JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

Jharkhand Board JAC Class 9 English Solutions Informal Letter Writing Questions and Answers.

JAC Board Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

Letter Writing

(i) Informal – Personal such as to family and friends.
(ii) Formal – Letters to the editor/the principal of school.
E-mail – Formal letters to the principal of the school or to the editor of a newspaper or a magazine.

Letter-writing (पत्र-लेखन) . भाव-अभिव्यक्ति (expression) की एक महत्त्वपूर्ण कला है। यह अपने विचारों तथा भावनाओं को प्रकट करने का उत्तम माध्यम है। सामान्यतया एक अच्छे पत्र में निम्नलिखित बातों का होना अति आवश्यक है –

  • पत्र का उद्देश्य स्पष्ट होना चाहिए।
  • पत्र में सरल भाषा का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
  • सभी बिन्दुओं को एक ही अनुच्छेद (paragraph) में नहीं लिखना चाहिए। पत्र के सभी बिन्दुओं पर व्यवस्थित तथा स्पष्ट ढंग से प्रकाश डालना चाहिए। अलग-अलग बिन्दुओं के लिए अलग-अलग paragraphs का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
  • सुलेख का ध्यान रखना अति आवश्यक है। सुन्दर लेखन का पत्र के प्राप्तकर्त्ता पर बहुत अच्छा प्रभाव पड़ता है।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

Kinds Of Letters पत्रों के प्रकार

पत्र मुख्य रूप से दो प्रकार के होते हैं-

1. Informal letters (अनौपचारिक पत्र) – अनौपचारिक या व्यक्तिगत पत्र अपने मित्रों और सम्बन्धियों (friends and relatives) को लिखे जाते हैं। ये पत्र मुख्य रूप से सन्देश, निमन्त्रण, बधाई, परामर्श, अनुरोध, धन्यवाद देने या शोक प्रकट करने के लिए लिखे जाते हैं।

2. Formal letters (औपचारिक पत्र)-इस प्रकार के पत्र शासकीय एवं गैर-शासकीय अधिकारियों को लिखे जाते हैं । इनके अन्तर्गत सम्पादकों को पत्र, शिकायती पत्र, पूछताछ के पत्र, तथा प्रार्थना-पत्र (applications) आदि आते हैं। औपचारिक पत्र, e-mail द्वारा भी भेजे जाते हैं।

How to Write a Letter

पत्र के प्रारूप (format) के सम्बन्ध में विविध शैलियों का प्रयोग क्रिया जाता रहा है, किन्तु यहाँ हम नवीनतम शैली (latest trend) के अनुसार पत्र-लेखन एवं उसके प्रारूप के विषय में चर्चा कर रहे हैं।

किसी पत्र को सात प्रमुख भागों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है। ये निम्नलिखित हैं :

1. The Heading (अभिमुख)
इसमें (A) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता व (B) पत्र लेखन की तिथि अंकित होती है। इन दोनों बातों का उल्लेख पत्र-प्राप्तकर्त्ता को यह सूचित करने के लिए आवश्यक है कि पत्र A कहाँ से व B कब लिखा गया। पत्र-प्राप्तकर्ता उत्तर देते समय इन दोनों तथ्यों का उल्लेख भी कर सकता है। स्थान व Heading को पृष्ठ के ऊपर की ओर बार्यी ओर लिखा जाता है। विराम-चिह्नों का प्रयोग आजकल नहीं किया जाता है। केवल अपरिहार्य स्थिति में ही इसका प्रयोग करते हैं।

(A) 205 Adarsh Nagar
Jaipur 01

(B) 15 March 2020

(A)  P 16 Shri Ram Marg
Jodhpur 243001

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

(B) 17 September 2020

नोट : पत्र प्रेषक का पता व तिथि उपर्युक्तानुसार एवं लम्बवत् एक ही सीध में लिखना चाहिए।

