JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Jharkhand Board JAC Class 9 English Solutions Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises Questions and Answers.

JAC Board Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में एक ही वाक्य को दो प्रकार से लिखा जा सकता है
1. Active Voice ( कर्तृवाच्य ) – इसमें Subject (कर्त्ता) प्रधान होता है और Verb कर्त्ता के पुरुष व वचन के अनुसार आती है । Active Voice में कर्त्ता को सर्वप्रथम लिखा जाता है । जैसे

1. Ram killed Ravan.
राम ने रावण को मारा ।

2. Hari writes a letter.
हरी एक पत्र लिखता है ।

उक्त दोनों वाक्यों में Ram व Hari क्रमश: killed व writes क्रियाओं के कर्त्ता हैं । उक्त कर्त्ताओं के पुरुष व वचन के अनुसार क्रियाएँ प्रयोग की गई हैं । अतः उक्त दोनों वाक्य Active Voice के हैं । – इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में कर्म (object) या कार्य (action) प्रधान होता है पुरुष व वचन के अनुसार आती है । Passive Voice में कर्म या कार्य को

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

2. Passive Voice (कर्मवाच्य) । ऐसे वाक्यों में verb कर्म या कार्य के सर्वप्रथम रखा जाता है । जैसे

1. Ravan was killed by Ram.
राम द्वारा रावण मारा गया ।

2. A letter is written by Hari.
हरी द्वारा एक पत्र लिखा जाता है ।

उक्त दोनों वाक्यों में Ravan एवं A letter सर्वप्रथम आये हैं तथा क्रियाएँ क्रमशः was killed व is written कर्मों के पुरुष व वचन के अनुसार प्रयोग की गई हैं। उक्त वाक्यों में कर्म को प्रधान माना गया है एवं कर्त्ता को गौण मानकर वाक्य के अन्त में लिखा गया है । कर्म (Object) को प्रधानता देने के कारण ये वाक्य कर्मवाच्य (Passive Voice) कहलाते हैं ।


Passive का प्रयोग किया जाता है :
A. जब किसी कार्य को करने वाले (doer) का वर्णन करना आवश्यक न हो क्योंकि यह स्पष्ट है कि यह कौन है / कौन था / कौन होगा । जैसे-
(i) The thief has been arrested. चोर गिरफ्तार किया जा चुका है ।
(ii) The drainage has not been cleaned. नाली को साफ नहीं किया गया है ।
(iii) Our attendance will be taken. हमारी उपस्थिति ली जाएगी ।
(iv) Our clothes are stitched. हमारे कपड़े सिले जाते हैं ।

B. जब हम यह जानते नहीं हैं या हमें ठीक-ठीक यह पता नहीं है या यह भूल गये हैं कि कार्य किसके द्वारा किया गया था । जैसे-

(i) I have been informed that ……………. मुझे बताया गया कि …………….
(ii) My car was hit from behind. मेरी कार को पीछे से टक्कर मारी गई ।
(iii) I was followed that day. उस दिन मेरा पीछा किया गया था ।
(iv) He was being welcomed. उसका स्वागत किया जा रहा था ।
(v) The new principal was garlanded. नये प्रधानाचार्य जी को माला पहनाई गई ।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

C. जब Active Verb का कर्ता people हो । जैसे-
People say that apples are good for health. = It is said that apples are good for health.

D. जब Active Sentence का Subject one हो । जैसे-

E. One can do it easily. = It can be easily done. इसे आसानी से किया जा सकता है ।
जब हमारी रुचि, कार्य किसके द्वारा किया गया से ज्यादा, किये गये कार्य में होती है । जैसे-

(i) The new bridge will be opened for the public soon.
नये पुल को शीघ्र ही जनता के लिए खोल दिया जायेगा ।

(ii) A new medicine for malaria has been discovered.
मलेरिया की नई दवा की खोज कर ली गई है ।

(iii) The rate of petrol has been increased.
पेट्रोल की दर बढ़ा दी गई है ।

F. कभी-कभी Active Sentence बड़ा ही भद्दा लगता है तथा ऐसा लगता है कि इसमें grammati- cal mistake है तो ऐसी स्थिति में भी passive का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे-
When I reached school late the teacher punished me के स्थान पर
When I reached school late I was punished (by the teacher).

G. कभी-कभी मनोवैज्ञानिक कारण से भी passive voice का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे- आपका e-mail किसी और के द्वारा पढ़ लिया गया है तथा आप जानते हो कि यह किसके द्वारा पढ़ा गया है । आप सामने वाले पर सीधे ही दोषारोपण करने के स्थान पर कहेंगे

(i) My e-mail has been read.
मेरा ई-मेल पढ़ लिया गया है

(ii) My e-mail account has been hacked.
मेरा ई-मेल अकाउण्ट हैक कर लिया गया है ।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Active से Passive में बदलने के नियम

विभिन्न वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम भी अलग-अलग होते हैं । इन नियमों की जानकारी प्राप्त करने से पहले Passive Voice की कुछ प्रमुख बातों को जानना जरूरी है। जैसे

  • Object को Subject के स्थान पर रखा जाता है ।
  • Verb के Tense और Object के Number तथा Person के अनुसार Verb ‘to be’ का form (is, are, am, was, were, be, being तथा been) रखा जाता है ।
  • Active Voice के Verb को Passive Voice में Past Participle Form (V3) में रखा जाता है ।
  • केवल Transitive Verbs का ही Passive Voice बनाया जा सकता है क्योंकि इनके Objects दिये रहते हैं। Intransitive Verbs के Objects नहीं होने के कारण इन्हें Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता ।

