JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Jharkhand Board JAC Class 9 English Solutions Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Questions and Answers.

JAC Board Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Subject-Verb Concord (Agreement) का अर्थ कर्त्ता व क्रिया की अनुरूपता या सहमति है । इसमें कर्त्ता के अनुसार क्रिया रखी जाती है। यदि कर्ता एकवचन (Singular) है, तो क्रिया एकवचन (Singular) की होनी चाहिये और यदि कर्त्ता बहुवचन (Plural) है तो क्रिया बहुवचन की होनी चाहिये। सबसे पहले अंग्रेजी भाषा के कर्ता व उनके अनुसार Tense में क्रिया के रूप को समझ लें।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises 1

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Subject-Verb Concord या Agreement के निम्न नियमों के अनुसार क्रिया का सही रूप प्रश्नपत्र में पूछे गये प्रश्न में दिया जा सकता है। सभी नियम उदाहरण व अपवाद सहित नीचे दिए जा रहे हैं।

1. किसी भी Verb का Number वही होता है जो उस Sentence के Subject का होता है अर्थात् एकवचन कर्ता (Singular Subject) के साथ एकवचन क्रिया (Singular Verb) व बहुवचन कर्त्ता (Plural Subject) के साथ बहुवचन क्रिया (Plural Verb) प्रयुक्त होगी। जैसे-

(a) Mohan reads his book
Mohan and Hari read their book.

(b) A star is very bright.
Stars are very bright.

(c) A river is very useful.
Rivers are very useful.

(d) A cow gives us milk.
Cows give us milk.

(e) She is playing.
They are playing.

(f) Rani was singing.
Many girls were singing.

(g) He has a car.
They have many cars.

(h) A teacher teaches us grammar.
Teachers teach us grammar.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

अपवाद –
(i) I (singular) के साथ am तथा was को छोड़कर अन्य सभी verbs plural ही आयेंगे।

I am in class IX. (is नहीं लगेगा)
I was in class IX. (were नहीं लगेगा)
I do this work. (does नहीं लगेगा)
I have a sister. (has नहीं लगेगा)
I eat a mango. (eats नहीं लगेगा)

(ii) Past तथा Future Tense में verb ‘be’ के अलावा और सभी verbs के रूप एक जैसे रहते हैं। जैसे-
(a) A singer sang a song.
(b) Singers sang songs.
(c) They will go to Jaipur.
(d) He will go to Jaipur.

2. दो Singular Nouns या Pronouns ‘and’ द्वारा जुड़ने पर Plural हो जाते हैं तथा उनका Verb भी Plural ही प्रयुक्त होता है। जैसे –
(a) Mohan and Sohan are good friends.
(b) You and I are good friends.
परन्तु जब वे एक ही व्यक्ति अथवा वस्तु की ओर संकेत करें तो and से जुड़े रहने पर भी वे Singular ही समझे जाते
हैं और उनका Verb भी Singular ही प्रयुक्त होता है। जैसे –

(a) The Collector and President was present in the meeting. (एक व्यक्ति)
(b) Our Headmaster and Secretary was present. (एक व्यक्ति)
(c) The Manager and Director of this school is a very kind man. (एक व्यक्ति)
उपरोक्त तीनों उदाहरणों में Determiner का प्रयोग केवल एक ही बार हुआ है अर्थात् दोनों एक ही व्यक्ति हैं परन्तु
(a) The Collector and the President were present in the meeting. (दो व्यक्ति)
(b) The Headmaster and our Secretary were present. (दो व्यक्ति)
(c) The Manager and the Director of this school are very kind men. (दो व्यक्ति)

