JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

JAC Board Class 10th English Letter Writing

JAC Class 10th English Letter Writing Textbook Questions and Answers

Situation Based Formal Latter

Even in the age of science and technology where e-mail is the most convenient mode of communication, letters have not lost their relevance even today. Formal letters are written to authorities in various professions. These letters are written in a formal language.
Formal letters must have certain rules and regulations. The format of formal letters is as follows:

Format of Formal Letters

Sender’s Address……………………………
Recipient’s address……………………………
Body of the Letter……………………………
(a) Introductory paragraph……………………………
(b) Description/content……………………………
(c) Concluding paragraph……………………………
Complimentary close/Subscription……………………………

Note: Sender’s address is written on the top left-hand corner of the page. There should be complete’and accurate address.
Date: The date on which the letter is being written.
Receiver’s address: The receiver’s address should include the official tille/name/position of the receiver.
Sub: The purpose of writing the letter.
Salutation/greetings: Sir/Madam
Body of letter: This is the main part of a letter. It consists of either two or three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, the purpose of the letter should be made clear. The lone of the content should be formal. Letter should be concise and to the point.
Complimentary close: In it, yours sincerely/failhfully, etc., should be written.
Signature: Signature of the person who is sending/writing the letter.

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

Letter to The Editor

1. Taking help from the information given below, write a letter to the editor of an esteemed daily, showing your concern at the increasing number of vehicles on the roads of cities in India. It not only causes inconvenience to the people but also affects the health of millions of people. Taking these hints into consideration, give your suggestions regarding checking the number of vehicles on roads. You are Rahul/Rubina of Bengaluru.

  • Increasing number of vehicles
  • Causing noise and air pollution
  • Emits harmful and poisonous gases
  • Health hazards

114, 8th Cross
Malleswaram, Bengaluru
15th May 20xx
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Sub: Limiting the number of vehicles Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards the increasing number of vehicles on the roads of cities in our country. It is really a cause of concern for the people of our country. With the coming of various types of vehicles launched by the automobile companies, the burden on the roads has increased tremendously. Everyday, the latest models of cars like BMW, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, etc., are coming on the road. In the same manner the numbers of trucks, bikes, etc., are also increasing.

The growing prosperity of middle class and the easy loan offered by various banks have also added to the craze of vehicles among the masses. These vehicles emit harmful and poisonous gases and pollute the environment. It is also a health hazard too. So, to limit the number of vehicles on the roads the formula of single family-single vehicle should be brought to effect. The facility of public transport should be increased. Buses, sharing rickshaws, metro trains, etc., should be given preference and there should be public awareness among the masses too. Through these measures, this problem can be solved to a certain extent.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully
Rahul Kumar

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

2. Write a letter to the editor of The Evening Times expressing your concern at the burgeoning growth of illegal colonies and slums in the metros seclusion the meters. Taking information/hints given below, also suggest how to stop such problem.

  • Increase in the number of illegal colonies and slums
  • Water logging – a cause of concern
  • Haven for breeding mosquitoes and fungus

24, Block-I
Shadipur, New Delhi
24th December 20xx
The Editor
The Evening Times
New Delhi
Sub: Burgeoning growth of illegal colonies and slums Sir
Through the columns of your newspaper I wish to intend that the burgeoning growth of illegal colonies and slums in the metro cities, have become a cause of concern for all of us. The unsystematic planning of urbanisation is considered to be one of the major causes of such evils. It has given birth to many illegal colonies and shanty slums in the metro city. The migration from villages to cities in masses have also played a role in perpetuation of such problem.

A number of people are compelled to live in slums and illegal colonies. There is lack of basic amenities in slums. There is no facility of proper drinking water, drainage and other things. Waterlogging is a major problem of such areas. It helps in breeding mosquitoes and fungus that causes water-bome diseases like cholera, malaria, dengue, etc. So, the government should take major initiative in this regard and they should slow down the migration to cities. Only stringent measures can save our cities from being converted into illegal colonies and slums. The people and the authorities concerned who are found guilty in perpetuating such problems must be punished.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Ajay Khetan

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

3. Taking help from the hints given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern about the pressure an adolescent faces and also suggest the ways to cope with it.