1. Assertive Sentences का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन

नियम 1. (a) Active से Passive Voice बनाते समय Object को Subject तथा Subject को Object के स्थान पर रख देते हैं । Subject को Object के स्थान पर रखने के पूर्व by या अन्य आवश्यक Preposition अवश्य लगाते हैं ।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 1

नियम 2. Passive Voice बनाते समय मुख्य क्रिया (Main Verb) के Past Participle Form (Third Form ) का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
नियम 3. Main Verb के Past Participle Form से पूर्व Active Voice के Tense व Object के Number तथा Person के अनुसार Verb ‘to be’ (is, are, am, was, were, be, being a been) का प्रयोग आवश्यक रूप से किया जाता है ।
Note : Passive Voice बनाते समय Verb ‘to be’ का सही रूप याद रखना कठिन कार्य है । छात्रों की सहायता के लिए यहाँ एक चार्ट दिया जा रहा है, जो इस कार्य में बहुत सहायक होगा ।JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 2

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

उपर्युक्त Chart का एक दूसरा प्रचलित रूप नीचे दिया गया है । छात्र दोनों में से किसी का भी प्रयोग कर सकतेJAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 3

प्रत्येक Tense में Active Voice के Sentences को Passive Voice में बदलने के नियम नीचे उदाहरण सहित दिये जा रहे हैं। इन्हें ध्यान से पढ़िये व समझिए –

नियम 1. Simple Present Tense में Passive Voice बनाते समय is, am, are व इसके बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं । जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram teaches me. I am taught by Ram.
2. Ram and his mother teach this boy. This boy is taught by Ram and his mother.
3. I teach them. They are taught by me.

नियम 2. Simple Past Tense में was या were के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं। जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Hari taught him. He was taught by Hari.
2. Rekha taught them. They were taught by Rekha.

नियम 3. Simple Future Tense में will be या shall be के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं। जैसे-

Active Passive
1. Ram will teach him. He will be taught by Ram.
2. My aunt will teach me.  I shall be taught by my aunt.

नियम 4. Present Continuous Tense में is, are, am के बाद being + Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं । जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram teaches me. I am being taught by Ram.
2. Sita is teaching him. He is being taught by Sita.
3. Radha is teaching them. They are being taught by Radha.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

नियम 5. Past Continuous Tense में was या were के बाद being + Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं। जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram was teaching me. I was being taught by Ram.
2. Radha was teaching them. They were being taught by Radha.

नियम 6. Present Perfect Tense में has been या have been के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं। जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram has helped me. I have been helped by Ram.
2. Ram and his father have helped him. He has been helped by Ram and his father.

नियम 7. Past Perfect Tense में had been लगाकर Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं । जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram had helped me. I had been helped by Ram.
2. My sister had helped him. He had been helped by my sister.

नियम 8. Future Perfect Tense में will have been या shall have been के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते हैं । जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Ram will have helped me. I shall have been helped by Ram.
2. Laxmi will have helped him. He will have been helped by Laxmi.

Note : निम्नलिखित Tenses के वाक्यों का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैं –

  • Future Continuous
  • Present Perfect Continuous
  • Past Perfect Continuous
  • Future Perfect Continuous

Assertive वाक्यों को Active से Passive में बदलने के नियमों को निम्नलिखित तालिका की मदद से भी समझा जा सकता है –
Present Tense

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Chart Of Active A Passive Voice

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 5

Test Exercise 1.

Complete the following Passive Voice sentences in the tenses suggested:

कोष्ठक में छपे tenses से निम्नलिखित Passive Voice के वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

1. The book ………………. (finish) next month. (Future Indefinite)
2. The fridge ……………….  (repair) today. (Present Continuous)
3. She ………………. (not disturb) during exam. (Past Indefinite)
4. She ……………….. (interview) in the meeting hall. (Present Continuous)
5. The parade ………………. (view) by the Chief Minister. (Present Perfect)
6. She ………………. (already show) the letters, when you phoned her. (Past Perfect)
7. The car ………………. (park) in the shed of a tree. (Present Continuous)
8. We………….. (teach) English by Dr Paliwal. (Present Indefinite)
9. All the toys………………..(not sell) yesterday. (Past Indefinite)
10. The piano …………… (play) very loudly. (Past Continuous)
11. By the end of this month this book ………………. (finish). (Future Perfect)
12. The dinner ………………. (already cook). (Present Perfect)
13. Your question ………………. (answer). (Future Indefinite)
14. The milk ………………. (boil). (Present Continuous)
15. You ………………. (not require) to pay your fee. (Present Indefinite)
1. will be finished.
2. is being repaired.
3. was not disturbed.
4. is being interviewed.
5. has been viewed.
6. had already been showed.
7. is being parked.
8. are taught
9. were not sold.
10. was being played.
11. will have been finished.
12. has already been cooked
13. will be answered.
14. is being boiled.
15. are not required.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 2.