अर्थात् यहाँ पर दोनों अलग-अलग व्यक्ति हैं। अतः Verb Plural ही प्रयुक्त होगी।
याद रखिए – Singular Noun के अन्त में-s या -es लगाकर Plural बनाया जाता है परन्तु Verb के अन्त में या-es लगाकर Singular बनाया जाता है। इनके नियम एक-दूसरे के विपरीत हैं। जैसे

girl से girls, mango से mangoes Plural Nouns होते हैं। पर read से reads, go से goes Singular Verb बनते हैं। यह भी याद रखें कि am का Plural-are, is का Plural – are, was का Plural – were एवं has का Plural – have होता है। may, might, can, could, shall, should, will, would एवं had के रूप Singular एवं Plural में एक समान ही रहते हैं।

3. यदि दो Subjects ‘and’ से जुड़कर एक ही वस्तु का भाव व्यक्त करें तो वहाँ भी Verb Singular ही होता है । जैसे – Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast. यहाँ Bread and butter से breakfast का बोध होता है, अलग-अलग bread और butter का नहीं। अन्य उदाहरण –
(a) Slow and steady wins the race.
(b) Rice and curry is delicious food. (कढ़ी-चावल)
(c) The horse and carriage is waiting outside. (तांगा)

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

4. यदि कर्त्ता के पहले each, none, no one, every, either of हो तो क्रिया Singular होगी।
(a) No one was there.
(b) Each boy is present.
(c) Everyone does this work.
(d) Either of the two servants is there.
(e) None of the boys has done his work.
(f) Every child was given an orange.

5. यदि दो Nouns each या every सहित and से जुड़े हों तो भी क्रिया Singular ही प्रयुक्त होती है। जैसे –
(a) Each boy and each girl was present there.
(b) Each boy and each girl was given an apple.
(c) Every man and every woman is going to the village fair.

6. यदि Many के बाद Plural Noun आता है; तो Verb Plural प्रयुक्त होती है। जैसे Many boys have failed in English.
परन्तु Many a के बाद यदि Singular Noun आता है तो इसके साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है।

जैसे- (a) Many a boy was drowned. इसका अर्थ हुआ बहुत-से लड़के डूब गए।
(b) Many a good man has been destroyed by drinking.
अनेक अच्छे लोग शराब पीने से बर्बाद हो चुके हैं।

7. यदि दो Subjects or, nor, either….or, neither….nor से जुड़े हों तो Verb पास वाले Subject के Person व Number के अनुसार आयेगी। जैसे –
(a) Either Hari or Mohan has done it.
(b) Neither he nor I am ready.
(c) Mohan or his friends have done it.
(d) Neither she nor her brothers are going there.
(e) Either Shyam or his parents are to attend the meeting.

याद रखिए – यदि किसी Sentence में तीनों Persons मौजूद हों तो सबसे पहले Second Person, बीच में Third Person तथा अन्त में First Person रखना चाहिए (नियम 231 के अनुसार)। जैसे Y o u, h e and I are to attend the meeting.

8. यदि Collective Noun से पूरे दल विशेष का बोध हो तो Verb Singular का प्रयुक्त होता है; पर जब दल से विभिन्न सदस्यों का बोध हो तो Verb Plural का प्रयुक्त होता है। जैसे –
(a) A committee has been formed for this.
(b) The committee were divided in their opinions.
यहाँ पहले sentence में पूरे दल का बोध होता है; परन्तु दूसरे से दल के अलग-अलग सदस्यों का बोंध होता है।

9. कुछ Nouns देखने में Plural लगते हैं पर अर्थ में वे Singular होते हैं। जैसे – physics, economics, wages, news, means, alms, assets, innings आदि। ऐसे Nouns के साथ Singular Verb का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
(a) This news is not true.
(b) Economics is a difficult subject.
(c) The wages of sin is death.
(d) Politics is not a difficult subject.

10. कुछ Nouns जैसे cattle, people, vermin (कीड़े-मकोड़े), dozen, police आदि देखने में Singular लगते हैं पर अर्थ में वे Plural होते हैं। ऐसे Nouns के साथ Plural Verb का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे-
(a) The cattle are grazing in the field.
(b) Many people were killed in the accident.
(c) These vermin are very harmful.
(d) Four dozen mangoes cost rupees two hundred.
(e) The police have arrested the dacoits.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

11. जब दो Subjects- as well as, along with, with इत्यादि से जुड़े हों तो Verb इनके पहले आने वाले Subject के person व number अनुसार आती है। जैसे –
(a) He as well as his friends is to blame.
(b) You as well as he are to do this.
(c) The lady along with her children was standing there.
(d) The chief with his soldiers was ready for attack.