2. Address of the Receiver (प्राप्तकर्ता का पता)
व्यक्तिगत या अनौपचारिक (informal) पत्रों में पत्र प्राप्त करने वाले का पता लिफाफे पर ही लिखा जाता है। पत्र में इसका उल्लेख नहीं होता है। किन्तु औपचारिक (formal) पत्रों में पत्र पाने वाले व्यक्ति या फर्म का पता बार्यी ओर Salutation से ठीक ऊपर लिखा जाता है। व्यावसायिक कम्पनियों के नामों से पूर्व Messrs या M/s उदाहरणार्थ Messrs Mittal Publishing House, लिखना चाहिए।

3. Salutation or Courteous Greetings (सम्बोधन अथवा शिष्ट अभिवादन)
इसके अन्तर्गत लेखक पत्र-प्राप्तकर्ता को यथोचित सम्बोधित करता है। पत्र लिखते समय निम्न प्रकार Salutation लिखना चाहिए :

(a) परिवार के सदस्यों यथा Parents, Brother, Sister, Uncle तथा सम्बन्धियों के लिए
My dear Father या My dear Uncle.

(b) मित्र के लिए-
My dear Rohit या Dear Rohit या Dear Friend

(c) परिचित के लिए-
Dear Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms + Name या Surname जैसे- Dear Mr Kumar

(d) यदि आपको पत्र पाने वाले का नाम नहीं मालूम हो तो लिखिए :
Dear Sir/Madam

नोट: 1. आजकल विवाहित (Mrs) तथा अविवाहित (Miss) दोनों ही प्रकार की महिलाओं के लिए Ms (मिज़) शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
2. Salutation के बाद comma ( , ) का प्रयोग नहीं करें।

4. The body ( मुख्य भाग)
यह पत्र का प्रमुख भाग होता है। इसमें सन्देश लिखा जाता है। सन्देश लिखते समय paragraphs का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। सरल व छोटे वाक्य लिखने चाहिए।

5. Courteous leave taking (शिष्टतापूर्ण समापन )
औपचारिक (formal) पत्रों में Thanks का प्रयोग कीजिए। अनौपचारिक (informal) पत्रों में आप With best wishes / Regards / Best wishes / Love / Love from/With love इत्यादि का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। पत्र-प्राप्तकर्ता के साथ अपने सम्बन्धों के अनुसार ही उचित शब्दों का प्रयोग कीजिए।

6. Subscription (हस्ताक्षर, नाम लेखन)

औपचारिक पत्रों में Yours faithfully
अनौपचारिक पत्रों में

(a) रिश्तेदारों के साथ
Yours affectionately
Your loving son/daughter etc.

(b) मित्रों के साथ
Yours sincerely/Yours truly

नोट : 1. Yours शब्द में कभी भी apostrophe (‘) नहीं लगायें। कभी भी Your’s नहीं लिखें। छात्र इस शब्द के लिखने में सामान्यतया गलती करते हैं।
2. किसी भी पत्र का गर्मजोशी से प्रारम्भ कर उसका अन्त रूखेपन से न करें या रूखेपन से शुरू कर गर्मजोशी से उस पत्र को समाप्त न करें। प्रारम्भ और अंत दोनों में समानता होनी चाहिए। जैसे पत्र के प्रारम्भ में Dear Mother लिखकर अंत में Yours faithfully लिखना कितना अटपटा एवं भद्दा लगता है। उक्त शब्दों के उपरान्त नीचे अपने हस्ताक्षर कीजिए। यदि आपके हस्ताक्षर अस्पष्ट हैं या पत्र औपचारिक है तो हस्ताक्षर के नीचे अपना पूरा नाम भी लिख देना चाहिए। पत्र लेखक का नाम अधिकतर प्रश्न-पत्र में दिया होता है। अतः उस दिये हुए नाम को ही लिखना चाहिए।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

7. Superscription (प्राप्तकर्ता का पता)

यह पत्र-प्राप्तकर्ता का पता होता है जो लिफाफे के ऊपर लिखा जाता है।
पत्र-लेखन सम्बन्धी उपर्युक्त सभी तथ्य पत्र-लेखन की आधुनिकतम शैली के अनुरूप हैं। पत्र के उक्त सभी भाग पत्र-प्रारूप (format) में किस प्रकार एवं कहाँ लिखने चाहिए, इसके उदाहरणस्वरूप यहाँ औपचारिक (formal) व अनौपचारिक (informal) पत्रों का एक-एक प्रारूप (format) दिया जा रहा है एवं उनमें संख्या अंकित कर उनके विभिन्न भागों को इंगित किया जा रहा है।

