JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

JAC Board Class 10th English Grammar Determiners

JAC Class 10th English Grammar Determiners Textbook Questions and Answers

A determiner is a word placed in front of a noun to specify its quantity or to tell what the noun refers to.

Determiners have two purposes:
Referring and Quantifying. Referring means what the noun is pointing to or talking about. Articles, demonstratives and possessives are the most common types of determiners which are used for referring.
Where is the pen f gave you? ft is my hat.
I will need this bag while travelling to New Delhi.

Quantifying means how much or how many something is/are.
The victim accused five people in burglary case.
There are many species of dogs.
I secured seventh rank in UPSC examination.
There is enough milk in the jug to brew tea.

Determiners are classified into:
Main determiners, Pre-determiners and Post-determiners.
Articles, Demonstratives and Possessives are main determiners.
Pre-determiners come before main determiners and post-determiners, come after main determiners.
These include Quantifiers, Numbers (cardinal and ordinal) and fnterrogatives.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

Let us know about the determiners in detail.

Articlesa, an, the
Demonstrativesthis, that, these, those
Possessivesmy, our, your, his, her, its, their
Ordinalsfirst, second, third, fourth, next, last, etc.
Cardinalsone, two, three, hundred, thousand, etc.
Quantifiersmuch, many, enough, several, lot of, plenty of, some, few, all, both, no, any, little, another, etc.
Distributiveseach, every, either, neither
Inter rogativeswhat, which, whose



Articles are of two types – indefinite and definite. Articles are placed before nouns.

Uses of Indefinite Articles : a, an
A or An is called the Indefinite Article because it does not speak of any particular person or thing.

• They are used with singular countable nouns only.
Mumbai is a metropolitan city.
China is a populous country.
I saw an elephant in the zoo.

• A is placed before consonant sounds.
A vase is kept on the table.
There is a book on the top shelf.

• An is followed by a vowel sound.
Please give me an umbrella.
He is an athlete.

• Some words start with a vowel letter but begin with a consonant sound. So, we use the article a before these words.
Anna comes from a European country.
Yesterday, he got a call from a university regarding admission.

• A or an is used before the names of professions.
My brother is an engineer in an automobile company.
My mother is a doctor.

• Some words begin with a silent h. So, we use an before them.
Mr. Nanda is an honest man.
Please wait inside the drawing room, Mrs. Malini will join you in an hour.
It is an honour to have dinner with you.

• We use an with abbreviations beginning with the letters having vowel sounds.
Mr. Paswan is an M.P. from Hajipur.
Nikita married an N.R.I.
This computer runs on an MS-DOS operating system.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

• The indefinite article is used before certain nouns that are considered as single unit.
Sakshi has a pen and paper in his hands.

Uses of ‘The’:
• We use the for a person or thing already mentioned.
This is the bicycle I bought last week.
I returned you the book I had borrowed from you.

• The is used before superlative degrees.
Shahrukh khan is one of the finest actors in the world.
Koenigsegg Agera is the fastest street-legal car.

• We use the before names of rivers.
The Ganges is a holy river of India.
The Yamuna is one of the major Indian rivers.

• Before the names of oceans, the is used. .
The Pacific Ocean is the largest and the deepest of Earth’s oceanic divisions.
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world’s oceans.

• Before the names of mountain ranges, the is used.
The Himalayas is a mountain range.
The Altai Mountains are a mountain range in central and East Asia.
The Hijaz Mountains is a mountain range in Saudi Arabia.

• The is also used before the names of celestial bodies.
The sun rises in the east.
Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon.

• We also use the before holy books.
The Ramayana is an epic.
The Bible is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures.

• The is used before the names of human races.
Writing on Portuguese wines was dominated by the English.
It would be easy to give credit to the French for designing such a beautiful car.

• We use the before the names of deserts.
The Atacama Desert is a desert plateau in South America.
The Gobi Desert is a vast, arid region in northern China and southern Mongolia.

• The is used before dates or periods of time.
The 1960s were an age of fashion innovation for women.
The 1980s saw the emergence of dance music.

• The is also used before the names of trains and ships.
The Ahimsa Express runs between Ahmedabad and Pune.
The Rajdhani Express is a series of trains that connect Delhi with the capitals of other states.

• The is also used before the name of large public buildings and monuments.
The Taj Mahal is one of the seven Wonders of the World.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a building in Pisa, Italy.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

• The is used before the names of musical instruments.
The guitar, The harmonium, The cello, The piano

• The is used before the acronyms.
The USA, The UK, The WHO, The UN, The UNSC

• The is used before the designations.
The President, The Prime Minister, The Principal, The Secretary.

Demonstratives (This, These, That, Those):

This and these denote the things that are near and can be seen.
This denotes one thing whereas these denotes many things.
Yesterday, this scooter was parked beside the main gate.
I like this ice cream.
These mangoes are juicy and delicious.
They are not meeting each other these days.

That and those denote the things that are at a distance but can be seen easily.
That denotes one thing whereas those denotes many things.
She likes that pink dress.
Those days of holiday were enjoyable.

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

The demonstratives point to objects denoted by the nouns that follow them.

Possessives (my, your, his, her, our, their, its):
Possessives indicate possession or ownership. They can be used before both singular and plural nouns.
Her name is Dimple Patra.
They have sold their furniture.
The dog licked its wounded paw.
I like your hair.
He called his cousin to wish him happy birthday.
My car gives an average of 15 kmpl.
We are proud of our achievement.

