JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Students should go through these JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals will seemingly help to get a clear insight into all the important concepts.

JAC Board Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

A quadrilateral is a closed figure obtained by joining four points (with no three points collinear) in an order.
→ Since, ‘quad’ means ‘four’ and ‘lateral’ is for ‘sides therefore quadrilateral means a figure bounded by four sides’
→ Every quadrilateral has:
(A) Four vertices
(B) Four sides
(C) Four angles and
(D) Two diagonals.
→ A diagonal is a line segment obtained on joining the opposite vertices.

Sum of the Angles of a Quadrilateral:
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 1a
Consider a quadrilateral ABCD as shown in figure. Join A and C to get the diagonal AC which divides the quadrilateral ABCD into two triangles ABC and ADC.
We know the sum of the angles of each triangle is 180°
∴ In ΔABC; ∠CAB + ∠B + ∠BCA = 180°
and In ΔADC; ∠DAC + ∠D + ∠DCA = 180°
On adding, we get:
(∠CAB + ∠DAC) + ∠B + ∠D + (∠BCA + ∠DCA) = 180° + 180°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠D + ∠C = 360°
Thus, the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°.

JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Types of Quadrilaterals:
→ Trapezium: It is a quadrilateral in which one pair of opposite sides are parallel and one pair is unparallel. In the quadrilateral ABCD, drawn alongside, sides AB and DC are parallel and AD and BC are unparallel therefore it is a trapezium
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 2a
→ Parallelogram: It is a quadrilateral in which both the pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel. The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB is parallel and equal to DC and AD is parallel and equal to BC, therefore ABCD is a parallelogram.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 3a
Here, (A) ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D
(B) AB = CD and AD = BC
(C) AB || CD and AD || BC
→ Rectangle: It is a parallelogram whose each angle is 90°.
(a) ∠A + ∠B = 90° + 90° = 180°
⇒ AD || BC, also AD = BC.
(b) ∠B + ∠C = 90° + 90° = 180°
⇒ AB || DC, also AB = DC.
(c) Diagonals AC and BD are equal.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 4a
Rectangle ABCD is also a parallelogram.
→ Rhombus: It is a also parallelogram whose all the sides are equal and diagonals are perpendicular to each other. The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD in which AB = BC = CD = DA; AC ⊥ BD.; therefore it is a rhombus.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 5a
→ Square: It is a parallelogram whose all the sides are equal and each angle is 90°. Also, diagonals are equal and perpendicular to each other. The figure shows a parallelogram ABCD in which AB = BC = CD = DA, ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90°, AC ⊥ BD and AC = BD, therefore ABCD is a square.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 6a
→ Kite: It is not parallelogram in which two pairs of adjacent sides are equal The figure shows a quadrilateral ABCD in which adjacent sides AB and AD are equal i.e. AB = AD and also the other pair of adjacent sides are equal i.e., BC = CD; therefore it is a kite or kite shaped figure.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 7a


  • Square, rectangle and rhombus are all parallelograms.
  • Kite and trapezium are not parallelograms.
  • A square is a rectangle.
  • A square is a rhombus.
  • A parallelogram is a trapezium.

JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Parallelogram Theorems
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both the pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 8a

Theorem 1.
A diagonal of a parallelogram divides the parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
Given: A parallelogram ABCD.
To Prove: A diagonal divides the parallelogram
into two congruent triangles i.e., if diagonal AC is drawn then ΔABC ≅ ΔCDA and if diagonal BD is drawn
then ΔABD ≅ ΔCDB.
Construction: Join A and C
Proof: Since, ABCD is a parallelogram
AB || DC and AD || BC
∠BAC = ∠DCA [Alternate angles]
∠BCA = ∠DAC [Alternate angles]
And, AC = AC [Common side]
Similarly, we can prove that

Theorem 2.
In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 9a
Given: A parallelogram ABCD in which
AB || DC and AD || BC.
To Prove: Opposite sides are equal i.e.. AB = DC and AD = BC
Construction: Join A and C
Proof: In ΔABC and ΔCDA
∠BAC = ∠DCA [Alternate angles]
∠BCA = ∠DAC [Alternate angles]
AC = AC [Common]
⇒ AB = DC and AD = BC [By CPCT]
Hence, proved.

Theorem 3.
If each pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral is equal, then it is a parallelogram.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 10a
Given: A quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = DC and AD = BC.
To Prove: ABCD is a parallelogram ie, AB || DC and AD || BC
Construction: Join A and C
Proof: In ΔABC and ΔCDA
AB = DC [Given]
AD = BC [Given]
And AC = AC [Common]
⇒ ∠1 = ∠3 [By CPCT]
And ∠2 = ∠4 [By CPCT]
But these are alternate angles and whenever alternate angles are equal, the lines are parallel.
∴ AB || DC and AD || BC
⇒ ABCD is a parallelogram.
Hence, proved.

JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Theorem 4.
In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 11a
Given: A parallelogram ABCD in which AB || DC and AD || BC.
To Prove: Opposite angles are equal i.e. ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D
Construction: Draw diagonal AC.
Proof: In ΔABC and ΔCDA
∠BAC = ∠DCA [Alternate angles]
∠BCA = ∠DAC [Alternate angles]
AC = AC [Common]
⇒ ∠B = ∠D [By CPCT]
Similarly, we can prove that
∠A = ∠C Hence, proved.