Format of an Informal Letter

An informal letter to a friend congratulating him on his success.
(1) (A) 215 Artisan Colony (B) Jodhpur
(2) Dear Shashank
(3) It is a great joy to hear of your success in the Secondary Examination. Really you have
(3) done very well. You have proved your brilliance by securing 85 % of marks. I congratulate you on your grand success. Wish you a happy and bright future.
(4) With Love
(5) Yours sincerely
(6) Hitesh
उक्त अनौपचारिक (informal) पत्र में संख्याएँ निम्नलिखित प्रकार पत्र के भागों को सुचित कर रही हैं-

  • The Heading
    (A) The writer’s address
    (B) Date of writing the letter
  • Salutation
  • The body
  • Courteous leave-taking
  • The subscript: in
  • Signature

Format of a Formal Letter

(1) (A) Shri Ma esh Sr Sec. School
Siwanch Gate
Jodhpur 243001
(B) 20 July 2__ __

(2) The Secretary
Board of Secondary Education
Rajasthan Ajmer 305001

(3) Dear Sir

(4) I wish to bring to your notice that the result of Secondary Board Examination 20 was declared last month. About 250 students of this institution appeared in this examination. But their mark-sheets haven’t been sent yet. So it is very difficult to ascertain their standards without their mark-sheets. Please look into the matter and do the needful. Kindly make suitable arrangements to send them as soon as possible.

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

(5) Thanks

(6) Yours faithfully

(7) G. L. Bedi
उक्त औपचारिक पत्र (formal letter) में अंकित संख्याएँ निम्नलिखित प्रकार से पत्र के भागों को सूचित करती हैं:

1. The Heading (A) The writer’s address (B) Date of writing the letter
2. Address of the Receiver
3. Salutation
4. The body
5. Courteous leave taking
6. Subscription
7. Signature
छात्र उ़क्त निर्देशानुसार पत्र लिखने का अभ्यास करें व अनावश्यक रूप से अल्प विराम चिह्न (,) इत्यादि न लगायें। यहाँ परीक्षा की दृष्टि से महत्त्वपूर्ण पत्रों को छात्रों के अभ्यासार्थ दिया जा रहा है। छात्र इनका अध्ययन कर स्वयं लिखने का अभ्यास करें।

1. Informal Letters (Personal Letters)

A Letter to Friend Expressing Inability to Attend Birthday Party You are Rakesh living in Jaipur. Your friend Anil has invited you to attend his younger brother’s birthday party. Write a letter to him expressing your inability to attend the function. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) Your annual exams are at hand.
(b) It is a long way to go to attend the function.
(c) Your mother too is not keeping well.
(d) Your father mostly remains out of station.
(e) Send your good wishes.
104, Muktanand Nagar
Gopal Pura
15 March 20 __
My dear Anil
I am very glad to get the invitation of your younger brother Harish’s birthday party. I am extremely sorry to tell you that I shall not be able to attend the party. You know that it is February and I have to study hard for our annual examinations. You may understand well that Udaipur is very far from here. My father mostly remains out of station, so I have to remain at home to look after my ailing mother.
I am sending a beautiful gift for Harish. Please accept my best wishes. Convey my blessings to Harish. Pay my regards to Aunt and Uncle.
Yours sincerely

2. A Letter about Annual Function

Imagine that you are Shivani from Bharatpur. Write a letter to your elder sister describing about the Annual Function of your school held last week. You may touch upon the following points:
(a) Preparations for the Annual Function
(b) The events and cultural activities
(c) The Annual Function was a great success
(d) The chief guest who gave away the prizes
(e) What part did you take ?
275 Krishna Nagar
27 February 20__ __
My dear Sister
I am hale and hearty here. I could not write to you earlier. We were busy with preparations for the school Annual Function. The students presented many cultural programmes on the stage. I delivered a speech on ‘The Shining India’. We celebrated this function with pomp and show. The District Collector was the chief guest of the function. He gave away the prizes. You will be glad to know that I have won a prize for the best orator. I enjoyed myself very much.
With regards to Mummy and Papa.
Yours lovingly