Ordinal Numerals (first, second, third, etc.):
Ordinal numerals denote the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Raima secured 1st rank in UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) examination.
India jumps to 52nd rank in global innovation index 2019.

Cardinal Numerals (one, two, three, four, etc.):
Cardinal numerals denote the number that says how many of something there is are, such as one, two, three, four, five.
Three policemen were standing guard outside the bureaucrat’s bungalow.
The security agency has released sketches of six suspects.

General Ordinals (next, last, other, etc.):
Her next assignment will take him to Iraq.
Amit was given award twice in the last three years.
The other two books will be released soon.

Quantifiers (some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough, much, many, few, little, several, more, less, etc.):
A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the amount or quantity.
Do you have any fruit in your refrigerator?
The children saw some lions at the zoo.
Would you like to have a little tea?
Could I have a bit o/butter?
My brother has enough money to buy a new car.
Each student was asked for parents permission for trip.
Neither boy made the sketch of a building.
There is no parking facility in this building.
Every human being has strong and weak points.
There is not much sugar in the box. (‘Much’ precedes uncountable nouns)
Many dignitaries were invited to the party. (‘Many’ precedes the plural countable nouns)

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

Note: ‘Many’ shows number and ‘much’ shows quanlily.

Interrogatives (what, which, whose, etc.):
Interrogative determiners are the determiners that formulate direct or indirect questions and exclamations. Like other determiners, interrogative determiners perform the grammatical function of determinative.
Whose bike was stolen on the street last week?
The customer asked the showroom which car gave the best mileage.
Shikha could not guess what novel Shalini was reading.
Which historical places in Delhi did you visit?

Wh-Determiners (what (ever), which (ever), whose):
The shop whose lock was broken yesternight belongs to my neighbour.
Whatever amount you have filled in the cheque is acceptable to us.

Few, a few, the few:
He has few friends, (hardly any)
The letter will be posted to your place of residence in a few days, (some)
The few milk coupons that were left in my drawer have been used. (Not many but all of them)

Little, a little, the little:
There is little water in the bottle, (hardly any)
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, (some)
The little hope his father had from him is shattered, (not much but all of that much)

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

Exercise (Solved)

1. ……………… are placed before an adjective in case the noun is qualified by an adjective.
(a) Articles
(b) Quantifiers
(c) Vowels
(d) Predetermines
(a) Articles

2. How many common kinds of determiners have?
(a) Four
(b) Eight
(c) Five
(d) Six
(d) Six

3. ………………is generally used in interrogative sentences, whereas ……………. is used in interrogative sentances.
(a) Neither / nor
(b) Some / few
(c) Some / any
(d) None of these
(c) Some / any

4. ……………… boys are still in the school.
(a) Any
(b) Most
(c) Each
(d) Some
(d) Some

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

5. ……………… the students have appeared in the unit test.
(a) Most
(b) All
(c) Either
(d) Much
(b) All

6. ……………… bag is this?
(a) How many
(b) Which
(c) Whose
(d) None of these
(c) Whose

7. This, that, these, those are ……………… determiners.
(a) demonstrative
(b) possessive
(c) distributive
(d) interrogative
(a) demonstrative

8. ……………… book for cooking would vou prefer?
(a) How many
(b) Which
(c) What
(d) This
(b) Which

9. ……………… have been affected bv Covid-19.
(a) Much
(b) Some
(c) Any
(d) Many
(d) Many

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

10. Both the artists are good, ……………… of them will finally win.
(a) either
(b) each
(c) neither
(d) every
(a) either

11. ……………… is used with uncountable nouns.
(a) Any
(b) Those
(c) These
(d) Much
(d) Much

12. I have seen your favourite author’s new editions in the market. Would you like to buy books?
(a) those
(b) that
(c) (a) and (b)
(d) these
(a) those

B. Answer any ten of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate option. [10 x 1 = 10]

1. My, our, your, his, her, its, etc. are used to show ………………
(a) Articles
(b) Proper noun
(c) Possessive determiners
(d) Quantifiers
(c) Possessive determiners

2. ………………schools are there in Delhi?
(a) How much
(b) How many
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(b) How many

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

3. ……………… you go to school ……………… take rest at home.
(a) Either/nor
(b) Either / or
(c) Neither / or
(d) Neither / nor
(b) Either / or

4. He has ……………… knowledge on the subject.
(a) a few
(b) the few
(c) little
(d) a little
(c) little

5. So ……………… participants are not readv to perform.
(a) many
(b) much
(c) some
(d) how many
(a) many

6. ……………… time do you need to complete this project?
(a) Much
(b) Which
(c) How much
(d) How many
(c) How much

7. Have you ever visited………………north-east country?
(a) one
(b) much
(c) a little
(d) any
(d) any

JAC Class 10 English Grammar Determiners

8. ……………… when followed by ‘of’ can be used for plural nouns.
(a) Each
(b) Every
(c) Any
(d) None of them
(a) Each

9. ……………… of the children received a present.
(a) Each
(b) Every
(c) Those
(d) These
(a) Each

10. I am the ……………… who joined this organisation.
(a) first
(b) any
(c) a
(d) the
(a) first

11. Which of the following is not a quantifier?
(a) The few
(b) A little
(c) How many
(d) Any
(c) How many

12. There is not …………….. milk left in the pot.
(a) the little
(b) a little
(c) any
(d) each
(c) any

JAC Class 10 English Solutions

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