  • Increasing crime, cases of drinking
  • Drug trafficking
  • Physical and sexual abuses increasing
  • Should be handled with the cooperation of social organisations.

118, Gali No-5
Vishwas Park
Uttam Nagar, New Delhi
23rd April 20xx
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Pressure faced by adolescents Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to raise the issue of pressure being faced by the adolescents. Due to lack of proper guidelines the adolescents adopt wrong path and get entrapped in activities like crime, drinking, drug trafficking, verbal, physical or sexual abuse, etc. The crime committed by the youngsters in the big cities have become common.

The youngsters below the age of 21 are more likely to be involved in committing crimes, fights, physical or sexual violence. At such a tender age, they also get themselves engaged in numerous illegal activities. It causes more problems. These issues can be handled with the combined efforts of society, and social organisations. The police and other agencies should make concerted and combined efforts to counsel them properly.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
A.K. Bhatnagar

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

4. You are Karan/Kartik, D-89 G.B. Road, Gaya. You saw the following article in the newspaper, The Hindustan Times. Write a letter to the editor of the concerned daily expressing your unhappiness at the lack of safety for women in Bodh Gaya. Also mention the measures adopted to solve the problem.

Gaya: Sunidhi, a teacher employed in Govt. Girls High School, was attacked on her way back home at 7.30 pm last Saturday. A chain of instances of bag and chain snatching, pickpocketing, etc., took place. Targeted women have been reported from \different areas of the locality.
D-89, G.B. Road Gaya
27th June 20xx
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Lack of safety for women Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I apparently express my disgust and resentment at the lack of safety of women in Gaya town and its adjacent areas.

Last Saturday, Sunidhi, a teacher employed in Govt. Girls High School was attacked on her way back home at 7.30 p.m. This incident has really created sensation in the area. It clearly speaks volumes about the incident of women’s safety and security in the area. A chain of instances of bag and chain snatching, pickpocketing, etc., are on rise in the area. The anti-social elements are engaged in such activities on large scale. They wander on the road freely. Eve-teasing has become a regular phenomenon in the evening hours. Young women and girls have also become the soft target. They even can’t dare to come out of their houses in the evening hours. But the police do not take much cognizance of the problem. I would humbly request to the authorities concerned to look into the matter seriously and take necessary action. Those who are found guilty should be severely punished.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

5. As a conscious and responsible citizen of the country you are very much concerned about the increase in the cases of road accidents in the mega cities of the country. Interpret the data given below and write a letter to the editor of an esteemed daily in about 100-120 words.
JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing 1
F-131, A.K. Road
Faridabad (Flaryana)
29th March 20xx
The Editor
The Deccan Herald
New Delhi
Sub: Increase in road accidents in the metro cities Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I wish to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards the increase in road accidents in the mega cities.

As evident from the graph, it is quite disappointing that the cases of road accidents have been increasing steadily in all the mega cities of the country. In the year 2014, the road accidents went up to 1500. As the years passed, there was seen a major increase in the road accidents which went up to 1850. These accidents led to the loss of many lives. These are all caused by rash and negligent driving. Actually, it has become a common phenomenon among the people.

The authorities concerned should look into the matter and punishment should be given to the ones held guilty. The punishment should include maximum imprisonment, hefty fines or both. To enforce the safety rules on the road, the traffic police must take active and stringent measures.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Aashish Saini

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

6. You are Kishan/Kanica. You saw the following news item in the newspaper about the increase of the patient of corona virus in the country. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the difficulties and the after-effects of it.