Vocabulary :

busy =व्यस्त।
preparation = तैयारी।
with pomp and show = शान से।
orator = वक्ता।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

3. A Letter Informing about Mother’s Illness

Imagine that you are Gagan studying in Government Secondary School, Deeg. Write a letter to your elder sister telling her about the illness of your brother. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) When did she fall ill?
(b) What did she complain of?
(c) How did you help her?
(d) How is she now ?
F-16 Pandey Mohalla
20 March 20__ __
My dear Sister
I am sorry to inform you that mother has been suffering from malaria since last three days. She is under the treatment of our family doctor. According to the doctor, there is nothing to worry about her. He says that she will be quite well in a week.
Pay my best regards to dear Jijaji and love to Shivam.
Your loving brother

Vocabulary :

inform = सूचित करना।
according to = के अनुसार।
has been suffering = पीड़ित हैं।

4. A Letter Describing about the Visit to a Historical Place

Imagine that you are Manoj living in Udaipur. Write a letter to your father telling him about your visit to a historical place. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) Which place did you visit?
(b) With whom did you go ?
(c) What did you see there?
(d) How long did you stay there ?
(e) How did you like it?
257 Shastri Nagar.
25 July 20__ __
My dear Father
I am writing to you about my visit to Delhi. I went there last week with my class-fellows. We stayed there in a hotel near the Red Fort.
At first we visited the Qutub Minar. Then we visited the Red Fort and the Jama Masjid. We also visited the Birla Mandir, the Chandni Chowk, Akshar Dham, Lotus Temple, Iscon Temple and the Rashtrapati Bhawan. We also visited the zoo and saw a great number of animals and birds there.
I enjoyed myself there very much. Pay my sincere regards to Mother and love to Rashi.
Your loving son

Vocabulary :

visit = यात्रा।
class-fellows = सहपाठी।
stayed = ठहरे।

5. A Letter Inviting to Attend Your Sister’s Marriage

Imagine that you are Saraj. Write a letter to your friend Seema inviting her to attend your elder sister’s marriage. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) The day and date of wedding
(b) The bridegroom and his family
(c) Preparations already made
(d) The help you expect from her
115 Ramji Gate
Kaman (Bharatpur)
24 April 20__ __
My dear Seema
I am very glad to inform you that the marriage of my elder sister has been settled. The marriage ceremony will take place on the 5 th May. The bridegroom is a doctor of a very respectable family of Ajmer.
Please try to come at least a week before the marriage so that I may get your help and advice. Please convey my regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

has been settled = तय हो गथी है।
will take place = होगी।
bridegroom = दूल्हा।
respectable = प्रतिष्ठित।
so that = ताकि।
at least = कम-से-कम।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

6. A Letter Describing about Hostel Life

Imagine that you are Aditya living in Govt Hostel, Bayana. Write a letter to your father telling him about your hostel life. You may touch upon the following points:
(a) The facilities in the hostel
(b) Daily routine
(c) Study hours
(d) Room partner’s and warden’s behaviour
Room No 30 Govt Hostel
20 August 20 __ __
My dear Father
You will be glad to know that I have got admission to the hostel. It is situated among the hills. There are trees all around. I have been allotted Room No. 30. My room is quite big and airy. The warden is very kind and gentle. The behaviour of my room partner is very good. The boys in the hostel are also friendly.
We take tea and biscuits for breakfast; rice, curry, chapaties and curd for lunch; chapatis, dal and vegetables for dinner. We get special dishes on Sundays.
I study for two hours at night. In the evening we play different games. Our hostel building is quite at hand to our school. I am enjoying myself here very much. Please convey my regards to Mother and love to Anupam.
Your loving son

Vocabulary :

friendly = मित्रवत् ।
breakfast = जलपान, नाश्ता।
dinner = रात्रि का भोजन।
different = विभिन्न प्रकार के।