Complete the following Passive Voice sentences in the tenses suggested:

कोष्ठक में छपे tenses से निम्नलिखित Passive Voice के वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –
1. English ……………….. (speak) all over the world. (Present Indefinite)
2. Your shirt ………………. (wash) in the washing machine. (Present Continuous)
3. Many trains ………………. (cancel) due to heavy fog. (Past Continuous)
4. This room …………… (clean) by 5 o’clock. (Future Perfect)
5. We entered the hall after the film ………………. (already start). (Past Perfect)
6. The train ………………. (stop). (Present Perfect)
7. This room ………………. (not open) on Tuesday. (Future Indefinite)
8. His leg ………………. (hurt) in an accident. (Past Indefinite)
9. When the lights went off, second innings ……………. (play). (Past Continuous)
10. This exercise ……………. (do) very seriously. (Present Continuous)
11. He ……………. (admit) to hospital before we reached there. (Past Perfect)
12. The food ……………. (cook) when the bell rang. (Past Continuous)
13. We …………….(not invite) to wedding yesterday. (Past Indefinite)
14. The work ……………. (finish) before she reached home. (Past Perfect)
15. My cups ……………. (break) by somebody. (Present Perfect)
1. is spoken.
2. is being washed.
3. were being cancelled.
4. will have been cleaned.
5. had already been started.
6 . has been stopped.
7. will not be opened.
8. was hurt
9. was being played.
10. is being done.
11. had been admitted.
12. was being cooked.
13. were not invited.
14. had been finished.
15. have been broken.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

नियम 9. Active Voice के कुछ sentences में can/may/could/might/should/would/ ought to / must आदि के बाद Verb की I form का प्रयोग होता है । ऐसे sentences को Passive Voice में बदलते समय can / may / could/might/should/would/ought to/musi आदि के बाद be रखा जाता है, तत्पश्चात् Verb की III form लिखी जाती है । जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Sarita will write a letter. A letter will be written by Sarita.
2. Your team can win the match. The match can be won by your team.
3. Our friends may help us. We may be helped by our friends.

नियम 10. Active Voice के जिन वाक्यों में Modal Auxiliary के बाद have + Past Participle V3 दिया हुआ होता है, उनको Passive Voice में बदलते समय have के बाद been का प्रयोग किया जाता है । जैसे-

Active Passive
1. Ratnesh will have cancelled this trip. This trip will have been cancelled by Ratnesh.
2. Mr Sharma could have sent a reply. A reply could have been sent by Mr Sharma.
3. Ram might have written the book. The book might have been written by Ram.

नियम 11. ऐसे नकारात्मक वाक्य जिनमें do/does/did + not + First Form of Verb दिया हो, उनका Passive Voice बनाते समय do/does + not + First Form of Verb को is/am/are + not + Third Form of Verb में बदल देते हैं और did + not + First Form of Verb को was/were + not + Third Form of Verb में बदल देते हैं ।
JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 6

Active Passive
1. He does not play football. Football is not played by him.
2. They do not help me. I am not helped.
3. She did not buy a pen. A pen was not bought by her.

परन्तु यदि वाक्य में अन्य helping verbs के साथ not हो तो Passive voice में पहली helping verb के बाद ही not रखते हैं; जैसे –

Active Passive
1. He is not teaching me. I am not being taught by him.
2. She will not have called me. I will not have been called by her.
3. He had not known us. We had not been known to him.

नियम 12. कुछ क्रियाओं के पश्चात् Passive Voice में by Preposition के स्थान पर अन्य (उन क्रियाओं हेतु निश्चित) Prepositions का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे –

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

(A) surprised, astonished, disappointed, displeased तथा alarmed के पश्चात् Passive Voice में at का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –

Active Passive
1. Your intelligence surprised me.
2. His success astonished us.
3. His behaviour disappointed me.
4. This news alarmed his father.
I was surprised at your intelligence.
We were astonished at his success.
I was disappointed at his behaviour.
His father was alarmed at this news.

(B) known तथा obliged के पश्चात् Passive Voice में to आता है; जैसे

1. Everybody knows Gandhiji.
2. He will oblige me.
Gandhiji is known to everybody.
I shall be obliged to him.

(C) pleased, satisfied, disappointed आदि के पश्चात् Passive Voice में with का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –

1. My behaviour pleased him.
2. Your work satisfies the officers.
3. His condition disappointed me.
He was pleased with my behaviour.
The officers are satisfied with your work.
I was disappointed with his condition.

(D) Interested के पश्चात् Passive Voice में in का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –

This book interests me. I am interested in this book.

नोट – कुछ Verbs ऐसे होते हैं जिनके Objects तो होते हैं पर उनके Passive Forms नहीं बनाये जा सकते। ये Verbs हैं – have, hold (in the sense of contain), contain, lack, suit, fit, resemble आदि I निम्न वाक्यों में इन Verbs का प्रयोग किया गया है, परन्तु इन वाक्यों का Passive Form नहीं बनाया जा सकता । जैसे –

1. My brothers have four cars. — (Passive Voice not possible)
2. This glass holds a litre milk. — (Passive Voice not possible)
3. This book contains 90 pages. — (Passive Voice not possible)
4. This girl resembles her mother. — (Passive Voice not possible)
5. Hot climate suits me — (Passive Voice not possible)

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 3

Change the following sentences into passive voice:

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए –
1. Hari will eat a mango.
2. She cooked food for me.
3. She does not clean her room.
4. I forbade him to go there.
5 . You will play a game.
6. He learns English.
7. He thanked me.
8. He will tell you everything.
9. She reads a story.
10. He drank all the milk.
11. My brother will help my friend.
12. She made tea for us.
13. Hari plays hockey.
14. We don’t cut green trees.
15. He bought a number of books.
16. Mohan will not help his sister.
1. A mango will be eaten by Hari.
2. Food was cooked for me by her.
3. Her room is not cleaned by her.
4. He was forbidden by me to go there.
5. A game will be played by you.
6. English is learnt by him.
7. I was thanked by him.
8. You will be told everything by him.
9. A story is read by her.
10. All the milk was drunk by him.
11. My friend will be helped by my brother.
12. Tea was made for us by her.
13. Hockey is played by Hari.
14. Green trees are not cut by us.
15 . A number of books were bought by him.
16. His sister will not be helped by Mohan.

