JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

JAC Class 7th CivicsRole of the Government in Health InText Questions and Answers

Page 19

Question 1.
Would you associate all or some of these pictures with ‘health’ ? In what ways? Discuss in groups.
Students need to do it by themselves.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 2.
Pick two situations from the collage that are not related to illness and write two sentences on how they are related to health.
Students need to do it by themselves.

Question 3.
Can you provide a title to these columns?
The titles can be:

  • Advancement in Health Care
  • Health situation in India

Question 4.
In India, it is often said that we are unable to provide health services for all because the government does not have enough money and facilities. After reading the above left hand column, do you think this is true? Discuss.
No, it is not true because after reading the left hand side column, we came to know the following things:

  • Healthcare have grown significantly over the years.
  • India has the largest number of medical colleges in the world.
  • India is among the largest numbers of doctors.
  • India is the fourth largest producers of the medicines in the world.
  • India gets large number of medical tourists for many countries.

Page 21

Question 5.
Read the story given refer NCERT page-21. Then imagine that you are a Judge in the court. What would you say to Hakim Sheik?
Being a Judge, I would try to give a fair judgment. He would be granted his due compensation and the doctors and the hospitals who denied to admit him and do the treatment would be given punishments.

Page 21

The story of Hakim Seikh Hakim Seikh was a member of the Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity (PBKMS), an organisation of agricultural labourers in West Bengal. One evening in 1992, he accidentally fell off a running train and suffered head injuries. He was in a very serious condition and needed immediate treatment. He was taken to a government hospital in Kolkata but they refused to admit him because they did not have a spare bed.Another hospital did not have the facility or the specialised doctors necessary for his treatment. I

n this way he spent 14 hours in a critical state and was taken to eight different government hospitals, but none of them admitted him. Finally, he was admitted in a private hospital, where he received treatment. He spent a lot of money oy his treatment.Angry and upset over the indifferent attitude of all the hospitals that refused to admit him, Hakim Seikh and PBKMS filed a case in the court.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 6.
Read the story given above. Then imagine that you are a Judge in the court. What would you say to Hakim Seikh?
I would pronounce the judgement with due compensation to Hakim Seikh. I would also heavily fine the delinquent hospitals as deterrent punishment for dereliction of duty.

Page 24

Question 7.
Where do you go when you are ill? Are there any problems that you face? Write a paragraph based on your experience.
I go to a private hospital or clinic. I prefer it because there is no rush. Doctors give attention to the patients immediately. We get all the services in one place only. Apart from this, the private clinics are neat and clean also. Problems to be face:

  • Non-availability of expert doctors on the spot-.
  • High cost of treatment.
  • No proper guidance and information.

Question 8.
Why did Ranjan have to spend so much money? Give reasons.
Ranjan have to spend, so much money because his father took him to a private hospital and got a quick treatment as they are from a well to do family.

Question 9.
What problems did Aman face in the Government hospital? How do you think the hospital can work in a better manner? Discuss.
In the public hospital, people always get long queues to wait for their turn. Hence, Aman also had to wait for his turn at the OPD section. He leaned on his father as he was feeling very sick. There turn came after a long wait and the doctor asked to do some blood tests. For blood tests also there was a long queue. They got the test results after three days.Again they visited the doctor but another doctor was on duty on that day and he prescribed the medicines.

In order to avoid these type of situations, there should be more qualified and experienced doctors and medically trained person. Facilities should be improved so that the people get the results little early. More branches of healthcare services should be provided. More mobile clinic should also be opened.

Question 10
What problems do we face in private hospitals? Discuss.
In private hospitals we have to spend much more than the public hospitals. We have to buy the medicines from outside which the doctor will prescribe. Most of the time its mandatory to avail the facilities provided by hospital which is costlier then the outside market. Sometimes, some unnecessary tests and medicines are also given for their own profit which is not necessary for the patient.

Page 25

Question 11.
In what ways is the public health system meant for everyone?
Public hospitals and health centres have been established by the government to provide healthcare to all citizens. The taxes we pay to the government are used to run these services. Hence, such facilities are meant for every citizen.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 12.
List some Public Health Centres (PHCs) or hospitals near your place. From your experience (or by visiting any one of them), find out the facilities provided and people who run the centre.
Students need to do it on their own.

Page 26

Question 13.
How can health care be made more affordable? Discuss.
The different ways through which we can make healthcare affordable for all are:

  • Opening more numbers of hospitals, healthcare centres, dispensaries and family welfare centres.
  • Organizing more camps for the prevention of spreading of diseases such as pulse polio.
  • To provide cheaper health services and little early to the poor people.
  • Free camps for check up of general public should be increased.
  • Among common people, spreading
  • health awareness through different means.
  • Provisions should be made to deal with unwanted situations like emergency, epidemics and pandemics.

Question 14.
Private health facilities can mean many things. Explain with the help of some examples from your area.
Private health facilities can mean many things’. Now a days these hospitals are run by big companies. Such companies
run several businesses associated with these centres such as the facilities of pathology, laboratory, medicines, etc.

JAC Class 7th Civics Role of the Government in Health Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
In this chapter you have read that health is a wider concept than illness. Look at this quote from the Constitution and explain the terms ‘living standard’ and ‘public health’ in your own words.
Living standard :
it means the standard of living of people at which they live provided by the family or government. It also refers to the status earned by the people. It means that if they are having all comforts of life and live in a hygienic conditions then there standard of living is quite good. Whereas, if the person is not having all the necessary things for the day to day life, bound to live in a filthy and dirty place, drink polluted water and eat unhygienic foods, it means they have a low standard of living.

Public health:
it refers to the health of the general public of the country. It also refers to the-provision of quality healthcare services by the government either free or at low cost.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 2.
What are the different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all? Discuss.
The different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all are:

  • Opening more numbers of hospitals, healthcare centres, dispensaries and family welfare centres.
  • Organizing more camps for the prevention of spreading of diseases such as pulse polio.
  • To provide cheaper health services and little early to the poor people.
  • Free camps for check up of general public should be increased.
  • Among common people, spreading health awareness through different means.
  • Provisions should be made to deal with unwanted situations like emergency, epidemics and pandemics.

Question 3.
What differences do you find between private and public health services in your area? Use the following table to compare and contrast these.

Facility Affordability Availability Quality


Facility Affordability Availability Question uality
Private Expensive, very high Available Good quality
Public Either free or at low cost Services are available but it takes long time. There is always a rush in these hospitals.