12. जब दो Subjects के बीच में Preposition प्रयुक्त हो तो Preposition के पहले आने वाले Subject के अनुसार Verb का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
(a) The book on the table is yours.
(b) Some books of my brother were stolen.
(c) Sushila with her friends has gone on a picnic.

13. Antecedent (वह शब्द जिसके बाद में मुख्यतः Relative Pronoun आता है) का जो Number व Person होता है वही उसके Relative Pronoun का होता है तथा Verb उसी के अनुरूप प्रयुक्त होती है। जैसे –
(a) The boy who is standing there is my nephew.
(b) The books which are lying here belong to Mahesh.

वाक्य (a) में boy Antecedent है और वह Singular है; इसलिए Relative Pronoun who भी Singular है।
वाक्य (b) में books Antecedent है जो Plural है; इसलिए Relative Pronoun which Plurral है। और उन्हीं के अनुरूप क्रमशः Singular व Plural Verbs प्रयुक्त हुई हैं। इसी प्रकार से –

(a) The boy who is standing near the gate is my classfellow.
(b) The book which is red is mine.

14. यदि Subject None हो तो Verb Singular या Plural कुछ भी हो सकता है। जैसे –
None is/are ready to go there.

15. यदि एक ही वस्तु का अधिकांश भाग Most द्वारा दर्शाया जाये तो Verb Singular होती है। जैसे –
Most of the apple is rotten. (सेब का बहुत-सा भाग)

16. यदि Most द्वारा कई वस्तुओं का बोध हो तो Verb Plural होता है। जैसे –
Most of the apples are rotten. (बहुत सारे सेब)

17. It के बाद हमेशा Singular Verb आती है। जैसे –
It is very cold today. It has been raining since last night.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

18. There का प्रयोग यदि एक वस्तु या व्यक्ति के लिए हुआ हो तो Verb Singular होगी तथा यदि There का प्रयोग अधिक वस्तुओं या व्यक्तियों. के लिए हुआ हो तो Verb Plural होगी। जैसे –
(a) There are twenty five students in my class.
(b) There was only one student in the class yesterday.

19. जब Adjective के पहले the लगाकर Nouns बनाये जाते हैं और उनसे व्यक्ति का बोध होता है तब वें Plural हो जाते हैं। जैसे –
(a) The rich are quite happy. (The rich = सभी धनी व्यक्ति)
(b) The poor lead a miserable life. (The poor = सभी गरीब व्यक्ति)
(c) The strong are not always to win. (The strong = सभी ताकतवर व्यक्ति)
(d) The honest never tell a lie. (The honest = सभी ईमानदार व्यक्ति)

20. A number of, a lot of, lots of, a great deal of, plenty of, both of, several के बाद हमेशा Plural Nouns आते हैं, अतः Verbs Plural आते हैं। परन्तु the number of के बाद Plural Nouns होने के बावजूद Verb Singular ही रहता है। जैसे –
(a) A number of boys have failed in English.
(b) Lots of people were killed.
(c) A lot of oranges were rotten.
(d) Plenty of apples are lying there.
(e) The number of girls is fifteen.

21. Hair Uncountable Noun है। जब उससे समूह का बोध होता है, तो उसके बाद Verb Singular आता है। जैसे; His hair is grey.
पर जब hair का प्रयोग भिन्न-भिन्न बालों के अर्थ में होता है तब वह Countable हो जाता है। उस स्थिति में Verb संख्या के अनुसार Singular अथवा Plural होता है; जैसे –
(a) There is a hair in the milk.
(b) Some of his hairs are grey.