Corona: A cause of concern
New Delhi: The cases of corona victims increasing day by day. Not only in Delhi but also other parts of the country. Due to not following the rule, it has spread out to vmore places at an alarming rate.
39, Nai Sarak
5th April 20xx
The Editor
The Deccan Herald
New Delhi
Sub: Corona: A cause of concern Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards the problem arising out due to the spread of corona virus and its effects. The cases of corona victims are increasing day-by-day. It has spread not only in Delhi but also in the entire country. Although the govt, issued an advisory and locked down the entire country, even then the cases of corona are increasing day by day.

The govt, has advised the people to stay home and remain indoors. But due to non-following of the advisory, the disease has spread into many areas and death toll has risen up to 200 mark. The cases of corona are increasing at an alarming rate. So, as a responsible and conscious citizen of the country I would like to appeal to the public not to commit mistakes in this regard. It may have disastrous effects.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Vikas Kumar

7. You are Ranvir Kumar, President of Sports Federation of India. Using the information given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily in about 100-120 words for promoting games and sports.
Games and Sports

  • In the population of 130 crore people games and sports not at its height.
  • Only cricket, kabaddi, badminton, etc., are of world level.
  • Not much promotion from the govt. side.
  • Less populated countries are a step ahead in games and sports.

F-231, Anna Nagar
10th September 20xx
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Sub: Promotion of Games and Sports Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw your kind attention towards the promotion of games and sports. India is a thickly populated country with 130 crore population. But in the area of game and sports it is not so developed as it should have. Except a few games like cricket, kabaddi, badminton, etc., no other game is of world level.

Indian players cannot compete with players of world fame either in Olympics or in world level tournament, they cannot stand before them. Even the countries with less population are a step ahead in games and sports. India can’t even qualify for World Cup football tournament, lawn tennis, etc. In spite of all these, the govt, has not paid much attention for the promotion of games and sports. The athletes or players are not supported financially. So, most of the competent players can’t even afford to give their best and they can’t compete with the players of world fame. It is really a matter of grave concern for us. I would even request to the govt, through this letters to look into the matter and take necessary and effective steps in this direction, so that our players can be at par with the international players. This way games and sports can be promoted in our country.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Manas Tyagi

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

Complaint Letters

1. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the manager, Furniture Mart, New Delhi complaining about the poor quality of office furniture you recently purchased from them, taking hints from the box given below. You are Mr. D Kashyap, Principal, K.P Public School, Nazafgarh, New Delhi.

  • Nature of complaint
  • Date of purchase: 30th March 20xx
  • Details of invoice: A K P-1099
  • Excessive price, immediate replacement

K.P. Public School
Nazafgarh, New Delhi
17th April 20xx
The Manager
Furniture Mart
Kirti Nagar, New Delhi
Sub: Complaint against poor quality of office furniture
This is to bring to your notice that we had purchased furniture from your showroom dated 30th March 20XX vide invoice no-AKP-1099 for our school but most of the items are of poor quality. Tables, benches and chairs are not properly polished and some furniture are even broken up. Even the nails and scrubs of the benches and tables are coming out and some are even losing their places. We had ordered for the almirahs of Godrej company but devoiding our order you had supplied the almirahs of a local company. Moreover, you have charged the price as per Godrej price list which is quite unfair on your part.

The make and fittings of the almirahs are substandard. After verifying the price of chairs, benches and tables from other showrooms, we came to the conclusion that we had been charged exorbitantly. It is nearly a matter of shame that a reputed showroom like yours has not been able to maintain the quality of its products.

Therefore, I would like to request you to get the unpolished and fractured furniture replaced. I would also request you to get the almirahs replaced with a genuine Godrej product. Deliver the items at their earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
D. Kashyap (Principal)

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

2. Write a letter to M/s Infratech Computers complaining that the laptop Hp Envy-13 (8th generation) you recently purchased from them does not function properly and ask for replacement. You are Rajesh/Riya Duggal, D-49, Sector-13, Gurugram. Write a letter on the basis of the given hints.