Question 4.
‘Improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases.’ Explain with the help of examples.
The basic necessities for the maintenance of our health are water and sanitation. Poor quality of water causes many health issues such as dysentery, malaria, cholera, diarrhoea, jaundice. Similarly, poor sanitation causes many epidemics and diseases such as plague, dengue. Hence, improvement in water and sanitation can control many diseases. We can do simple things to achieve this such as keeping the water coolers dry, not to store water in pots, change waters in coolers, etc.

JAC Class 7thCivics Role of the Government in Health Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The expected role of government is
(a) Polluting environment
(b) Having clean and pollution free environment
(c) Allowing people to litter around
(d) Providing filthy drinking waters to the people of the country
(b) Having clean and pollution free environment

Question 2.
The water borne disease/s is/are
(a) Hepatitis
(b) Worms
(c) Diarrhoea
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 3.
India is the ……. largest producer of medicines in the world and also a large exporter of medicines,
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
(d) Fourth

Question 4.
Our country has the money, knowledge and people with experience but cannot make the necessary healthcare available to all its citizens such a situation is known as
(a) Paradox: Something that is contrary .to what would be expected.
(b) Healthy: Free of illness, injury and mental strain.
(c) Mundane: Boring situation.
(d) Personification: Figure of speech
(a) Paradox: Something that is contrary .to what would be expected.

Question 5.
RMPs are
(a) Rural Medicine Property
(b) Registered Medical Property
(c) Registered Medical Practitioners
(d) Rural Multiplex Property
(c) Registered Medical Practitioners

Question 6.
Costa Rica became a healthy country by using
(a) The money they save by not having an army but spending it on health services and facilities.
(b) Because they only eat vegetarian food
(c) The money they spend on their animals
(d) None of the above
(a) The money they save by not having an army but spending it on health services and facilities.

Question 7.
The healthiest country/ies in South America is/are
(a) Argentina
(b) Chile
(c) Costa Rica
(d) All of these
(c) Costa Rica

Question 8.
One of the major function of public healthcare system is to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases such as TB, malaria, jaundice, cholera, diarrhoea etc. and it is possible when
(a) all work is done by the people of the country
(b) the government and the people . work together to achieve this common goal
(c) everything is done by the private sectors
(d) all the work is done by the government
(b) the government and the people . work together to achieve this common goal

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 9.
Health concerns of are generally ignored.
(a) Men
(b) Women
(c) Children
(d) both (b) and (c)
(b) Women

Question 10.
OPD means
(a) Out Patient Department
(b) Ordinary Public Department
(c) Other Patient Department
(d) Other Public Department
(a) Out Patient Department

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which state of India guarantee the Right to Healthat first?
Assam is the first state of India to guarantee the Right to Health.

Question 2.
What is the percentage of water borne communicable diseases?
The percentage of water borne communicable diseases is 21%.

Question 3.
Name one communicable disease.
T.B. or tuberculosis is one of the communicable disease.

Question 4.
Name the organisation which is responsible for healthcare policy making in India.
The organisation which is responsible for healthcare policy making in India is The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 5.
Write the full form of UNICEF and WHO.
The full form of
UNICEF: UnitedNations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
WHO: World Health Organisation

Question 6.
Who runs public healthcare system?
Government runs public healthcare system.

Question 7.
In what kind of hospitals patients see long standing queues?
Patients and p’eople generally see long standing queues in public and government hospitals.

Question 8.
What do you mean by communicable diseases?
Communicable diseases are diseases that are spread from one person to another in several ways such as through water, food, air, etc.

Question 9.
What do you mean by health?
Health means leading a good and happy life without mental strain and being active, in positive spirit. Above all, ability to remain free from illness and injuries.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 10.
Where are private health services available?
Private health services are available in urban areas.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Who are medical tourists?
Medical tourists are the foreigners who come to this country especially for medical treatment at hospitals that offer world-class facilities at a lower cost than what they would have to pay in their own countries.

Question 2.
What is the work of village health workers?
There are health centres in the villages where there is usually a nurse and a village health worker. They are trained in dealing with common illnesses and work under the supervision and observation of doctors at the Primary Health Centre (PHC).

Question 3.
What measures can we take to prevent and treat illnesses?
The measures we can take to prevent and treat illnesses is that we need appropriate healthcare facilities such as health centres, hospitals, laboratories for testing, ambulance services, blood banks, etc., that can provide the required care and services that patients need in time of emergency.

Question 4.
Government hospitals are less costly and expensive than the private hospitals. Why?
Government hospitals are less costly and expensive than the private hospitals because government uses the money which we pay as tax for providing many public health services for the benefit of all citizens. Whereas, the private health services are run for their own profit and the cost of these services are very high.

Question 5.
Do you think poor people fall ill more? If so, why?
The poor people are undernourished. These families do not get enough food to eat. They are not provided with the basic necessities such as drinking water, proper housing, neat and clean surroundings, etc. and hence are more likely to fall ill. The expenses on illness make their situation even worse.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Role of the Government in Health

Question 6.
What is medical ethics?
Medical ethics means the value that guide and steer medical professionals. These values refers to the justice, honesty, dignity of work practised by the medical professionals.

Question 7.
What do you mean by health insurance?
A policy taken by a person in which the insurance company agrees to pay a fixed and specified amount for medical expenses in case of illness or injury in lieu of a regular premium to the insurance company is known as health insurance.

Question 8.
Do you think sufficient and adequate healthcare available to all? Justify.
No, sufficient and adequate healthcare is not available- to all. In India, we are facing a situation where private services are rising and increasing but public services are not. Majorly private services are available and that too are concentrated in urban areas. As these services are expensive, many people cannot afford them or have to borrow money when there is an illness in the family.

Women are not taken to a doctor until and unless the matter triggers as women’s health concerns are considered to be less important and valuable than the health of men in the family. Many tribal areas have few health centres and they do not run properly. Even private health services are not available there.

Question 9.
Discuss the positive features of healthcare in India.
Positive features of healthcare in India are:

  • India has the largest number of medical colleges in the world and is among the largest producers of doctors.
  • Healthcare facilities have grown substantially and significantly over the years. In 1991, there were 11,174 hospitals but in 2000, the number grew to 18,218.
  • India is the fourth largest producer of medicines in the world and is also a large exporter of medicines.
  • India gets a large number of medical tourists from many countries. In
  • India, they come for treatment in some of the hospitals which compare with the best in the world.