7. A Letter Advising the Ailing Friend

Imagine that you are Ravi Shankar from Alwar. Your friend has fallen ill. Write a letter to him. Ask him to tell you about his illness. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) The kind of illness
(b) Advice to consult a doctor
(c) Advice about food
(d) His present condition 50 Nehru Market Alwar
20 January 20
My dear Mohan
Yesterday Ramesh told me that you were suffering from typhoid. This news has caused anxiety to me as well as to my parents. You should consult a good doctor. Please send me information regarding your health from time to time. Follow the advice of the doctor. Take nourishing food and avoid tension.
Hoping you will recover soon.
Yours sincerely
Ravi Shankar

Vocabulary :

to consult = परामर्श लेना।
regarding = सम्बन्ध में।
from time to time = समय-समय पर।
to follow = मानना, के अनुसार चलना।
nourishing = पौष्टिक।
to avoid = दूर रहना, बचना।
tension = तनाव।
recover = स्वास्थ्य-लाभ करना।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

8. A Letter to Uncle Inviting Him on Birthday Party

You are Ved Prakash living at Dashrathpur. Write a letter to your uncle inviting him to attend your birthday celebration and bring you a nice and useful present. You may touch upon the following points:
(a) Day and date of the birthday.
(b) Programme to be performed.
(c) Other relatives and friends likely to attend.
(d) The present expected from your uncle.
(e) Usefulness of the present.
25 July 20 __ __
My dear Uncle
I am well here and hope the same for you. You will be glad to know that my birthday-party is going to be held on the 7 th August. A short musical programme will also be performed. My parents have invited all the relatives. Do you remember that you promised me to give me a wrist-watch on my birthday ? It will be very kind of you if you bring me a wrist-watch on this occasion. I shall keep it as a token of your love for me. Please do come on this occasion.
With deep regards
Yours affectionately
Ved Prakash

Vocabulary :

occasion = अवसर ।
promise = वायदा करना।
wrist-watch = कलाई घड़ी।
token = चिन्न या प्रतीक।
performed = सम्पादित किया, प्रस्तुत किया।

9. A Letter to Mother about an Incident

You are Avinash living in a hostel. Last Sunday your science teacher took you and your classmates on a picnic to a riverside where you saved a drowning classmate. Write a letter to your mother describing the incident. You may take help of the following points:
(i) Pleasant weather, decided to go on a picnic.
(ii) Packed eatables and other essentials, went on bicycles.
(iii) Enjoyed the singing, dancing and boating.
(iv) A classmate did not know how to swim.
(v) Saw him drowning, shouting for help.
(vi) Happy to have him saved.
(vii) Rewarded by his parents and the institution.
Pratap Hostel
21 August 20__ __
Dear Mother
I am well here. On last Monday our science teacher took us on a picnic to a river side. You would be pleased to know that I saved the life of a classmate from being drowned. The weather was pleasant. We packed eatables and other essentials. We went to the bank of river, Kali Sindha on our bicycles. First we sang songs and danced a lot there. We enjoyed boating also. Then we decided to take bath in the river.
One of our friends, Harish did not know how to swim. You know him very well. He went into deep water. I noticed him drowning and shouting for help. I dived into the river immediately. I caught him by the hair and took him out of water. I am very happy to have him saved. His parents thanked me and praised my brave deed. I was given a reward by our school also.
Regards to you and Father. Love to Chinu.
Yours affectionately

Vocabulary :

pleasant = सुहावना।
essentials = आवश्यक वस्तुएँ
immediately = तुरन्त।
brave deed = बहादुरीपूर्ण कार्य।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

10. A Letter Congratulating Your Friend on His Success

You are Suresh living in Alwar. Your friend is in Ajmer. Write a letter congratulating him on his success in the Secondary School Examination. You may take help of the following points :
(a) Day and date of the declaration of result.
(b) Happy to see the roll no. in the Rajasthan Patrika.
(c) Parents proud of your achievement.
(d) Congratulations on success.
(e) Future plan to pursue courses.
(f) A hopeful and bright future.
125 Panchvati
10 June 20__ __
My dear Gaurav
I really felt very glad to see your roll no. in the Rajasthan Patrika yesterday. You have passed your Secondary Examination in the first division.
Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your brilliant success.
What are your plans now ? Please convey my regards to your dear parents and love to dear Pinki. Congratulating you once again.
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

accept = स्वीकार करना।
heartiest = हार्दिक।
brilliant = शानदार।
congratulations = बधाइयाँ।
plans =योजनाएँ।
convey my regards =मेरा प्रणाम कहना।