Test Exercise 4

Change the following sentences into passiz” trice:

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए –
1. Ram was crossing the river.
2. You are not cutting trees.
3. She is not taking medicines.
4. Rashi was boiling milk.
5. I am learning English.
6. We are not reading Sanskrit.
7. He is taking the examination.
8. They were selling vegetables.
9. They are not eating mangoes.
10. She was preparing tea.
1. The river was being crossed by Ram.
2. Trees are not being cut by you.
3. Medicines are not being taken by her.
4. Milk was being boiled by Rashi.
5 . English is being learnt by me.
6. Sanskrit is not being read by us.
7. The examination is being taken by him.
8. Vegetables were being sold by them.
9. Mangoes are not being eaten.
10. Tea was being prepared by her.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 5

Change the following sentences into passive voice :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए –

1. I can lift this box.
2. Your sister may help us.
3. I could attend the function.
4. This medicine might cure your cough.
5. We should obey the elders.
6. All of you ought to avoid the company of bad boys.
7. We must pay our taxes.
8. He could have caught the train.
9. Sarita ought to have consulted an
10. The leader might have delivered an advocate. lecture.
11. Nobody can solve this problem.
12. They needn’t do this work.
1. This box can be lifted by me.
2. We may be helped by your sister.
3. The function could be attended by me.
4. Your cough might be cured by this medicine.
5 . The elders should be obeyed.
6 . The company of bad boys ought to be avoided.
7. Our taxes must be paid by us.
8 . The train could have been caught by him.
9. An advocate ought to have been consulted by Sarita.
10. A lecture might have been delivered by the leader.
11 This problem cannot be solved.
12. This work needn’t be done.

2. Interrogative Sentences का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन

Interrogative Sentences का Passive Voice सदैव Interrogative में ही बनता है । इनको Passive Voice में बदलते समय Active Voice के कर्त्ता (Subject) को अधिकतर by लगाकर Verb के Third Form के बाद Object रूप में रखते हैं क्योंक बिना इनके वाक्य पूर्ण नहीं बन पाता है ।

Passive Voice में बदलने की दृष्टि से प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य अनेक प्रकार के होते हैं । अतः Passive Voice में बदलते समय इनके नियमों में जो थोड़ा-थोड़ा अन्तर होता है वह इस प्रकार से है –

नियम 1. अगर वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम (Interrogative Pronoun) नहीं हो अर्थात् केवल Auxiliary Verb (is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did आदि) हो तो Passive Voice में Auxiliary Verb को वाक्य के Tense और Object के Person और Number के अनुसार बदलकर प्रयोग करते हैं । अन्य नियम पूर्ववत् रहते हैं ।

Active Passive
1. Do/Does/Did + Sub + Verb की I Form
2. Has/Have/Had + Sub + V3
3. Other H. V. + Sub + Verb
Is/Am/Are/Was/Were/ + object + V3
Has/Have/Had + object + been + V3
Other H.V. + object + be/being + V3

Active — Passive

1 Did he kill a lion? — Was a lion killed by him ?
2. Are you bringing tea? — Is tea being brought by you?
3. Do you help your friends ? — Are your friends helped by you?
4. Have you done that work ? — Has that work been done by you?

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Active — Passive

1. Will she write a book ? — Will a book be written by her ?
2. May I see it? — May it be seen by me ?
3. Could she write a book ? — Could a book be written by her?

Test Exercise 6.

Change the following sentences into passive voice :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए :

1. Did they write stories and essays ?
2. May I take it?
3. Could she write a book ?
4. Shall I ever forget those happy days ?
5. Was he singing a song yesterday?
6 . Have you read the Ramcharitmanas?
7. Did you finish your work in time ?
8. Does she help Ramesh ?
9. Have you done your homework ?
10. Are you helping him ?
1. Were stories and essays written by them ?
2. May it be taken by me ?
3 . Could a book be written by her ?
4. Will those happy days ever be forgotten ?
5 . Was a song being sung by him yesterday ?
6. Has the Ram charitmanas been read by you ?
7. Was your work finished in time by you ?
8 . Is Ramesh helped by her ?
9. Has your homework been done by you ?
10. Is he being helped by you ?

नियम 3. Active Voice में वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में Question Word (प्रश्नवाचक शब्द) (why, when, where, how, which, what आदि) हो तो Passive Voice में इस प्रश्नवाचक शब्द को वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में ज्यों का त्यों रख दिया जाता है । शेष बातें पूर्ववर्ती नियमों के अनुसार ही लागू होती हैं ।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 7

Active — Passive
1. When does he help me? — When am I helped by him ?
2. Why did you write a letter? — Why was a letter written by you?
3. How is Ravi preparing tea? — How is tea being prepared by Ravi ?
4. Where has Laxmi lost the purse ? — Where has the purse been lost by Laxmi ?

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 7

Change the following sentences into passive voice :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए :
1. Why did you not finish your work ?
2. Why are you beating the servant?
3. Why had he written a letter?
4. Why do you abuse him ?
5. Where can I find work ?
6. Why did you allow them to go ?
7. When will you return the book ?
8. How is Girdhar solving the puzzle ?
9. Why did you write a letter ?
10. Where have you put my bag ?
1.Why was your work not finished ?
2. Why is the servant being beaten by you ?
3. Why had a letter been written by him ?
4 . Why is he abused by you ?
5. Where can work be found by me ?
6. Why were they allowed by you to go ?
7. When will the book be returned by you?
8. How is the puzzle being solved by Girdhar?
9. Why was a letter written by you ?
10. Where has my bag been put by you ?