Question 10.
What is the work or functions of Medical Council of India?
The work or functions of Medical Council of India are as follows:

  • Registering the medical professionals or practitioners.
  • Granting acknowledgement and recognition of medical qualification.
  • Monitoring the medical practice in the country.
  • Maintaining uniform and good standards of medical education in India.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
We should pay taxes to the government. Why?
We should pay taxes to the government because:

  • Government uses the tax money for providing many public services such as for healthcare, defence, police, judicial system, highways, etc. for i
    the benefit of all citizens.
  • Taxes fund developmental programmes and services such as education, health care, employment, social welfare, vocational training, etc. required for needy and the disadvantaged citizens.
  • Tax money is utilised for relief and rehabilitation in case of natural disasters such as flood, epidemic, drought.
  • Space, nuclear and missile programmes are also funded from the revenues collected as the taxes from the citizens.
  • Government provides some services especially for the poor who cannot afford to purchase them from the market.
  • In healthcare system as well medicines and other facilities are in the government hospitals. This is done by the revenues which are collected from tax.

Question 2.
Distinguish between public health services and private health services.
The difference between public health services and private health services are:

Public health services Private health sen ices
The public health . service is a series of health centres and hospitals run by the government. Private health services are not owned or controlled by the government. It runs privately.
It is meant to provide quality healthcare services either free or at a low cost so that even the poor can get proper treatment. These services are run for profit, the cost of these services is very high and expensive.
Public health services are present in rural as well as in urban areas. Private health services are concentrated mainly in urban areas.
Patients usually have to wait in long queues in public hospita People do not face such problem in private hospitals.

Question 3.
Discuss the healthcare policy of Kerala government in 1996. Did they succeeded fully?
The healthcare policy of Kerala government in 1996 were as follows:

  • Forty per cent of the entire state budget was given to panchayats so that they could plan and provide for their requirements.
  • Now the villages could make sure proper planning for water, food, women’s development and education.
  • This meant that water supply . schemes were checked, the working . of schools and anganwadis were
    ensured and specific problems of the village were taken up.
  • Health centres were also improved. No they didn’t succeeded fully though the situation improved a lot. There were loopholes such as shortage of medicines, hospital beds and less number of doctors and workers.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

JAC Class 7th Civics On Equality InText Questions and Answers

Page 6

Question 1.
Do you think Kanta has enough reason to doubt whether she really is equal? List three reasons from the story above that might make her feel like this.
Yes, Kanta has enough reason to doubt whether she really is equal. The three reasons from the story above that might make her feel like this are as follows : Kanta cannot take a leave from work when she needs to as she required money to take her daughter to the doctor. She cannot attend a private hospital but has to attend a government hospital. She needs to stand in a queue and wait for her turn to come to show her daughter to the doctor who was very ill. She lives in a slum area which is never cleaned.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Page 7

Question 2.
Circle the reference to caste in the matrimonial advertisements given below.
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality 1
The references are Caste no bar. SC/ST excuse Gupta boy Tamil Brahmin

Page 8

Question 3.
Why do you think Omprakash Valmiki was being treated unequally by his teacher and his classmates? Imagine yourself as Omprakash Valmiki and write four lines about how you would feel if you were in the same situation as him.
Omprakash Valmiki was being treated unequally by his teacher and his classmates because he was from lower caste or we can say a dalit boy.If I were in the same situation as him, I would have : Felt very humiliated and sad. As every human beings have the right to live a life with dignity, there my dignity would have been violated. Felt very disappointed and questioned my identity. Since we are dalits, they made us feel that we have no access to education.

Question 4.
Why do you think the Ansaris were being treated unequally? What would you do if you were in the Ansaris’ position and could not find a place to live because some people did not want to live next to you because of the religion you practice?
The Ansaris were being treated unequally because they were of different religion. If I were in the Ansari’s position then I would have stood for my religion and make them understand the ethics and values. Would have made them understand that all religions lead to one God only.

Page 9

Question 5.
If you were one of the Ansaris how would you have responded to the suggestion that you change your name?
If I were one of the Ansaris then I would have decided not to change the name. The decision to change the name would hurt my self respect and its very insulting as well.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 6.
Can you think of an incident in your life in which your dignity was violated? How did this make you feel?
Students need to answer on their own.

Page 11

Question 7.
What is the midday meal programme? Can you list three benefits of the programme? How do you think this programme might help promote greater equality?
The midday meal programme is a scheme made by the government and launched on 15th August, 1995. This programme has been introduced in all government elementary schools to provide children with cooked lunch. Three benefits of the programme :

  • The scheme helped to improve the attendance of children. Their mothers who earlier had to come back to home from their work to feed their children now no longer need to do so.
  • More underprivileged children have begun to enrolling and regularly attending school.
  • This scheme has also helped reduce caste prejudices because both lower and upper caste children in the school eat this midday meal together.
  • I don’t think that this programme would be more effective. Huge differences can be seen between schools that the rich attend and those that the poor attends. Inequalities still exist. But then also, this programme proved to be a one step ahead in the direction of establishing equality in the country.

Question 8.
Find out about one government scheme in your area. What does this scheme do? Whom is this scheme set up to benefit?
Students need to do it on their own

JAC Class 7th Civics On Equality Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
In a democracy why is universal adult franchise important?
In a democracy, Universal Adult Franchise is important because every citizen of a country is equal in democracy and Universal Adult Franchise is based on equality. Under Universal Adult Franchise every adult person is allowed to vote irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex, etc.

Question 2.
Re-read the box on Article 15 and state two ways in which this Article addresses inequality.
F.xcerpt from Article 15 of the N Indian Constitution Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to

(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment;
(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public. This article addresses inequality in terms of

  1. Access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and place of public entertainment.
  2. the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public.

Question 3.
In what ways was Omprakash Valmiki’s experience similar to that of the Ansaris?
Omprakash Valmiki’s experience is similar to that of the Ansaris as both of them were discriminated and humiliated. Both of them faced violation of dignity. While Omprakash Valmiki has to clean and sweep the school since he was a dalit boy, Ansaris were denied the apartments on rent due to their religion.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 4.
What do you understand by the term “all persons are equal before the law”? Why do you think it is important in a democracy?
The term “all persons are equal before the law” means that all person should be treated equally. Every person from President of the -country to a domestic servant has to obey the same law. No one can be discriminated or feel biased against on the basis of their caste, creed, sex, religion, etc. Every person has the access to all public places such as playgrounds, hotels, markets and shops.

Apart from these, every person can use publicly available roads, wells, bathing ghats, etc.In democracy, equality is the main ingredient. Democracy is a form of government which gives equal rights, importance and recognition to all. Democracy would never happen and flourish if inequalities continues to exist. It will perish soon.

Question 5.
According to the Rights of Person with Disabilities Act, 2016, persons with disabilities have equal rights, and that the government should make possible their full participation in society, The government has to provide free education and integrate children with disabilities into mainstream schools. This law also states that all public places including buildings, schools, etc., should be accessible and provided with ramps.