11. A Letter Requesting Your Friend to Lend You His Camera

Imagine that you are Ankit living at Subhash Nagar, Ajmer. You want a camera during your summer vacation. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you his camera. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) Why do you need a camera ?
(b) Who will operate it ?
(c) Where will you take it?
(d) When will you return it?
75 Subhash Nagar
10 May 20__ __
My dear Amit
You will be pleased to know that I, along with some of my friends, am going to Shimla during these coming summer vacations. Some friends told me to take a camera with us so that we may take some beautiful snaps.
I know that you have a camera. Will you please lend me it for a month ? You know that I know how to operate a camera. I assure you that I will take great care of it. Kindly send me it by May 20 . I will return it in time. Please convey my best regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

snaps = फोटोग्राफ।
operate =( कैमरा को ) चलाना, (कैमरे से ) फोटो लेना।
assure = विश्वास दिलाना।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

12. A Letter to Father Requesting Him to Send Money to Buy a Bicycle

Imagine that you are Arun living in Prabha Nagar. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy a bicycle. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) Your school has been shifted to a new building five kilometres away from the town.
(b) No bus is available to reach school in time.
(c) Necessity of a bicycle.
(d) Request for sending money.
Vikas Villa
Prabha Nagar
2 August 20__ __
My dear Father
I am well here and hope the same for you all. Our school has been shifted to a new building in Pratap Nagar. It is five kilometres away from the city. No bus is available on this route. I want to buy a bicycle to reach there in time. Kindly send ₹ 2500 /- to buy it.
Kindly convey my best regards to dear Mummy and love to Raju.
Yours affectionately

Vocabulary :

has been shifted = स्थानान्तरित हो गया है।
available = उपलब्ध।
route = मार्ग।
away = दूर।

13. A Letter to Younger Brother Advising Him to Work Hard and Avoid Bad Company

Imagine that you are Prakash living in Jaipur. You have received a very bad report about your younger brother Ashok from his principal. Write a letter to Ashok advising him to work hard and avoid the company ofbad boys. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) What is the problem with him?
(b) How can he get rid of problems?
(c) Why do you want him to work hard?
(d) What do you expect from him?
16 Nehru Nagar
30 January 20__ __
My dear Ashok
I received a letter from your principal giving a very bad report about you. You room with bad boys.
Please tell us your problems. If you find any subject or subjects very difficult, you may take the help of private tutors. You should take care of your health and eat sufficient fruits. A regular morning walk will keep you fit. Shun the company of bad boys. They will spoil you. You must work hard to do well in the examinations. Your career depends upon your good exam results. I hope you will pay heed to my advice.
With love
Yours affectionately

Vocabulary :

problem = समस्या।
take care = ध्यान देना।
regular = नियमित।
expect = आशा करना।
depend = निर्भर करना।
career = जीविका।
sufficient = पर्याप्त।
shun = छोड़ना, त्यागना।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

14. A Letter to Uncle Thanking Him for Birthday Gift

Imagine you are Vinit living in Baroda. Your uncle sent you a dictionary as birthday gift. Write a letter to him to thank for the gift. You may touch upon the following points:
(a) Thanks for the gift.
(b) How you celebrated your birthday.
(c) Whom you invited.
(d) The usefulness of the gift.
105 Shyam Sadan
Adarsh Nagar
15 March 20__ __
My dear Uncle
I am hale and hearty here. I celebrated my birthday last Sunday. My father had arranged a grand feast on this ocassion. My friends attended the birthday party. I enjoyed it with them very much, but I missed you very much on this ocassion.
I became happy when I received the parcel of your gift two days ago. Thank you very much for your good wishes and the Oxford Dictionary. I really needed it and wanted to buy it. It will be helpful in many ways. Thank you once again for this gift.
My sincere regards to Aunt and love to Nandini.
Yours affectionately