22. जब दो Subjects not only……but also से जुड़े हों तो but also के बाद आने वाले Subject के अनुसार Verb प्रयुक्त होती है। जैसे –
(a) Not only I but also my friends are going there.
(b) Not only my friends but also I am going there.

23. जब किसी Plural Noun का प्रयोग Collective unit की तरह हो तब उसके साथ Singular Verb आता है।
जैसे- (a) Fifty rupees is not a big sum these days.
(b) Ten kilometres is a long distance.

24. Noun Phrase अथवा Noun Clause के बाद हमेशा Singular Verb आता है। जैसे –
(a) To walk in the morning is good for health:
(b) What he spoke was not heard.
वाक्य (a) में To walk in the morning Noun Phrase है।
वाक्य (b) में What he spoke Noun Clause है।

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

25. यदि more than के बाद Singular Subject हो तो Verb Singular होती है और यदि Plural Subject हो तो Verb Plural होती है। जैसे –
(a) More than one boy was found guilty.
(b) More than one hundred persons were killed.

26. Nothing but के बाद आने वाला Noun Singular हो अथवा Plural, उसके बाद आने वाला Verb सदा Singular होता है। जैसे –
(a) Nothing but trees is found there.
(b) Nothing but water was seen there.

27. A pair of, a couple of, a group of, a flock of, a bunch of, a fleet of आदि के बाद हमेशा Plural Noun आता है पर Verb सदा Singular होता है। जैसे –
(a) A pair of scissors is lying on the table.
(b) A pair of shoes is enough for him.
(c) A couple of pigeons was bought.
(d) A couple of nurses was standing there.
(e) A group of men was going to the fair.
(f) A flock of sheep was grazing.
(g) A fleet of two dozen trucks was passing through the bridge.
(h) A bunch of flowers was given to him.

28. दो Verbs – dare not तथा need not ऐसे Verbs हैं जो एकवचन कर्ता (Singular subject) के साथ भी वहुवचन (Plural) रूप में ही प्रयुक्त होते हैं।
(b) They need not do this work. उन्हें इस कार्य को करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

29. कुछ वाक्यों से कोरी कल्पना, इच्छा अथवा किसी शर्त का बोध होता है। इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में एकवचन कर्ता (Singular Subject) के साथ भी were का ही प्रयोग होगा। जैसे-
(a) I wish I were a Principal.
(b) I wish I were the Prime Minister of India.
(c) Were she here, she would help me.
(d) If I were the chairman……..

Exercise – 1.

Correct the following sentences :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को सही कीजिये :

1. Either he or his brothers is making a noise.
2. Many a student fail in English.
3. Every man, woman and child of the village were shot dead by the dacoits.
4. A group of fifty students are going on a visit to the Red Fort.
5. You as well as I am playing.
6. Not only the soldiers but their captain were also arrested.
7. The old is generally weak.
8. The people of Rajasthan is really very brave.
9. His power and influence are very great.
10. Mental and physical science is not the same things.
11. Ten rupees are not a large sum for me.
12. The news you bring are very interesting.
13. The teacher with his students are walking in the park.
14. ‘The Hindustan Times’ are a leading newspaper.
15. The number of boys are increasing.
1. Either he or his brothers are making a noise.
2. Many a student tails in English.
3. Every man, woman and child of the village was shot dead by the dacoits.
4. A group of fifty students is going on a visit to the Red Fort.
5. You as well as I are playing.
6. Not only the soldiers but their captain was also arrested.
7. The old are generally weak.
8. The people of Rajasthan are really very brave.
9. His power and influence is very great.
10. Mental and physical science are not the same things.
11. Ten rupees is not a large sum for me.
12. The news you bring is very interesting.
13. The teacher with his students is walking in the park.
14. ‘The Hindustan Times’ is a leading newspaper.
15. The number of boys is increasing.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Exercise – 2.