Look at the photograph and think about the boy who is being carried down the stairs. Do you think the above law is being implemented in his case? What needs to be done to make the building more accessible for him? How7 would his being carried down the stairs affect his dignity as well as his safety?
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality 2
We can see that the boy in the above photograph is disabled. The Disabilities Act in 1955 is not fully implemented. Apart from stairs, there should be ramp as well. He is being carried down by security people through stairs which is dangerous and risky7. The boy’s dignity is hurt and will feel inferior as well. He is recognized as unequal in front of others.

JAC Class 7thCivics On Equality Important Questions and Answers

Multipie Choice Questions

Question 1.
Omprakash Valmiki wrote
(a) Godan
(b) Joothan
(c) Geetanjali
(d) Gaban
(b) Joothan

Question 2.
The first state to introduce the Midday Meal Scheme was
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Manipur
(c) Karnataka
(d) Maharashtra
(a) Tamil Nadu

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 3.
The Civil Rights Act w as passed in
(a) 1955
(b) 1962
(c) 1964
(d) 1978
(c) 1964

Question 4.
The right to vote in India is called as
(a) Universal Adult Franchise
(b) One vote-one value
(c) Right to vote
(d) None of these
(a) Universal Adult Franchise

Question 5.
We should not discriminate for the colour of the skin say, w hites or blacks on the basis of
(a) Gender
(b) Race
(c) Caste
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Question 6.
The midday meal scheme was first started in the year
(a) 1995
(b) 2001
(c) 2005
(d) 2009
(a) 1995

Question 7.
The main feature of democracy influences all areas of the government’s work is
(a) Liberty7
(b) Equality7
(c) Discrimination
(d) none of these
(b) Equality7

Question 8.
Based on the idea of Universal Adult Franchise, the number of time/s a person can vote in a general election is/ are
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) as many times according to his wish
(c) 1

Question 9.
The most common forms of inequality in most of the cities and villages are
(a) cultural discrimination
(b) food habits
(c) biased in the use of public places
(d) the caste system
(d) the caste system

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 10.
…… has been traditionally considered a lower or inferior caste by many in India.
(a) Dalits
(b) Rajputs
(c) Kshatriyas
(d) Vaishyas
(a) Dalits

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which type of government does India have?
India has a democratic type of government.

Question 2.
In which year the Supreme Court asked all the states to start the midday meal scheme in India?
In 2001, the Supreme Court asked all the states to start the midday meal scheme in India.

Question 3.
Which people have been employed to cook the meal under the midday meal scheme?
Dalit women have been employed to cook the meal under the midday meal scheme.

Question 4.
Name the African American w oman who has an important role in starting the Civil Rights Movement.
Rosa Parks was the African American woman who has an important role in starting the Civil Rights Movement.

Question 5.
What is the minimum age to cast a vote in an election?
The minimum age to cast a vote in an election is 18 years and above means they are considered as adult.

Question 6.
Whose autobiography is ‘Joothanf?
Omprakash Valmiki’s autobiography is ‘joothan

Question 7.
What are the common form of inequalities that exist in India?
The caste system and religion are the common forms of inequalities that exist in India.

Question 8.
What do you mean by Constitution?
Constitution is a document that lays down the basic and important rules and regulations -for people and the government in the country to follow and abide by it.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 9.
Why Omprakash Valmiki was being treated unequally by his teacher and his classmates?
Omprakash Valmiki is being treated unequally on the basis of differences of caste as he was from lower caste.

Question 10.
What is Civil Rights Movement?
In the late 50s, a movement took place in the USA for equal rights for the Afro- American people. This movement later came to be known as the Civil Rights Movement.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Dalit people are not considered as equal even though the law says it. Why?
Dalit people are not considered as equal even though the law says it because of attitudes change very slowly. It will happen only when people begin to believe that no one is inferior, lower and that every person deserves to be treated with dignity.

Question 2.
In which way does the government assures equality?
Equality is assured through:

  • Government schemes and programmes for the disadvantaged communities or groups.
  • Laws specified in the Constitution.

Question 3.
What are the reasons for unequal treatment?
The reasons for unequal treatment are:

  • Gender of a person (male or female)
  • The caste we have
  • The religion we practice and follow
  • The background of our class from where we come

Question 4.
What was the effect and outcome of Civil Rights Movement?
The effect and outcome of Civil Rights Movement was:

  • It forbids andprohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, race and national origin.
  • It also stated that the schools would be open to the Afro-American children and that they would no longer have to attend the separate schools specially opened for them.

Question 5.
Briefly describe equality in Indian democracy.
The Indian Constitution considers and recognises every person as equal. This means that every individual in the country including male and female persons irrespective of their castes, religions, tribes, educational and economic backgrounds are recognised as equal. Though inequality still exists in our society yet the principle of equality of all person is recognised. Earlier, law was not there to protect people from discrimination and bad behaviour but now a days there are many that actually work to see that people are treated with dignity.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 1 On Equality

Question 6.
What do you understand by the Disability7 Act which was passed in 1995?
The Government of India passed the Disabilities Act in 1995. This law states that persons with disabilities have equal rights and that the government should make possible of their full participation in society7. The government has to provide free education and integrate children with disabilities into mainstream schools. This law also states that all public places including buildings, schools, etc., should be accessible and provided with ramps so that they can move around easily.

Question 7.
Explain the Civil Rights Movement.
On 1st December 1955, an African American woman named Rosa Parks who was tired from a long day at work and refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Her refusal that day started a huge agitation against the unequal ways in which African-Americans were treated and which came to be known as the Civil Rights Movement.

Question 8.
Which formal documents recognises every person’s democratic right to equality in India? What is the place called where the elected leaders meet to discuss the problems and matters of national importance?
The formal documents recognises eveiy person’s democratic right to equality in India in the Constitution. The place is called the Parliament where the elected leaders meet to discuss the problems and matters of national importance.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe in brief the provisions made in the Constitution for the recognition of equality.
Provisions made in the Constitution for the recognition of equality are:

  • Every person from the President of the country to a domestic worker has to obey and abide by the same laws.
  • No person can be discriminated against on the basis of their religion, race, caste, place of birth or whether they are female or male.
  • Every person has access to all public places which consists of playgrounds, hotels, shops and markets. All persons can use publicly available wells, roads and bathing ghats.
  • Untouchability has been abolished.