Vocabulary :

hale and hearty= स्वस्थ व प्रसन्न।
celebrated= मनाया।
arranged= व्यवस्था की।
grand feast= शानदार दावत।
enjoyed= आनन्द लिया।
missed you= आपकी अनुपस्थिति खली।

15. A Letter Expressing Sympathy on Failure in Examination

Suppose you are Amit living in Bikaner. Your friend Ramesh has failed in Secondary Examination this year. Write a letter expressing your sympathy to him. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) When did you come to know of it ?
(b) How did you feel ?
(c) In what way do you sympathise with him?
(d) Suggestions you would like to give.
A-15 Vaishali Nagar
15 June 20
My dear Ramesh
I saw your result in the newspaper this morning. I was shocked to know about your failure in the Secondary Examination. Although you had worked hard yet the result was not in your favour.
Don’t lose courage. Start studies from today: I hope you will do better next year. Failures are the steps to success.
I hope you will continue your studies in right spirit.
Convey my best regards to your parents.
With love
Yours most sincerely

Vocabulary :

shocked= आघात लगा।
in your favour= आपके पक्ष में।
courage= साहस।
steps= सोपान।

16. A Letter Describing about Your Participation in the Pulse Polio Campaign

Imagine that you are Mohan from Barmer. As a scout you extended your free service to ‘Pulse Polio Campaign’. Write a letter to your friend telling him how you contributed in this National Programme. You may take help from the following points :
(a) When was the Pulse Polio Campaign held?
(b) Who inspired you to contribute in it ?
(c) How did you contribute?
(d) Did you find the work satisfying?
205 Gandhi Nagar Barmer 25 May 20_My dear Vinay As you know that government has started ‘Pulse Polio Campaign’ to make our country polio free. As a scout, I rendered my free service to ‘Pulse Polio Campaign.’ On 1st May Polio booths were set up to give the children polio drops. I went door to door. All day long I took the babies of 0-5 years to the booth. My two friends also helped me. I enjoyed this work very much. In the end, I would also like you to render your services to this great cause for humanity. Convey my best regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

polio free = पोलियो से मुक्त।
render = प्रदान करना।
campaign = अभियान।
humanity = मानवता।

JAC Class 9 English Informal Letter Writing

17. A Letter Telling Your Friend about Your New School

Imagine that you are Rakesh living in Rampura. You have been admitted to a big school in Kota. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your school. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) How do the building and classrooms look like?
(b) What are the facilities for games?
(c) How many teachers are there in the school ?
(d) Which subjects are taught in the school ?
158 B Rajendra Nagar
7 July 20
My dear Friend
You will be glad to know that I have got admission to Central School – 4. Its building is very grand. and far from the polluted atmosphere of the city. The classrooms are airy and full of light. Facilities for co-curricular activities are also very good. There are separate playgrounds for different games. We play games there in the evening. There are forty five teachers of various qualifications:
I like my new school very much.
Convey my best regards to your parents.
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

grand = भव्य।
far from the polluted atmosphere = प्रदूषित वातावरण से काफी दूर।
co-curricular activities = सह-शैक्षणिक गतिविधियाँ।
separate = पृथक्।

18. A Letter Expressing Deep Condolence on Death of Your Friend’s Father

Imagine that you are Sumit living in Jodhpur. Your friend has lost his father. Write a letter to your friend expressing deep condolence on the death of his father. You may touch upon the following points :
(a) How did you get the sad news of the untimely death of his father?
(b) How did you feel on his death ?
(c) When did you see his father last?
(d) What do you pray to God?
275 Adarsh Nagar Jodhpur
15 December 20__ __
My dear Kamal
I was shocked to know about the sad demise of your dear father. When I met him last time, he was quite hale and hearty. I never thought that he would leave us so soon.
He was ever smiling and very kind in nature. He was a pious and religious man. His death is a great personal loss to me too. I pray to God to give you strength to bear this loss. Console yourself and your family members. My sympathies are with you in this hour of deep sorrow. May God grant peace to the departed soul!
With heavy heart
Yours sincerely

Vocabulary :

demise = मृत्यु।
shocked = आघात लगा।
nature = स्वभाव।
religious = धार्मिक।
pious = पवित्र।
sympathies = सहानुभूति।
departed soul = मृतक की आत्मा।


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