नियम 4. यदि Active Voice के वाक्य में प्रश्न Who से शुरू हो तो Passive Voice बनाते समय Who के स्थान पर या तो By whom रखते हैं या प्रारम्भ में Who रखकर by वाक्य के बिलकुल अन्त में ले जाते हैं, तथा शेष वाक्य को Passive में बदलकर पहली helping verb को subject के आगे रख देते हैं । जैसे –

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises 8
Active — Passive

1. Who called Gita ?– By whom was Gita called? Or Who was Gita called by?
2. Who stole the pen ? — By whom was the pen stolen? Or Who was the pen stolen by ?
3. Whom did you suggest? — Who was suggested by you?

Test Exercise 8

Change the following sentences into passive voice:

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए :
1. Who taught you German ?
2. Who has taken my pen ?
3. Who is using my typewriter ?
4. Who will buy a new pen ?
5. Who wrote Godan?
6. Whom did you see there ?
7. Did the nurse help your mother
8 . Did anybody ask any question about me ? in the hospital?
9. Who created this universe?
10. Will the farmer cut his crops ?
11. Does he disturb you often ?
12. When did you receive the letter ?
1. By whom were you taught German ?
2. By whom has my pen been taken ?
3. By whom is my typewriter being used ?
4. By whom will a new pen be bought?
5 . By whom was Godan written ?
6. Who was seen there by you ?
7. Was your mother helped by the nurse in the hospital?
8. Was any question asked about me ?
9. By whom was this universe created ?
10. Will his crops be cut by the farmer ?
11. Are you often disturbed by him ?
12. When was the letter received by you?

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

3. Imperative Sentences का Passive Voice में पस्थितन

नियम 1. जिन वाक्यों से order या command का भाव प्रकट होता है, उन्हें Passive Voice में बदलने के लिए वाक्य में अपनी ओर से Let का प्रयोग करते हैं तथा उसे वाक्य के प्रारम्भ में रखते हैं । उसके बाद Object (कर्म) रखा जाता है । इसके पश्चात् be + Past Participle अर्थात् क्रिया की Third Form का प्रयोग करते हैं ।

Pattern ( सूत्र ) : Verb + Object → Let +Object + be +V3

Active Passive
1. Post this letter.
2. Tell him to wait.
3. Give me a book.
Let this letter be posted.
Let him be told to wait.
Let me be given a book. Or Let a book be given to me.

नियम 2. जब Imperative Sentence, Negative हो तो Passive Voice निम्नलिखित दो में से किसी एक तरीके से बना सकते हैं –
(a) Do not के स्थान पर let not का प्रयोग करते हैं ।

Pattern ( सूत्र ) : Do not + Verb + Object  → Let +not +Object +be +V3

Active Passive
1. Do not kill the bird.

2. Do not abuse Ram.

(a) Let not the bird be killed. Or
(b) Let the bird not be killed.(a) Let not Ram be abused. Or
(b) Let Ram not be abused.

नियम 3. Imperative Sentence यदि सलाह (advice) या प्रार्थना (request) के रूप में हो तो Passive Voice बनाते समय –
(a) please या kindly के स्थान पर You are requested to तथा सलाह की स्थिति में You are advised to का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे –

Active — Passive

1. Please take your seat — You are requested to take your seat.
2. Avoid bad company — You are advised to avoid bad company.

(b) please या kindly (यदि हो तो) हटा देते हैं । वाक्य को should be V3 के रूप में लिखते हैं; जैसे Active Passive Please help the poor. The poor should be helped.
Note : इस प्रकार के वाक्यों की Passive Voice बनाने में उपर्युक्त दो में से किसी भी एक तरीके का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है । जैसे –

Active — Passive
Please take the medicines. –(a) You are requested to take the medicines. Or (b) The medicines should be taken.

नियम 4. यदि Imperative Sentence let से आरम्भ हो तो let के Indirect Object को Passive Voice में Preposition by का Object बना देते हैं तथा Direct Object का प्रयोग let के पश्चात् किया जाता है । जैसे-

Active Passive
1. Let him play cricket.
2. Let her make tea.
Let cricket be played by him.
Let tea be made by her.


JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 9.

Change the following sentences into passive voice :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को passive voice में बदलिए –
1. Stop making a noise.
2. Write a letter to the collector.
3. Type this letter today.
4. Arrest this thief.
5. Please open your book.
6. Help the poor.
7. Please allow me to go.
8. Don’t waste your money.
9. Please take down my address.
10. Leave that book on the table.
1. You are requested to stop making a noise.
2. Let a letter be written to the collector.
3 . Let this letter be typed today.
4. Let this thief be arrested.
5. You are requested to open your book.
6. Let the poor be helped.
7. You are requested to allow me to go.
8. Let your money not be wasted.
9. You are requested to take down my address.
10. Let that book be left or the table.

Test Exercise 10

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
Today he and admired all over the world.
(a) is read
(b) will be read
(c) will read
(d) was being reading
(a) is read

Question 2.
At the age of 17, Rabindranath ………….. to England.
(a) is sent
(b) was sent
(c) will sent
(d) will have sent
(b) was sent

Question 3.
Food ……………. in freeze.
(a) is store
(b) is storing
(c) is being stored
(d) is stored
(d) is stored

Question 4.
A number of girls …………. last year in our school.
(a) are admitted
(b) are being admitted
(c) will be admitted
(d) were admitted
(d) were admitted

Question 5.
Last year barley …………. on our farm.
(a) was grown
(b) will grow
(c) were being grown
(d) is grown
(b) will grow

Question 6.
Tea ………….. without milk by many people.
(a) will be liked
(b) will have been liked
(c) is liked
(d) was liked
(c) is liked