Question 2.
What are the benefits of the midday meal programme?
Benefits of the midday meal programme are:

  • More poor children have begun enrolling in the school and regularly attending school.
  • It has also helped to reduce caste prejudices because both lower and upper caste children in the school eat this meal together.
  • In few places, Dalit women have been employed to cook the meal.
  • The midday meal programme also helps reduce the hunger of poor students who often come to school and cannot concentrate because they are hungry as their stomachs are empty.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

JAC Class 7th Geography Life in the Deserts InText Questions and Answers

Page 69

Question 1.
Can you name some more passes in the Himalayas?
Banihal Pass, Burzil Pass, Aghil Pass, etc., are the passes in Himalayas.

JAC Class 7th Geography Life in the Deserts Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(a) What are the two types of deserts found in the world?
The two types of deserts found in the world are the hot deserts and the cold deserts.

(b) In which continent is the Sahara desert located?
In Africa, the Sahara desert is located.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

(c) What are the climatic conditions of the Ladakh desert?
The climatic conditions of the Ladakh desert is exceptionally cold and very dry due to high altitude. In summer, the day temperature are just above zero degree and at night, the temperature are below -30 degree. Most of the time in winters they have the temperatures below -40 degree. The region experiences hot burning sunlight and freezing winds.

(d) What mainly attracts tourists to Ladakh?
Treks to the meadows, glaciers and the gompas attract the tourists in Ladakh. In winter, the ceremonies and festivities in which the local people engaged themselves also attract the tourists.

(e) What type of clothes the people of the Sahara desert wear?
The types of clothes people in the Sahara desert wear are the heavy robes.

(f) Name the trees that grow in Ladakh.
The trees that grow in Ladakh are fruit trees such as apple, apricots and walnuts. Also grown there are scanty patches of shrubs and grasses, groves of willows and poplars.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Sahara is located in which part of Africa?
(a) Eastern
(b) Northern
(c) Western
(b) Northern

(ii) Sahara is what type of desert?
(a) Cold
(b) Hot
(c) Mild
(b) Hot

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

(iii) The Ladakh desert is mainly inhabited by
(a) Christians and Muslims
(b) Buddhists and Muslims
(c) Christians and Buddhists
(b) Buddhists and Muslims

(iv) Deserts are characterised by
(a) scanty vegetation
(b) heavy precipitation
(c) low evaporation
(a) scanty vegetation

(v) Hemis in the Ladakh is a famous
(a) temple
(b) church
(c) monastery
(c) monastery

(vi) Egypt is famous for growing
(a) wheat
(b) maize
(c) cotton
(c) cotton

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Oasis (a) Libya
(ii) Bedouins (b) monastery
(iii) Oil (c) glacier
(iv) Gangri (d) depressions with water
(v) Lamayuru (e) Sahara


(i) Oasis (d) depressions with water
(ii) Bedouins (f) Sahara
(iii) Oil (a) Libya
(iv) Gangri (c) glacier
(v) Lamayuru (b) monastery

Question 4.
Give reasons.
(i) There is scanty vegetation in the . deserts.
There is scanty vegetation in the deserts because the climate is either very hot and dry or very cold and dry. Both the conditions are unfavourable for the growth of vegetation. Apart from this, there is less rainfall and lack of sufficient water as well to have vegetation.

(ii) People of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes.
To protect themselves from hot winds and dust storms, the people of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 5.
Map skills
(i) On the outline map of Africa, mark the Sahara desert.
Do it yourself.

(ii) On the outline map of India, mark the Karakoram Range, Zanskar Range, Ladakh and Zoji La pass.
Do it yourself.

(For Fun)

Question 6.
Desert Game This is a class room activity involving all the students. The teacher will create a list of desert creatures. The number of the creatures should be same as the number of students in the class. The creatures can be picked up from the categories of mammals, birds and reptiles.

Mammals can include – camel, yak, fox, sheep, goat, antelope… Birds – raven, eagle, vulture, turkey… Reptiles – snakes … Assign one desert creature to each student. Ask the student to write three characteristics of the creature on plain sheet of paper, (students can use index cards of size 10 cm * 15 cm). Question such as – in what type of deserts it is found? Major adaptation? Use to man?
These characteristics will be used as clues in the guessing game. On the board make three columns mammals, birds and reptiles. Paste a sheet of paper in the column under the particular category. The class can be divided in three to four groups. They will compete against each other in the ‘desert game’. Each group now takes turn in guessing the correct answer. Explain to the class that they have to guess what animal matches the characteristics listed on the paper.

For example:

  • Animal of hot desert
  • Has double set of eyelashes to keep away the sand
  • The hide is used for making water bottles.

The correct answer is ‘camel’. Within the group there will be a student who has prepared the card. That student should not answer. Ten points are awarded for the correct answer. This game will enable students to understand the desert You can play the same game by taking different types of fruits, flora and the clothes the people wear.
Students need to do this activity in the class.

JAC Class 7th Geography Life in the Deserts Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
All over the world, the Egyptians have been famous for a cash crop that they have been growing since ancient times, which is widely in demand even – today and the cash crop is
(a) Cotton
(b) Maize
(c) Wheat
(d) Barley
(a) Cotton

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 2.
….. are commonly found in Ladakh.
(a) Camels
(b) Churches
(c) Monastries
(d) Buffaloes
(c) Monastries

Question 3.
Plants and animals adapt to the exceptionally hot and cold weather conditions and water shortages by adapting themselves by learning skills and developing different techniques which help them survive in the deserts. The are not found in deserts.
(a) Kangaroo rat
(b) Redwood trees
(c) Bactrian camel
(d) Red cactii
(b) Redwood trees

Question 4.
Which of the following people do not live in deserts?
(a) Anangus
(b) Tuaregs
(c) Apache Indians
(d) Bedouins
(c) Apache Indians

Question 5.
The animals which is not found in Ladakh is/are
(a) The Asiatic Lion
(b) the Himalayan Marmot
(c) the Mountain Sheep
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(a) The Asiatic Lion

Question 6.
The common occupation of the people of Ladakh are
(a) cotton farming
(b) tourism
(c) fruit cultivation
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Question 7.
The mineral which is found in Sahara is
(a) copper
(b) iron
(c) zinc
(d) None of these
(b) iron

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 8.
Number of country/ies which touches Sahara desert is/are
(a) 11
(b) 9
(c) 1
(d) 14
(a) 11

Question 9.
Vegetation of Sahara desert consists of cactus, palms,
(a) date and apple
(b) fig and date
(c) apple and acacia
(d) date, acacia
(a) date and apple

Question 10.
The world’s largest desert is
(a) Sahara desert
(b) Thar desert
(c) Ladakh desert
(d) Kalahari desert
(a) Sahara desert

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
List the major and famous monasteries of Ladakh.
The major and famous monasteries of Ladakh are Lamayuru, Hemis, Thiksey and Shey.

