।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions First Flight Poem 10 The Tale of Custard the Dragon


Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
No one mourned for his pirate victim.
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate Around the dragon that ate the pirate.

Word-meanings: Embraced = hugged (आलिंगन किया); licked = passed the tongue over (चाटना); mourned = felt sorry for (अफसोस करना); glee = joy (खुशी); gyrate = spin as in a dance (घूम-घूमकर नाचना) ।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा ने उसे आलिंगन किया, मस्टर्ड उसे चाटने लगा, मरे हुए डाकू पर किसी ने अफसोस नहीं किया। इंक और ब्लिंक उस ड्रैगन के आस-पास नाचने लगे जो डाकू को खा गया था।)


But presently up spoke little dog Mustard,
I’d have been twice as brave if I hadn’t been flustered.
And up spoke Ink and up spoke Blink,
We’d have been three times as brave, we think,
And Custard said, I quite agree That everybody is braver than me.

Word-meaning : Flustered = got nervous (घबरा जाना)।
(हिंदी अनुवाद-मगर तभी छोटा कुत्ता मस्टर्ड बोला, अगर मैं घबरा न जाता तो मैं उससे दुगुना बहादुर था। तब इंक और ब्लिंक ने कहा कि हमारे विचार में हम उससे तीन गुना अधिक बहादुर हैं और कस्टर्ड ने कहा कि मैं सहमत हूँ कि हर कोई मुझसे अधिक बहादुर है।)


Belinda still lives in her little white house,
With her little black kitten and her little grey mouse,
And her little yellow dog and her little red wagon,
And her realio, trulio little pet dragon.

Word-meanings: Kitten = a youngone of cat (बिल्ली का बच्चा); realio = real (सचमुच)।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा अभी भी अपने छोटे सफेद घर में रहती है। वह अपनी छोटी काली बिल्ली, छोटे स्लेटी चूहे और छोटे पीले कुत्ते और छोटी लाल गाड़ी के साथ रहत्ती है। और सचमुच उसके साथ उसका छोटा पालतू ड्रैगन भी रहता है।)


Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.

Word-meanings: Chase = to run after (पीछा करना); rage = anger (गुस्सा)।

(हिंदी अनुवाद-बेलिंडा भालुओं से भरे बैरल की तरह बहादुर है। और इंक और ब्लिंक सीढ़ियों पर शेरों का पीछा करते हैं। मस्टर्ड इतना बहादुर है जितना गुस्से में बाघ। मगर कस्टर्ड अच्छे, सुरक्षित पिंजरे के लिए चिल्लाता रहता है।)

JAC Class 10 English Solutions

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