Question 7.
She knew the man who …………..
(a) was arrested
(b) was being arrested
(c) is arrested
(d) is being arrested
(a) was arrested

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 8.
I am sure you ……….. by everyone in your school.
(a) are being envied
(b) are envy
(c) will envy
(d) will envied
(a) are being envied

Question 9.
At present only the administrative block of the new school ……………
(a) is being built
(b) is built
(c) was built
(d) had been built
(a) is being built

Question 10.
When you left for Mumbai, the school building …….. down.
(a) was being pull
(b) was pull
(c) was being pulled
(d) will be pulled
(c) was being pulled

Question 11.
Last month all the rubble
(a) was be removed
(b) will be remove
(c) was being remove
(d) was removed
(d) was removed

Question 12.
Are you in music ?
(a) interested
(b) interesting
(c) interest
(d) being interested
(a) interested

Question 13.
New plans ………………… to reach the moon last year.
(a) have been made
(b) were being made
(c) had been made
(d) will be made
(b) were being made

Question 14.
Much better food ………………… in the past.
(a) was eaten
(b) will be eaten
(c) had been eaten
(d) was being eaten
(a) was eaten

Question 15.
The school gate before I arrived.
(a) had already been opened
(b) have already been opened
(c) will already have been opened
(d) was already opened
(a) had already been opened

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Test Exercise 11

Complete the following sentences by Choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
I wondered if he too ……………….. to observe the fast.
(a) have been instructed
(b) had been instructed
(c) has been instructed
(d) is instructed
(b) had been instructed

Question 2.
The room when I arrived.
(a) was cleaned
(b) have been cleaned
(c) was cleaned
(d) was being cleaned.
(d) was being cleaned.

Question 3.
As soon as it was dark, the gates of the city ……………….
(a) was closed
(b) were closed
(c) will be closed
(d) are closed
(b) were closed

Question 4.
On Sunday last zoo of Jaipur ……………….. by us.
(a) were visited
(b) had been visited
(c) was visited
(d) will be visited
(c) was visited

Question 5.
Houses at Deepawali.
(a) were whitewashed
(b) are whitewashed
(c) have been whitewashed
(d) had been whitewashed
(b) are whitewashed

Question 6.
The elders ………….
(a) will obeyed
(b) must be obey
(c) should be obeyed
(d) will have be obeyed
(c) should be obeyed

Question 7.
Today a new car ………………… by me.
(a) is used
(b) is being used
(c) have been used
(d) was used
(b) is being used

Question 8.
I ………………. by my friend.
(a) have just been informed
(b) have just informed
(c) had just been informed
(d) has just informed
(a) have just been informed

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 9.
The prize giving in the hall tomorrow.
(a) will held
(b) will be held
(c) will have been held
(d) are held
(b) will be held

Question 10.
When I reached there I …………….. to wait outside.
(a) am told
(b) was told
(c) had been tell
(d) will be told
(b) was told

Question 11.
Many new books …………………. every year.
(a) are published
(b) will be published
(c) have published
(d) had published
(a) are published

Question 12.
I ……………….. where to go.
(a) have not been told
(b) have not told
(c) was not told
(d) were not told
(a) have not been told

Test Exercise 12.

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
A loud explosion ………………… in the middle of the night.
(a) was heard
(b) is heard
(c) will be heard
(d) have been heard
(a) was heard

Question 2.
This sort of advertisement ……………….. everywhere.
(a) can be seen
(b) could being seen
(c) must be seen
(d) can have been seen
(a) can be seen

Question 3.
Stars during the day.
(a) cannot be seen
(b) cannot see
(c) cannot have seen
(d) cannot seen
(a) cannot be seen

Question 4.
Has the subject before?
(a) be mentioned
(b) been mentioned
(c) being mentioned
(d) be mention
(b) been mentioned

Question 5.
If I had not teased that dog, I ……………. by the dog.
(a) would not have been bitten
(b) would not have be bitten
(c) would not have bitten
(d) would not bitten
(a) would not have been bitten

Question 6.
A kite tomorrow by me.
(a) will be flew
(b) will be flown
(c) will fly
(d) will be flying
(b) will be flown

Question 7.
Look! My car (tow = कार को किसी वाहन से बांधकर खींचना)
(a) is towed
(b) is being towed
(c) have been towed
(d) have been towing
(b) is being towed

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 8.
Shanti cannot walk. Her leg …………………
(a) had been hurt
(b) has be hurt
(c) has being hurt
(d) has been hurt
(d) has been hurt

Question 9.
Do you know Anil who from the class ?
(a) have been terminated
(b) has been terminated
(c) had been terminated
(d) will have been terminated
(b) has been terminated

Question 10.
My parents think that a grave mistake by me.
(a) has committed
(b) has been committed
(c) had been committed
(d) will have been committed
(b) has been committed

Question 11.
Your car looks lovely. Has it ……………….. ?
(a) be washed
(b) being washed
(c) be washing
(d) been washed
(d) been washed

Question 12.
The letter ……….. a week ago and it arrived yesterday.
(a) is posted
(b) was posted
(c) will be posted
(d) had posted
(b) was posted

Question 13.
The bus fell into a deep ditch but fortunately everybody…………
(a) is rescued
(b) was rescued
(c) will have been rescued
(d) was being rescued
(b) was rescued

Question 14.
Many accidents ………….. by careless driving.
(a) is caused
(b) are caused
(c) were caused
(d) had been caused
(b) are caused

Question 15.
I can’t use the office at this time. It ………
(a) is redecorated
(b) is being redecorated
(c) was being redecorated
(d) had been redecorated
(b) is being redecorated