Question 2.
Name the capital of Ladakh.
The capital of Ladakh is Leh.

Question 3.
List the countries which are associated with the discovery of oil.
The countries which are associated with the discovery of oil are Egypt, Algeria and Libya.

Question 4.
What is the area of the Sahara desert?
The area of the Sahara desert is approximately 8.54 million sq km.

Question 5.
Name the place which recorded the highest temperature of 57.7°C in 1922.
A1 Azizia in the Sahara desert which is south of Tripoli, Libya recorded the highest temperature of 57.7°C in 1922.

Question 6.
Which are the four passes that Manali – Leh highway crosses?
Manali Leh highway crosses four passes, Rohtang la, Baralacha la Lungalacha la and Tanglang la.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 7.
What type of desert are Sahara and Ladakh?
The type of desert are:

  • Sahara hot desert
  • Ladakh cold desert

Question 8.
Which is the most important river that flow through Ladakh?
The most important river that flow through Ladakh is Indus.

Question 9.
What do you mean by desert?
Desert is an arid region distinguished and marked by extremely high or low temperatures and has scarce vegetation.

Question 1.
Where is Tafilalet Oasis situated and what is the area of this oasis?
Tafilalet Oasis is situated in Morocco and is a very large oasis with an area of approximately 13,000 sqkm.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
How many countries touches the Sahara desert? Name them all.
The Sahara desert touches eleven countries which are Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia and Western Sahara.

Question 2.
Oasis in the Sahara has settled population. Explain briefly.
Oasis in the Sahara has settled population because these areas are fertile and people may settle around these water bodies and grow date palms and other crops.

Question 3.
Nomadic tribes of Sahara desert rear livestock. Why do they do?
These animals yields milk, hides from which they make leather for belts, slippers, water bottles; hair is also used for mats, carpets, clothes and blankets hence nomadic tribes of Sahara desert rear livestock.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 4.
Briefly describe the changes which are undergoing in the cultural environment of the Sahara desert.
The following changes which are undergoing in the cultural environment of the Sahara desert are:

  • In the salt trade, trucks are replacing camels.
  • Big and huge glass office buildings, towers are shining over mosques. Super highways criss-cross the ancient camel paths.
  • Tuaregs are working as guides to the foreign tourists.
  • More and more nomadic herdsman are shifting to the city for finding jobs in gas and oil operations.

Question 5.
Describe in brief the climate of the Sahara desert.
The climate of the Sahara desert is unbearably hot and parch dry. It has a very short rainy season and the sky is clear and cloudless. The days are extremely hot and the temperature rises upto 50 degrees. The nights are freezing cold nearing zero degree.

Question 6.
In which way Sahara became a desert?
Sahara once used to be a lush green plain. In Sahara desert, cave paintings depicts that there were rivers with . crocodiles. Common animals were found such as elephants, lions, giraffes, ostriches, sheep, cattle and goats. Due to the change in climate, it has changed to a very hot and dry region.

Question 7.
Describe in brief the rich fauna of Ladakh.
Ladakh is very rich in fauna. Many bird species and animals are seen. In Ladakh, common birds are tibetian snow cock, robins, raven, redstarts and hoopoe. Few of them are migratory. The animals which are found are wild goats, wild sheep, yak and special kinds of dogs.

Question 8.
Describe in brief the activities of the people of Ladakh in summers and winters.
There are many activities the people of Ladakh are engaged in summers and winters. People are busy in cultivation work during summers. They grow crops such as potatoes, pear, turnip, barley and beans. During winter, they engage themselves in different festivities and ceremonies as winters are unbearable and harsh.

Women manage both house and field very efficiently. One of the important occupation is weaving. Pashmina shawls are weaved from the wool of the chiru antelope. Carpets and rugs from the sheep. Many popular products such as butter, milk and hides are obtained from yak.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 9 Life in the Deserts

Question 9.
What is the location of Ladakh?
Ladakh is a cold desert which is lying in the Great Himalayas on the eastern side of Jammu and Kashmir. In the north, the Karakoram Range and the Zanskar mountains in the south enclose it. Many rivers flow through Ladakh and Indus being the most important amongst them.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Distinguish between the deserts of Sahara and Ladakh.

  • Sahara is a hot desert.
  • It is located in northern Africa.
  • The climate is extremely hot and parched dry.
  • It attracts very less tourists.
  • They are mainly nomadic tribes. Oasis offers settled population.
  • Few plants grow such as cactus, date, palm and acacia.


  • Ladakh is a cold desert.
  • It is located in northern Himalayas, India
  • The climate is extremely cold and dry.
  • It attracts tourists because of its festivities and different ceremonies.
  • The people are either Muslims or Buddhists.
  • Fruits trees grow such as apples, apricots. Trees such as poplar, willows, etc. also grows.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

JAC Class 7th Geography Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions InText Questions and Answers

Page 56

Question 1.
Name the countries of the basin through which the equator passes.
The countries of the basin through which the equator passes are Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.

Question 2.
Some TV channels broadcast documentaries on the wildlife of the world. Try to watch some of the films and share your experience with the class.
Students need to do it themselves.

Page 60

Question 3.
River Brahmaputra is known by different names in different places. Find the other names of the river.
Padma in Bangladesh, Siang in Arunachal Pradesh, Tsangpo or Yarlung Zangbo in Tibet.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 4.
Collect some handicrafts made from jute, bamboo and silk. Display them in the class. Find out in which area they were made?
Jute, bamboo and silk are made in Bihar, West Bengal and Assam.

JAC Class 7th Geography Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical RegionsTextbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Name the continent in which the Amazon Basin is located.
The continent in which the Amazon Basin is located is South America.

(ii) What are the crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin?
The crops grown by the people of the Amazon Basin are pineapple, tapioca and sweet potato. Maize, coffee and cocoa are also grown as cash crops.

(iii) Name the birds that you are likely to find in the rainforests of the Amazon.
The birds that are likely to found in the rainforests of the Amazon are macaws, humming bird and toucans.

(iv) What are the major cities located on the River Ganga?
The major cities located on the River Ganga are Kolkata, Patna, Varanasi, Kanpur and Prayagraj (Allahabad).