  • Hp Envy-13 8th generation not functioning properly
  • Screen of the laptop damaged
  • Audio quality very poor, blinks from time to time

D-49, Sector 13
31st January 20xx
M/s Infratech Computers
Sub: Complaint regarding functioning of laptop and its replacement
This is to bring to your notice that I had purchased a laptop, Hp Envy-13 8th generation worth ?70,000 from your showroom dated 27th January 20xx vide Invoice No-9C-SS-1976. Since the day I purchased it, it is not working properly. Since you delivered it Online to me I could not check it physically. The screen of the laptop was also damaged. It even blinks from time to time. It hangs at frequent intervals. Its audio quality is very poor. It is really a sad state of affair that even after investing such a high amount for the laptop it is of the worst quality. After all why the product of such a reputed company does not function properly. I am really disappointed because such type of negligence was not expected from the reputed showroom like yours.
I would like to request you to change the laptop with a new one that is in proper condition.

I look forward to your reply and speedy action in this regard. If you have any query, please contact me on my contact no – 9771xxxxxx.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Riya Duggal

3. Recently you read an article in the newspaper- ‘An old couple murdered in Gurugram’. You were shocked to hear this news and decided to write a letter to the commissioner of police complaining regarding the rising rate of crime against the old and helpless people. Write a letter of complaint taking into account the hints given below for the safety and security of the older people. You are Rahul Tyagi of A-45, Phase-I, Palam Vihar, Gurugram.

  • Older people assaulted and even killed in afternoon time.
  • Need proper protection of police .
  • RWA negligent towards them
  • Family members leave them alone at the mercy of servants
  • Loot money and jewellery
  • Homeguards should be deployed in each society.

A-45 Phase-I
Palam Vihar
7th January 20xx
The Commissioner of Police
Sub: Rising rate of crime against the old and helpless people
I wish to lodge a complaint regarding the rising rate of crime against the old and helpless people everyday. We see the news of the murder of the old and helpless people. It has really become an affair of the day. It is really a matter of grave concern for all of us.

In the afternoon time, when nobody is at home the older and helpless people are assaulted and sometimes they are even killed. Actually, the family members leave them alone at the mercy of servants. They take undue advantage of the situation and loot money and jewellery. The police department can do a lot in this regard. They can do a lot to make their lives safe and secure. There should be special phone numbers at every police station to hear the complaints of the aged people. Some home guards should be deployed in each society and they should be instructed to visit the old and helpless people time to time.

I hope that the police department will take some effective measures to prevent crimes against the old and helpless people.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Rahul Tyagi

Inquiry Letters

1. Using the hints given below, write a letter of inquiry to the Manager, Maury a Sheraton Hotel, Delhi for conducting the wedding reception of your elder brother in one of their halls. You are Abhinav/Aprajita of Rajouri Garden, New Delhi.

  • Charges of the hall for 200 guests
  • Catering cost per head
  • Decoration charges, etc.
  • Parking facilities

F-117, Sector-7
Rajouri Garden, New Delhi
10th October 20xx
The Manager
Maurya Sheraton Hotel
New Delhi
Sub: Inquiry about conducting a wedding reception
Kindly let me know whether one of your halls would be available on 30th October for conducting the wedding reception of my brother. Please give me the complete details of the following:

  • Charge of the hall with capacity of 200 guests
  • Catering cost per head/including vegetarian and non-vegetarian items
  • Decoration charge
  • Service charges to be made
  • Advance amount to be paid

Also make clear whether the parking facilities for at least 100 cars/vehicles, etc., would be available.

Please send me the complete details with charges (head wise) and also the list of menu offered by you at the above mentioned address at the earliest. Also make it clear in whose favour and how much amount of cheque be issued. Looking forward for an early and favourable response from your side.
Thanking you.
Your sincerely
Aprajita Singh

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

2. You are Riya Kapoor of F-13, Sector 3, Rohini. You are interested in taking admission in National Institute, Pune. Using the hints given below, write a letter of inquiry to the Director, Film Institute, Pune in about 100-120 words.