Test Exercise 13

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
A tree was lying across the road. It ……………… down by the storm.
(a) was being blown
(b) has been blown
(c) was blown
(d) is blown
(c) was blown

Question 2.
Come to see me after 8:00 p.m. Dinner by then.
(a) will have been finished
(b) will be finished
(c) has been finished
(d) had been finished
(a) will have been finished

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 3.
Who is that boy ? He here before.
(a) had never been seen
(b) was never been seen
(c) has never been seen
(d) will never have been seen
(c) has never been seen

Question 4.
I didn’t know who that woman was. She here before.
(a) has never been seen
(b) had never been seen
(c) will never been seen
(d) was never being seen
(b) had never been seen

Question 5.
Look! All the milk on the carpet.
(a) had been spilt
(b) was spilt
(c) is spilt
(d) has been spilt
(d) has been spilt

Question 6.
Well, it wasn’t me. It ………………. by me.
(a) is not done
(b) was not done
(c) will not done
(d) had not been done
(b) was not done

Question 7.
I don’t think we ………… in time
(a) will have been informed
(b) shall be informed
(c) have been informed
(d) had been informed
(b) shall be informed

Question 8.
Don’t worry about the course. Your course ………………….
(a) will be completed
(b) will have been completed
(c) can be completed
(d) had been completed
(a) will be completed

Question 9.
I have bought a gift for my sister. Do you think it ……………… by her?
(a) had been liked
(b) have been liked
(c) will be liked
(d) will been liked
(c) will be liked

Question 10.
If you don’t like it, you other drink.
(a) would be provided
(b) will be provided
(c) has been provided
(d) will have provided
(d) will have provided

Question 11.
Your brother after by my sister at present.
(a) was looked
(b) is being looked
(c) will be looked
(d) has been looked
(d) has been looked

Question 12.
I ………… Hindi by Mr Sharma.
(a) am taught
(b) was taught
(c) will be taught
(d) am being taught
(a) am taught

Question 13.
A letter ………………… by Sarita tomorrow.
(a) is written
(b) will be written
(c) has been written
(d) had been written
(b) will be written

Question 14.
Your team has capacity. So the match by your team.
(a) is won
(b) was won
(c) is being won
(d) can be won
(d) can be won

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 15.
People say that teachers by their students.
(a) is respected
(b) were respected
(c) could be respected
(d) are respected
(d) are respected

Test Exercise 14

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
She …………….. to wash my clothes yesterday.
(a) was made
(b) were made
(c) will be made
(d) is being made
(a) was made

Question 2.
They will think that our course …………….. by the end of the month.
(a) will have been completed
(b) will be completed
(c) has been completed
(d) had been completed
(a) will have been completed

Question 3.
The moon …………….. to have black spots.
(a) is said
(b) was said
(c) will be said
(d) has been said
(a) is said

Question 4.
Akbar …………….. to be a great king.
(a) are said
(b) is said
(c) was said
(d) is being said
(b) is said

Question 5.
More and more trees ………………. because it is necessary to do so.
(a) should be grown
(b) was grown
(c) were grown
(d) is grow
(a) should be grown

Question 6.
The crops …………….. before it rained.
(a) have been reaped
(b) were reaped
(c) had been reaped
(d) will have been reaped
(c) had been reaped

Question 7.
Life is full of worries ……………….. Problems
(a) had been faced
(b) is faced by everybody daily.
(c) had been faced
(d) are faced
(d) are faced

Question 8.
A tiger ……………….. in the forest yesterday.
(a) is seen
(b) am seen
(c) was seen
(d) are faced
(c) was seen

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 9.
The lesson …………….. very well tomorrow.
(a) was demonstrated
(b) is demonstrated
(c) will be demonstrated
(d) have been demonstrated
(c) will be demonstrated

Question 10.
Most of the fruits……………..  in cold storage in this age.
(a) is kept
(b) are kept
(c) were kept
(d) was kept
(b) are kept

Question 11.
I know that a novel …………….. by you these days.
(a) is being written
(b) was being written
(c) had been written
(d) has been written
(a) is being written

Question 12.
Ronald Ross ……………. at Almora.
(a) is born
(b) was born
(c) will be born
(d) has been born
(b) was born

Question 13.
He …………….. in England in 1946.
(a) was educated
(b) is being educated
(c) is educated
(d) will be educated
(a) was educated

Question 14.
He ………….. in 1911.
(a) is knighted
(b) knighted
(c) was knighted
(d) will be knighted
(c) was knighted

Question 15.
English ……………. all over the world.
(a) will be spoken
(b) is spoken
(c) is speak
(d) was spoken
(b) is spoken

Test Exercise 15

Complete the following sentences by choosing correct passive form of the verbs given:

दी गई क्रियाओं में से सही passive रूप चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूर्ण करो –

Question 1.
No one knew that malaria ……………….. through mosquitoes.
(a) will be transmitted
(b) is transmitted
(c) was transmitted
(d) had been transmitted
(c) was transmitted

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 2.
Smoking at public places unlawful.
(a) has been declared
(b) had been declared
(c) have been declared
(d) will have been declared
(a) has been declared

Question 3.
Honesty ………………… everywhere.
(a) will appreciate
(b) is appreciated
(c) is being appreciated
(d) was being appreciated
(b) is appreciated

Question 4.
The thief yesterday.
(a) is caught
(b) was caught
(c) had been caught
(d) was being caught
(b) was caught

Question 5.
The enemy planes ………………… down recently.
(a) is gunned
(b) was gunned
(c) had been gunned
(d) have been gunned
(d) have been gunned