(v) Where is the one-horned rhinoceros found?
In the Brahmaputra plain, the one-horned rhinoceros is found.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Toucans are a type of
(a) birds
(b) animals
(c) crops
(a) birds

(ii) Manioc is the staple food of
(a) Ganga Basin
(b) Africa
(c) Amazon
(c) Amazon

(iii) Kolkata is located on the river
(a) Orange
(b) Hooghly
(c) Bhagirathi
(b) Hooghly

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

(iv) Deodars and firs are a type of
(a) Coniferous trees
(b) Deciduous trees
(c) Shrubs
(a) Coniferous trees

(v) Bengal tiger is found in
(a) mountains
(b) delta area
(c) Amazon
(b) delta area

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Cotton textile (a) Assam
(ii) Maloca (b) Terrace farming
(iii) Piranha (c) Sericulture
(iv) Silk worm (d) Slanting roof
(v) Kaziranga (e) Ganga plain
(f) Varanasi
(g) Fish


(i) Cotton textile (e) Ganga plain
(ii) Maloca (d) Slanting roof
(iii) Piranha (g) Fish
(iv) Silkworm (c) Sericulture
(v) Kaziranga (a) Assam

Question 4.
Give reasons.
(i) The rainforests are depleting.
The rainforests is depleting due to the developmental activities that are going at a fast speed. It is evaluated that a large region of the rainforest has been disappearing yearly in the basin. As a result, the top soils is washed away when the rain falls and the lush green forests turn into barren and empty landscape. Apart from this, setting up large scale industries after the clearing of forests.

(ii) Paddy is grown in the Ganga- Brahmaputra plains.
Paddy cultivation needs sufficient water. The Ganga-Brahmaputra plains fulfills this condition hence paddy is grown in the Ganga- Brahmaputra plains.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 5.
Map Skills
(i) On an outline map of Indian Sub-continent, draw the rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra from the source to the mouth. Also show the important tributaries of both the rivers.
Important tributaries of river Ganga: Yamuna, Gomti, Kosi, Damodar Important tributaries of river Brahmaputra: Teesta, Dibang,
Kolong, Lohit, Subansiri. Do it yourself.

(ii) On the political map of the South America, draw the equator. Mark the countries located on the equator.
Do it yourself.

(For Fun)

Question 6.
Make a collage to show places of attractions in India. You can divide the class in different groups to show attractions based on mountain landscapes, coastal beaches, wildlife sanctuaries and places of historical importance.
Students need to do it yourself.

Question 7.
Collect under mentioned material and observe how destruction of trees effect the soil cover.

  1. Three small flowerpots or food cans (e.g., cold drinks tin cans),
  2. one big can with holes punched in the bottom (this will act as a sprinkling can),
  3. twelve coins or bottle caps
  4. soil.

Take three small cans or pots. Fill them with soil till the top. Press the soil to make it level with the top of the can. Now put four coins or bottle caps on the soil of each can. Take the big can that has been punched with holes and fill it with water. You can also take the sprinkling can from your garden. Now, sprinkle water on the three cans. On the first can sprinkle water very slowly so that no soil splashes out.

Let moderate amount of water be sprinkled on the second can. On the third can, sprinkle the water heavily. You will observe that unprotected soil splashes out. Where the ‘rain’ is heavy the amount of soil that splashes out is the maximum and least in case of the first can. The coins or caps represent the tree covers. It is clear that if the land is cleared completely of the vegetation, the soil cover will quickly disappear.
Students need to do it by themselves under the guidance of teachers parents.

JAC Class 7th Geography  Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Through Delhi, the largest tributary of the Ganges passes. The city which join the river Ganga is
(a) Kanpur
(b) Patna
(c) Prayagraj
(d) Kolkata
(c) Prayagraj

Question 2.
The major cities of India and Bangladesh which flank the Ganga- Brahmaputra delta are
(a) Patna and Dhaka
(b) Kolkata and Dhaka
(c) Patna and Faridpur
(d) Kolkata and Faridpur
(b) Kolkata and Dhaka

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 3.
The Ganges which joins the Brahmaputra in to form one of the largest river basins in the world.
(a) Nepal
(b) India
(c) China
(d) Bangladesh
(d) Bangladesh

Question 4.
The most common food eaten by the Amazon people are
(a) Manioc
(b) Plum
(c) Passion fruit
(d) None of these
(a) Manioc

Question 5.
The Amazon river basin encompasses the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.
river is not a tributary of the Amazon,
(a) Purus
(b) Songa
(c) Rio Negro
(d) Nile
(b) Songa

Question 6.
……. is not situated on the banks of the river Ganga.
(a) Indore
(b) Kolkata
(c) Patna
(d) Varanasi
(a) Indore

Question 7.
The animal which is not found in the rainforest is
(a) Sloth
(b) Jaguars
(c) Lions
(d) None of these
(c) Lions

Question 8.
Climate found in the Amazon Basin is
(a) Hot and wet
(b) Extremely cold
(c) Hot and humid
(d) Extremely hot
(a) Hot and wet

Question 9.
Piranha is a type of
(a) Bird
(b) Reptiles
(c) Insect
(d) Fish
(d) Fish

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 10.
Cash crops grown in the Ganga- Brahmaputra plain are
(a) Jute and sugarcane
(b) Sugarcane and maize
(c) Jute and maize
(d) Sugarcane and banana
(a) Jute and sugarcane

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the cash crops that the rainforest people grow?
The cash crops that the rainforest people grow are coffee, maize and cocoa.

Question 2.
What do you mean by bromeliads?
The special plants that store water in their leaves are known as bromeliads. Animals such as frogs use these pockets of water for laying their eggs.

Question 3.
Name the crops which are grown in Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
The crops which are grown in Ganga- Brahmaputra basin are paddy, wheat, maize, sorghum, gram and millets. Cash crops like sugarcane and jute are also grown.

Question 4.
On which river, Taj Mahal is located?
Taj Mahal is located on the banks of the river Yamuna.

Question 5.
What do you mean by population density?
The number of persons that live in one sq. km. of area is known as population density.

Question 6.
What do you mean by ‘Maloca’?
‘Maloca’ means large apartment-like houses with a steeply slanting roof.

Question 7.
Who discovered the Amazon River?
A Spanish explorer named Francisco de Orellana discovered the Amazon River.

Question 8.
Define the river’s mouth.
The river’s mouth is the place where a river flows into another body of water.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 9.
Where Ganga and Brahmaputra basin situated?
The Ganga and Brahmaputra basin lies in the sub-tropical region that is situated between 10°N to 30°N latitudes.

Question 10.
Define tributaries.
Tributaries are the small river that join the main river.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why the tropical region is called the equatorial region?
The tropical region is called the equatorial region because this region lies very close to the equator between 10 degree north and 10 degree south.

Question 2.
Variety of fishes are found in the Amazon basin and Ganga- Brahmaputra basin. What are they?
Variety of fishes are found, in the Amazon basin and Ganga-Brahmaputra basin. They are: Amazon Basin: Several species of fishes such as Pancake stingray, Electric eel, Blue shark, Armored catfish, flesh eating Piranha are found. Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin: The popular fishes are rohu, catla and hilsa. It is also the staple diet of the people residing there.