  • Admission procedure
  • Duration of the course and fees
  • Eligibility criteria, etc.
  • Fee received in lump sum or in instalment

F-13, Sector-3
Rohini, New Dehi
15th January 20xx
The Director
Film Institute, Pune
Sub: Seeking information regarding admission procedure, eligibility criteria, etc.
This is with reference to the advertisement given by you in the newspaper regarding the above mentioned course. I have just passed the class XII with CBSE board with arts stream. I am highly interested in joining your academy for the academic year 2020-21.1 have heard a lot about the prestigious institute which has produced a number of veteran actors for the Bollywood. But I would like to know about the admission procedure, eligibility criteria, duration of the course, fee structure, how much amount to be paid whether in lump sum or in installments.

Kindly tell me appropriate time to apply, availability of admission forms, payment, accommodation facilities, etc. Kindly send me the brochure in which all the details are available. Looking forward for an early response from your side.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Riya Kapoor

3. You are Atul Bhattacharya of K-93, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi. Using the hints given below, write a letter to M/S Harbour Press International, Darya Ganj, New Delhi regarding the catalogue, etc.

  • Range of books available from nursery to class XII
  • Terms and conditions of supply
  • Mode of payment
  • Delivery date

K-93 Chittarajan Park
New Delhi
17th May 20xx
M/S Harbour Press International
Darya Ganj, New Delhi
Sub: Regarding request for catalogue Sir
It has come to my notice that Harbour Press International publishes books ranging from nursery to class 12 for all subjects. It is a highly reputed publishing house and publishes books of high quality. We are interested in purchasing a few books of your publication of the following items.
1. Harbour Applied English Grammar and Composition – IX and X
2. Additional Practice books on English, Mathematics, Science classes 6 to 10
3. Math Practice – Classes 9 and 10
I shall be highly obliged if you send me the latest catalogue by VPP. I am also interested in knowing the terms and conditions of supply and mode of payment, etc. Kindly confirm whether you will take advance payment in full or after delivering the products. I hope that you will take my request on priority basis and provide the necessary information at the earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Atul Bhattacharya

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing 2
Manav Singh of D-15, Sector-5, Dwarka, a Class XII student of the science stream sees this advertisement. He writes a letter to the institute seeking information about the crash course of IIT-JEE the timing of the classes, fees, etc. Write a letter.
D-15, Sector-5
Dwarka, New Delhi
19th March 20XX
The Director
Success Coaching Centre
Z-17, Nangal Roy, Delhi
Sub: Crash course for IIT-JEE Sir
This is with reference to the advertisement in the Indian Express dated 10th March. I would like to know more information and details about the IIT crash course offered by your institute, timing, fee structure, mode of payment, etc.

I need coaching of all the subjects. Please let me know about the coaching in detail. Does your institute cater to individual difficulties or only general problems are discussed and resolved?

Kindly guide me on all the points mentioned above. I want detailed information, so send me the booklet on the above mentioned address.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Manav singh

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

Placing Order Letters

1. You are the incharge of science laboratory of Universal Public School, Preet Vihar, New Delhi. Using the hints given below, place an order to KB Laboratory Works, Noida for various apparatus/equipment used in your laboratory.

  • Mention the name of apparatus/equipment, etc.
  • Quantity to be required
  • Order to be supplied

Universal Public School
Preet Vihar, New Delhi
17th May 20xx
The Manager
M/S KB Laboratory Works
Sub: Placement of order for supply of apparatus/equipment used in laboratory
On behalf of Universal Public School, I would like to place a bulk order for the supply of various apparatus/equipments used in our laboratory. Kindly send the following apparatus at the above address.