Theorem 5.
If in a quadrilateral, each pair of opposite angles is equal, then it is a parallelogram.
Given: A quadrilateral ABCD in which opposite angles are equal. i.e., ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D
To prove: ABCD is a parallelogram i.e.,
AB || DC and AD || BC
Proof: Since the sum of the angles of quadrilateral is 360°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠C+ ∠D = 360°
⇒ ∠A + ∠D + ∠A + ∠D = 360°
[∵ ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D]
⇒ 2∠A + 2∠D = 360°
⇒ ∠A + ∠D = 180°
[∵ The sum of interior angles on the same side of transversal AB is 180°]
⇒ AB || DC
Similarly, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C + ∠D = 360°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B + ∠A + ∠B = 360°
[∵ ∠A = ∠C and ∠B = ∠D]
⇒ 2∠A + 2∠B = 360°
⇒ ∠A + ∠B = 180°
[∵ The sum of interior angles on the same side of transversal AB is 180°]
∴ AD || BC
So, AB || DC and AD || BC
⇒ ABCD is a parallelogram.
Hence, proved.

Theorem 6.
The diagonal of a parallelogram bisect each other.
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Given: A parallelogram ABCD. Its diagonals AC and BD intersect each other at point O..
To Prove: Diagonals AC and BD bisect each other i.e., OA = OC and OB = OD.
Proof: In ΔAOB and ΔCOD
∵ AB || DC and BD is a transversal.
∴ ∠ABO = ∠CDO [Alternate angles]
∵ AB || DC and AC is a transversal line.
∴ ∠BAO = ∠DCO [Alternate angles]
And, AB = DC
⇒ OA = OC and OB = OD [By CPCT]
Hence, proved.

JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Theorem 7.
If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 13a
Given: A quadrilateral ABCD whose diagonals AC and BD bisect each other at point O.
i.e., OA = OC and OB = OD
To prove: ABCD is a parallelogram i.e..
AB || DC and AD || BC.
Proof: In ΔAOB and ΔCOD
OA = OC [Given]
OB = OD [Given]
And, ∠AOB = ∠COD [Vertically opposite angles]
⇒ ∠1 = ∠2 [By CPCT]
But these are alternate angles and whenever alternate angles are equal, the lines are parallel.
∴ AB is parallel to DC ie., AB || DC Similarly,
⇒ ∠3 = ∠4
But these are also alternate angles
⇒ AD || BC
AB || DC and AD || BC
⇒ ABCD is parallelogram.
Hence, proved.

Theorem 8.
A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, if a pair of opposite sides is equal and parallel.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 14a
Given: A quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = DC and AB || DC.
To Prove: ABCD is a parallelogram, i.e. AB || DC and AD || BC.
Construction: Join A and C.
Proof: Since AB is parallel to DC and AC is transversal
∠BAC = ∠DCA [Alternate angles]
AB = DC [Given]
And AC = AC [Common]
⇒ ∠BCA = ∠DAC [By CPCT]
But these are alternate angles and whenever alternate angles are equal, the lines are parallel.
⇒ AD || BC
Now, AB || DC (given) and AD || BC
[Proved above]
⇒ ABCD is a parallelogram
Hence, proved.

In order to prove that given quadrilateral is parallelogram, we can prove any one of the following.

  • Opposite angles of the quadrilateral are equal, or
  • Diagonals of the quadrilateral bisect each other, or
  • A pair of opposite sides is parallel and is of equal length, or
  • Opposite sides are equal.
  • Every diagonal divides the parallelogram into two congruent triangles.

JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals

Mid-Point Theorem
Statement: In a triangle, the line segment joining the mid-points of any two sides is parallel to the third side and is half of it.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 15a
Given: A triangle ABC in which P is the mid-point of side AB and Q is the mid-point of side AC.
To Prove: PQ is parallel to BC and is half of it
i.e., PQ || BC and PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
Construction: Produce PQ upto point such that PQ = QR. Join R and C.
Proof: In ΔAPQ and ΔCRQ
PQ = QR [By construction]
AQ = QC [Given]
And, ∠AQP = ∠CQR [Vertically opposite angles]
⇒ AP = CR [By CPCT]
And, ∠APQ = ∠CRQ [By CPCT]
But, ∠APQ and ∠CRQ are alternate angles and we know, whenever the alternate angles are equal, the lines are parallel.
⇒ AP || CR
⇒ AB || CR
⇒ BP || CR
Given, P is mid-point of AB
⇒ AP = BP
⇒ CR = BP [As, AP = CR]
Now, BP = CR and BP || CR
⇒ BCRP is a parallelogram.
[When any pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram]
BCRP is a parallelogram and opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal and parallel.
∴ PR = BC and PR || BC
Since, PQ = QR
⇒ PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)PR = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC [AS, PR = BC]
Also, PQ || BC [As, PR || BC]
∴ PQ || BC and PQ = \(\frac{1}{2}\)BC
Hence, proved.

Converse of the Mid-Point Theorem
Statement: The line drawn through the midpoint of one side of a triangle parallel to the another side bisects the third side.
JAC Class 9 Maths Notes Chapter 8 Quadrilaterals 16a
Given: A triangle ABC in which is the midpoint of side AB and PQ is parallel to BC.
To prove: PQ bisects the third side AC i.e., AQ = QC.
Construction: Through C, draw CR parallel to BA, which meets PQ produced at point R.
Proof: Since, PQ || BC i.e., PR || BC [Given]
CR || BA i.e., CR || BP [By construction]
∴ Opposite sides of quadrilateral PBCR are parallel.
⇒ PBCR is a parallelogram
⇒ BP = CR
Also, BP = AP [As Pis mid-point of AB]
∴ CR = AP (As CR = BP)
Now, AB || CR and AC is transversal, ∠PAQ = ∠ROQ [Alternate angles]
Also, AB || CR and PR is transversal, ∠APQ = ∠CRQ [Alternate angles]
CR = AP, ∠PAQ = ∠RCQ and ∠APQ = ∠CRQ
⇒ AQ = QC Hence, proved.

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