JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

JAC Board Class 10th Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

JAC Class 10th Economics Consumer Rights Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why are rules and regulations required in the marketplace? Illustrate with a few examples.
Rules and regulations are required in the market place to protect the consumers from unfair trade practices and exploitation by the sellers. Exploitation in the marketplace happens in various ways. For example, sometimes traders indulge in unfair trade practices, such as, when shopkeepers weigh less than what they should or when traders add charges that were not mentioned before, or when adulterated/defective goods are sold.

Question 2.
What factors gave birth to the consumer movement in India? Trace its evolution.
The consumer movement arose out of dissatisfaction of the consumers as many unfair practices were being indulged in by the sellers.

JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

Question 3.
Explain the need for consumer consciousness by giving two examples.
Consumer consciousness is when consumers acquire knowledge about their rights to become a well – informed consumer, while purchasing various goods and services, e.g.,

  1. While buying commodities check for logos like ISI, Agmark or Hallmark. These logos and certification help consumers get assured of quality while purchasing the goods and services.
  2. Consumer Rights to healthy environment against water, noise and air pollution.

Question 4.
Mention a few factors which cause exploitation of consumers.
Traders try to earn a profit by using unfair means like weighing less, unfair trade practices and resort to adulteration, hoarding and black – marketing. Ignorance of the consumers.

JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

Question 5.
What is the rationale behind the enactment of Consumer Protection Act 1986?
The Indian Government enacted the Consumer Protection Act in 1986, popularly known as COPRA for the protection of consumers.

  1. Putting pressure on pvt. firms and the govt, to curb unfair trade practices.
  2. Recognising various rights of the consumers to seek redressal.

Question 6.
Describe some of your duties as consumers if you visit a shopping complex in your locality.
Join Consumer Awareness Organisations, take warrantee card with purchase, cash memos/bills with items, purchase quality marke products with ISI mark, Agmark, etc., make complaints for genuine grievances.

Question 7.
Suppose you buy a bottle of honey and a biscuit packet. Which logo or mark you will have to look for and why?
We would look for the ‘agmark’ symbol on them because this mark is certified by the government and assures the quality of the product.

JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

Question 8.
What legal measures were taken by the government to empower the consumers in india?

  1. Under COPRA a three-tier quasi – judicial machinery at the district, state and national levels was. set up for redressai of consumer disputes.
  2. The district level court deals with the cases involving claims upto 20 Iakh, the state level courts between 20 lakh and I crore and the national level court deals with the cases involving claims exceeding 1 crore.
  3. Thus, the Act has enabled us as consumers to have the right to represent in the consumer courts.

Question 9.
Mention some of the rights of consumers and write a few sentences on each. j

  1. Right to safety: The consumers have the right to be protected against the selling of hazardous goods to life and property.
  2. Right to be informed: Consumers have the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, purity, standard and price of goods.
  3. Right to be informed: Consumers can raise their voice against exploitation at consumer forums or consumer courts.
  4. Right to choose: Consumers have a right to choice from various goods and services at competitive prices.
  5. Right to seek Redressal: Consumers have the right to fair settlement or compensation of genuine grievances against unfair trade practices or exploitation.

Question 10.
By what means can the consumers express their solidarity?
Consumer Clubs, Resident Welfare Associations are some of the ways in which consumers can express their solidarity.

JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

Question 11.
Critically examine the progress of consumer movement in India.

  1. The consumer redressal process in India is time-consuming and expensive as a consumer has to engage the lawyers.
  2. If cash memos are not issued evidences are not easy to gather.
  3. The existing laws are also not very clear on the issue of compensation for defective products.
  4. Laws to protect workers in the unorganised sectors are weak.
  5. Rules and regulations for working of markets are often not followed.

Question 12.
Match the following.

(i) Availing details of ingredients of a product(a) Right to safety
(ii) Agmark(b) Dealing with consumer cases
(iii) Accident due to faulty engine in a scooter(c) Certification of edible oil and cereals
(iv) District – Consumer Courtt(d) Agency that develop standards for goods and services
(v) Consumers  International(e) Right to information
(vi) Bureau of Indian Standards(f) Global level institution of consumer welfare organisations


(i) Availing details of ingredients of a product(e) Right to information
(ii) Agmark(c) Certification of edible oil and cereals
(iii) Accident due to faulty engine in a scooter(a) Right to safety
(iv) District – Consumer Courtt(b) Dealing with consumer cases
(v) Consumers . International(f) Global level institution of consumer welfare organisations
(vi) Bureau of Indian Standards(d) Agency that develop standards for goods and services

Question 13.
(i) COPRA applies only to goods.

(ii) India is one of the many countries in the world which has exclusive courts for consumer redressal.

(iii) When a consumer feels that he has been exploited, he must file a case in the District Consumer Court.

(iv) It is worthwhile to move to consumer courts only if the damages incurred are of high value.

(v) Hallmark is the certification maintained for standardisation of jewelry.

(vi) The consumer redressal process is very simple and quick.

(vii) A consumer has the right to get compensation depending on the degree of the damage.

JAC Class 10 Social Science Solutions

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