Correct the following sentences :

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को सही कीजिए :

1. You, the son of a poor widow, is very lucky.
2. Milk and honey is costly things.
3. You as well as I am responsible for this deed.
4. There is no schools in the town.
5. The people of America is very rich.
6. It is I, who is your friend.
7. Bread and butter are his only food.
8. Many a man come and go.
9. A lot of fish was caught.
10. A number of boys is absent today.
11. The police is searching the thief.
12. The Ganga rise in the Himalayas.
13. He as well as his brothers are guilty.
14. Ten kilometers are not a long distance.
15. Most of the area have been surrounded by the army.
1. You, the son of a poor widow, are very lucky.
2. Milk and honey are costly things.
3. You as well as I are responsible for this deed.
4. There are no schools in the town.
5. The people of America are very rich.
6. It is I, who am your friend.
7. Bread and butter is his only food.
8. Many a man comes and goes.
9. A lot of fish were caught.
10. A number of boys are absent today.
11. The police are searching the thief.
12. The Ganga rises in the Himalayas.
13. He as well as his brothers is guilty.
14. Ten kilometers is not a long distance.
15. Most of the area has been surrounded by the army.

Exercise – 3.

Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its Subject :

रिक्त स्थानों में कर्ता के अनुसार क्रिया का सही रूप भरिये –

1. Mohan along with all students …………………. going on a picnic. (is/are)
2. He as well as I………………… reading in the class. (is/am/are)
3. The book on the table…………………. mine. (is/are)
4. The books on the table…………………mine. (is/are)
5. I, who …………………. your friend, will go with you. (is/am/are)
6. He who …………………. my friend, will read with me. (is/are)
7. I,………………… bought the car which. (was/were)
8. Not only she but also I…………………. very costly.
9. Not only Sohan but also other students.
10. More than one boy …………………. found guilty.
11. More than one hundred boys.. present.
12. Whom …………………. you want to meet?
13. Ram with his friends…………………. come. (has/have)
14. All his friends with Ram ………………… already come. (has/have)
15. The number of boys …………………. forty. (is/are)
16. Nothing but roses……………seen here. (are/is)
17. She behaves as though she…….mad. (were/was)
18. She ………………… not work hard. (needs/need)
19. I wish I ………………… a bird. (was/were)
20. The eyes of an elephant ………………… very small. (is/are)
1. is
2. is
3. is
4. are
5. am
8. is
7. was
8. want
9. are
10. was
11. were
12. do
13. has
14. have
15. is
16. is
17. were
18. need
19. were
20. are.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Exercise – 4.

Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its Subject :

रिक्त स्थानों में कर्त्ता के अनुसार क्रिया का सही रूप भरिये –

1. The poor ………………… miserable. (is/are)
2. Every boy and every girl got an orange. (has/have)
3. The police ……………….. arrested the robbers. (has/have)
4. Who …………………. that boy ? (are/is)
5. Who ………………… those girls ? (is/are)
6. The Indians ………………… laborious. (is/are)
7. Wàlking………………….. good for health. (was/were)
8. What he said …………………. not heard. (is/are)
9. Most of the mango………………….. (is/are)
10. Most of the mangoes …………………. rotten. (is/are)
11. A lot of apples …………………. rotten. (is/are)
12. Ten rupees …………………. rotten. (is/are)
13. The Headmaster and Secretary ……………….. present. (is/are)
14. Neither Neetu nor her sisters …………………lazy. (is/are)
15. Not only the lame boy but also his parents …………………. sad. (is/are)
16. The cups’on the table ………………… lovely. (look/looks)
17. The cattle …………………. grazing. (is/are)
18. The news …………………. correct. (is/are)
19. Ten miles ………………… not a long distance. (is/are)
20. The dumb ………………… not speak. (does/do)
1. are
2. has
3. have
4. is
5. are
6. are
7. is
8. was
9. is
10. are
11. are
12. is
13. is
14. are
15. are
16. look
17. are
18. is
19. is
20. do.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Exercise – 5.

Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its Subject :

रिक्त स्थानों में कर्त्ता के अनुसार क्रिया का सही रूप भरिये –

1. There ……………. a large number of boys in his class. (is/are)
2. A number of boys ……………. caught copying. (was/were)
3. The military ……………. called out. (was/were)
4. The news of his accident ……………. true. (was/were)
5. Neither of the men ……………. very tall. (was/were)
6. Each one of our houses ……………. to let. (is/are)
7. Two third population of the country ……………. in villages. (live/lives)
8. The cost of all these articles ……………. risen. (has/have)
9 The tallest of the three boys ……………. to meet me daily. (come/comes)
10. All the students of my class ……………. English. (learn/learns)
11. Every man, woman and child ……………. present in the festival. (was/were)
12. Either Han or his brother …………….. taken my purse. (has/have)
13. Han besides his sisters ……………. to school by car. (go/goes)
14. The number of questions in this paper ……………. twenty-five. (is/are)
15. Cattle ……………. grazing in the field. (is/are)
16. The poor ……………. honest. (are/is)
17.. The great poet and scholar ……………. dead.(are/is)
18. All my friends ……………. gone. (has/have)
19. Mathematics ……………. very difficult to me. (is/are)
20. If I ……………. you, I would do it. (was/were)
1. are
2. were
3. was
4. was
5. was
6. is
7. lives
8. has
9. comes,
10. learn
11. was
12. has
13. goes
14. is
15. are
16. are
17. is
18. have
19. is
20. were.

Exercise – 6.

Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its Subject :

रिक्त स्थानों में कर्त्ता के अनुसार क्रिया का सही रूप भरिये –
1. The famous Shiva Temple, which made Rameshwaram so sacred to pilgrims, ……….. about a ten-minute walk from our house. (was/were)
2. One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood ……….. of the two men. (are/is)
3. Adversity always …………… opportunities for introspection. (present/presents)
4. May God ……….. you ! (blesses/bless)
5. My father told me there nothing mysterious about prayer. (was/were)
6. So, whenever you are arguing with someone about a point, remember that there quite a good chance that you ………….. wrong. (is/are/was/were)
7. That untouchables …………. a separate class is a blot on India’s forehead. (is/are)
8. It is only stupid people who . remarks too literally. (take/takes)
9. A doctor like our mothers ……………. similar duties. (performs/perform)
10. Much that useless in ancient Indian culture has already perished. (were/was)
1. was
2. is
3. presents
4. bless
5. was
6. is, are
7. are
8. take
9. performs
10. was.

JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises

Exercise -7.

Fill in the blanks with a verb in agreement with its Subject:

1. First and foremost there ……………….. order and safety. (is/are)
2. He was invited in and once more fate found for him one who ……………….. later numbered among his most faithful American followers. (was/were)
3. Whoever ……………….. to me, through whatsoever form, I reach him. (come/comes)
4. There is a third characteristic of the Cast System which ……………….. at the very roots of democracy. (cutlcuts)
5. Can education ……………….. caste? (destroys/destroy)
6. The family left for the USA. (has/have)
7. Collection and utilisation of rain water ……………….. , therefore, of vital importance. (is/are)
8. The harnessing of our rivers, the waters of which now mostly ……………….. to waste ……………….. a great national problem. (run/runs; are/is)
9. The investigation of the nature and properties of water ……………….. , therefore, of the highest scientific interest. (is/are)
10. One of the most prominent Indian scientists in history, CV. Raman ………………..the first indian to win the Nobel Prize for his ‘Raman Effect’. (were/was)
1. are
2. was
3. comes
4. cuts
5. destroy
6. has
7. is
8. run; is
9. is
10. was.

Exercise – 8.

Choose the correct words from the brackets and write them in the space provided before them:

कोष्ठक में से सही शब्दों को चुनकर उन्हें दी हुई जगह में लिखिए :
JAC Class 9 English Grammar Subject Verb Agreement Exercises 2
(a) are
(b) has
(c) was
(d) was
(e) has
(f) tastes
(g) decides
(h) is
(i) expect
(j) is
(k) works
(l) enjoys
(m) has
(n) is
(o) want
(p) is
(q) loves.

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