Apparatus NameQuantities
1. Beaker10 pieces
2. Funnels12 pieces
3. Droppers15 pieces
4. Bunsen Burners20 pieces
5. Thermometer15 pieces
6. Spring Balances10 pieces

All the items should be in good condition and properly packed. Kindly send me the bank details and invoice, so that payment could be transferred to your bank account through online banking. Hope that the items will be delivered soon. Any damage during transportation would entirely be your responsibility.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Ashok Kumar (Incharge)

2. You are Arbaaz Khan, librarian, Vasant Valley Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. Using the hints given below write a letter to Rupa Book Depot, Mehrauli, New Delhi to place an order for some books for your school library.

  • Mention names of books
  • Their quantities
  • Author/publisher name
  • Discount offered 15%
  • Mode of payment

Vasant Valley Public School Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 20th September 20xx
M/S Roopa Book Depot
Mehrauli, New Delhi
Sub: Placement of order for supply of books Sir
This is to inform you that our school management has decided to put an order with your company for the supply of some books. We need some books of the latest edition for our library. We agree to the terms and conditions and also the discount of 15% offered by you. The details are as follows:

Name of BooksAuthor name PublisherQuantity
1. Wings of FireDr. APJ Abdul Kalam10 pieces
2. Maths OlympiadTerry Chew7 pieces
3. English – English DictionaryOxford Publishers5 pieces
4. Unbreakable
(Autobiography of Mary Kom)
Mary Kom10 pieces
5.Malayalam ManoramaManorama Publication3 pieces

I humbly request you to supply the books for the school library by 30th September. If any damage is caused during transportation, your order will deemed to be cancelled. Kindly send me the bank details so that either a cheque or Online payment may be made on time. Looking for a favourable response from your side.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Arbaaz Khan, Librarian

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

Non-Compliance Letters

1. You have placed an order for a few books with Delhi Book Store, Darya Ganj, New Delhi. But you have not received the books so far. Using the hints given below, write a letter to the book shop regarding non-compliance of your order.

  • Delay in delivery
  • Negligent attitude shown by the shop
  • Order might be cancelled

St. Xavier’s Public School
Jhandewalan, New Delhi
18th March 20xx
Delhi Book Store
Darya Ganj, Delhi
Sub: Non-compliance of the order No. 1079/DBS/O3 Sir
This is with reference to your order No. 1079/DBS/03 dated 8th March 20xx regarding the delivery of a few books for our school library.

I state that despite repeated reminders on the phone, the books have not been delivered yet to the library. These books were urgently required by the students, which they could use for their references. It is really a sad state of affairs and quite upsetting. I am really very worried about the non-compliance and negligent attitude shown by your shop towards our order. If the books mentioned above do not reach us within three days from the receipt of the letter, your order will necessarily be cancelled. And this order will be placed elsewhere. A list of books is enclosed. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
A.K Rohtagi (Librarian)

JAC Class 10 English Letter Writing

2. You have placed an order for a few drugs with Medlife Drugs Store, No-117, Sadar Bazar, New Delhi. You have not got the medicines yet. Using the hints given below, write a letter to the drug store about the non-compliance of your order.

  • Delay in delivery of medicines
  • Not taken prompt action in this regard
  • Cancellation of order

X-13 Sadar Bazar
New Delhi
10th April 20xx
Medlife Drugs Store
No-117, Sadar Bazar
New Delhi
Sub: Regarding non-compliance of the order
This is to inform you that I had placed an order for a the delivery of a few life saving drugs for personal use.

Regretfully, I have to state that despite numerous reminders on the phone, the medicines have not yet been delivered to me. These medicines are quite necessary for saving my life. Even if I miss these drugs for a day or two it will be quite dangerous for my health. It may even take my life too. I am really very upset about the non-compliance and negligent attitude shown by your shop towards my order. If the specified drugs do not reach us with in two to three days, your order will be cancelled. The order will be placed elsewhere. If something untoward happens to me, necessary action will be taken against your store. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
A.K. Kapoor

JAC Class 10 English Solutions

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