Question 6.
The gallantry awards for this year ………………..
(a) is announced
(b) are announced
(c) was announced
(d) have been announced
(d) have been announced

Question 7.
Indian soldiers ………………… for bravery.
(a) will be known
(b) are known
(c) had known
(d) have known
(b) are known

Question 8.
The stray animals ……………. these days.
(a) are caught
(b) are being caught
(c) were being caught
(d) had been caught
(b) are being caught

Question 9.
The children ………………… French in Paris.
(a) is taught
(b) are taught
(c) were taught
(d) will have been taught
(b) are taught

Question 10.
His father was ill so he …………………. the leave.
(a) was granted
(b) is granted
(c) has been granted
(d) will be granted
(a) was granted

Question 11.
Ramu stole my watch, so he ………………… yesterday.
(a) is arrested
(b) was arrested
(c) will be arrested
(d) will have been arrested
(b) was arrested

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Question 12.
I know that she …………… to England for higher education next year.
(a) is sent
(b) was sent
(c) will be sent
(d) is being sent
(c) will be sent

Question 13.
Many things of plastic.
(a) is made
(b) are made
(c) were made
(d) was made
(b) are made

Question 14.
The Merchant of Venice’ by Shakespeare.
(a) had been written
(b) was written
(c) is written
(d) have been written
(b) was written

Question 15.
I ………………..when I was returning home.
(a) am followed
(b) am being followed
(c) was followed
(d) was being followed
(d) was being followed

Test Exercise 16

Put the most suitable words in the spaces to complete the following sentences choosing from the brackets given against each space :

प्रत्येक रिक्त स्थान के सम्मुख दिये गये कोष्ठकों में से सबसे उपयुक्त शब्द चुनकर निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को पूरा करो-

1. Atoms are tiny particles of ………(a)……… (that/which/whose) everything is made. It is impossible to imagine ………(b) …………… (why/how/who) small an atom is. A sheet of paper is probably a million atoms thick. Atoms ………(c)……… (are made/were made/have been made) of smaller particles……..(d)….. (called/call/calling) sub-atomic particles.
1. (a) which (b) how (c) are made (d) called

2. For a long time amphibians (a)……… (are confused/were confused/had been confused) with reptiles. Like reptiles, they have three chambered hearts and
(b). (are/were/have been) cold-blooded. Some amphibians, such as salamanders ……..(c)……… (are/were/had been) even-shaped like lizards. However, unlike reptiles, amphibians never have claws on their toes or scales on their bodies. Furthermore, the eggs of mphibians lack shells, so they (d). (must be laid/can be laid/will be laid) in water or moist places.
(a) were confused (b) are (c) are (d) must be laid

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

3. Vegetables ………(a)……… (are usually grown/were usually grown/will be usually grown) in suburbs that are never big towns. Vegetables ………(b)………. (were plucked/are being plucked/are plucked) early in the morning and sent to the wholesale market. There are so many middlemen ………(c)……… (whom/who/which) are known as brokers. They have their own sheds where the vegetables …………….(d)……………. (were auctioned/are auctioned/have been auctioned).
(a) are usually grown (b) are plucked (c) who (d) are auctioned

4. ………(a)……… (Which/What/Why) roles are to be taken up by men and women (b)……… (are determined/were determined/had been determined) by various factors. The most important among these factors are the family traditions and expectations. In rural and backward areas the gender division ……….(c)……… (was followed/is followed/has been followed) strictly. The division . (d)… (is also being influenced/is also influenced/ was also influenced) by religious factors.
(a) What (b) are determined (c) is followed (d) is also influenced

Test Exercise 17

Change the following sentences into Passite Voice.

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को Passive Voice में बदलिए।
1. Today Tommy found a real book.
Today …………………………………………………….

2. I wouldn’t throw it away.
It …………………………………………………….

3. Men with bushy beards give me trouble.
I ……………………………………………………

4. Bring my tea into the drawing-room.
Let …………………………………………………….

5. I tore them up for my surprise.
They …………………………………………………….

6. I took off my black coat.
My black coat …………………………………………………….

7. Was it admiring its own beauty?
Was …………………………………………………….

8. Did you see the snake next day?
Was …………………………………………………….

9. I filled the slot.
The slot ……………………………………………………..

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Exercises

10. Let me do it.
Let ……………………………………………………..

11. I did not say anything.
Nothing …………………………………………………….

12. I was going to close it.
It …………………………………………………….

13. I could not find it.
It …………………………………………………….

14. I made no comment.
No comment …………………………………………………….

15. I will take my oath.
My oath …………………………………………………….

16. I will not shoot the sloth bear.
The sloth bear…………………………………………………….

17. My son and I advised my wife.
My wife…………………………………………………….

18. She wrote a number of letters to the curator.
A number of letters …………………………………………………….

19. I am not taking it for fun.
It …………………………………………………….

20. This conversation bores me.
I …………………………………………………….
1. Today a real book was found by Tommy.
2. It wouldn’t be thrown away by me.
3 . I am given trouble by men with bushy beards.
4 . Let tea be brought into the drawing-room by me.
5. They were torn up for my surprise by me.
6 . My black coat was taken off by me.
7. Was its own beauty admired by it?
8 . Was the snake seen by you the next day?
9 . The slot was filled by me.
10. Let it be done by me.
11. Nothing was said by me.
12. It was going to be clost by me.
13. It could not be found by me.
14 . No comment was made by me.
15 . My oath will be taken by me.
16. The sloth bear will not be shot by me.
17. My wife was advised by my son and me.
18. A number of letters were written to the curator by her.
19. It is not being taken for fun by me.
20. I am bored with this conversation.

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