Question 3.
What are the main characteristics of Ganga-Brahmaputra basin?
The Ganga and the Brahmaputra plains, the mountains and the foothills of the Himalayas and the Sundarbans delta are the main characteristics of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra basin.

Question 4.
In the Amazon Basin what type of natural vegetation is found?
In the Amazon Basin region, it rains heavily and thick forests grow. The forests are so thick that the dense ‘roof’ created by leaves and branches does not allow the sunlight to reach the ground. Hence, the ground remains dark and damp. Only shade tolerant vegetation may grow here. Plant parasites grow such as orchids, bromeliads, etc.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 5.
What do people of the Amazon rainforest do?
After clearing some trees in the forest, people grow most of their food in small regions. Men hunt and fish along the rivers and women take care of the crops. They mainly grow tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato. Due to uncertainty of hunting and fishing, so the women keep their families alive by feeding them the vegetables they grow. They practice ‘slash and bum agriculture’.

Question 6.
The life of the people of the Amazon basin is changing. How?
Time is moving very fast and this has resulted in the change of the life style of the people everywhere around the world. The life of the people of the Amazon basin is also changing but not at a very fast speed. In the early days, it was difficult to reach the core of the forest. The Trans Amazon highway was made in 1970 where all parts of the rain forest accessible. Aircrafts and helicopters are also used for reaching various places and dense forests. The native people was pushed out from the area and forced to settle in new regions and places.

Question 7.
Explain the vegetation found in the Ganga-Brahtnaputra Basin.
The vegetation of the Ganga- Brahmaputra Basin covers the area which varies according to the type of landforms. In the Ganga and Brahmaputra, plain tropical deciduous trees grow such as teak, sal and peepal. In the Brahmaputra plain, thick bamboo groves are very common. The delta region is covered with the mangrove forests. In some parts of Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, coniferous trees like pine, deodar and fir can be found due to the climatic condition which is cool and the slopes are steep.

Question 8.
Explain in short the agricultural activities of the people in the Ganga- Brahmaputra Basin.
The main occupation of the people in the Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin is agriculture. The main crop cultivated is paddy. Apart from paddy the other crops which are grown are wheat, maize, sorghum, gram and millets. Cash crops such as sugarcane and jute are also grown. Banana plantations are found in some regions of the plain. In West Bengal and Assam, tea is grown in plantations. Silk is produced through the cultivation of silk worms in some parts of Bihar and Assam. In the mountains and hills, crops are grown on terraces where the slopes are gentle.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions

Question 9.
What is the indication and implication of devastation of rainforests?
The indication of devastation of rainforests is that the top soil is washed away as the rain falls and the lush green forests turn into a barren and unproductive land.

Question 10.
Tourism is an important activity in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin. How can we say that?
Tourism is an important activity of the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin. Taj Mahal on the banks of River Yamuna in Agra, Prayagraj on the confluence of the Rivers Ganga and Yamuna and invisible Saraswati river, Buddhists stupas in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, Lucknow have its Imambara, Assam with Kaziranga and Manas wildlife sanctuaries and Arunachal Pradesh with a distinct tribal culture are few places worth a visit and to enjoy life.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss in brief the wildlife living in the Ganga-Brahmaputra region or plain.
There is a diversity and variety of wildlife found in the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin. The common animals which are found are elephants, monkeys, tigers, deers. Also, one- homed rhinoceros are found in the plain. In the delta region, crocodiles, alligators and Bengal tigers are found. Aquatic life flourish in the fresh river water, the lakes and the Bay of Bengal sea. The common and popular fish which are found are hilsa mainly in the fresh water of the river Ganga, rohu and catla and other fresh water fishes.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

JAC Class 7th Geography Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication InText Questions and Answers

Page 49

Question 1.
Where do you find dwellings made of ice? Who makes them and what are they called?
In tundra region, we find dwellings made of ice. Eskimos makes them and they are called as igloos.

Question 2.
List the different modes of transport used by the students of your class while coming to school.
The different modes of transport used by the students of the class while coming to school are buses, vans, cars, public transport and bicycles. Also some of them come by foot.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Page 51

Question 3.
Can you name some more ports of the world?
Some more ports of the world are Shanghai and Shenzhen in China, Busan in South Korea, Hamburg in Germany, Valencia in Spain, Colon in Panama, etc.

Page 52

Question 4.
Find out the names of some newspapers and TV news channels in English, Hindi and a regional language.
The names of some newspapers and TV news channels in English, Hindi and a regional language are Newspapers
The Times of India, The Hindu, The Statesman, The Hindustan Times. Hindi: Navbharat Times, Dainik Jagran, Hindustan

Anandabazar; Gujarati: Divya Bhaskar TV News Channels English: CNN, IBN, Times Now Hindi: Aaj Tak, Zee News, DD News

Bangla: Star Jalsha News

JAC Class 7th Geography Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) What are the four means of transport?
The four means of transport are

  • Roadways
  • Railways
  • Waterways
  • Airways

(ii) What do you understand by the term ‘settlement’?
The term ‘settlement’ means a place where people build their homes to live in.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

(iii) Which are the activities practised by the rural people?
The activities which are practiced by the rural people are farming, fishing, forestry, craftwork, trading, extracting and collecting.

(iv) Mention any two merits of railways.
Two merits of railways are:

  • Carry heavy goods in bulk
  • Carry people to long distances very quickly and at low cost.

(v) What do you understand by communication ?
A process by which we convey our messages to other people is known as communication.

(vi) What is mass media?
Answer: Mass media consists of newspaper, television and radio. Due to mass media we can communicate with number of people through this.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Which is NOT a means of communication?
(a) Telephone
(b) Books
(c) Table
(c) Table

(ii) Which type of road is constructed under the ground?
(a) Fly over
(b) Expressways
(c) Subways
(c) Subways

(iii) Which mode of transport is most suitable to reach an island?
(a) Ship
(b) Train
(c) Car
(a) Ship

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

(iv) Which vehicle does not pollute the environment?
(a) Cycle
(b) Bus
(c) Aeroplane
(a) Cycle

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Internet (e) areas where people are engaged in manufacturing, trade and services
(ii) Canal route (d) closely built area of houses
(iii) Urban areas (c) houses on stilts
(iv) Compact settlement (d) inland waterway
(e) a means of communication


(i) Internet (d) a means of communication
(ii) Canal route (c) inland waterway
(iii) Urban areas (a) areas where people are engaged in manufacturing, trade and services
(iv) Compact settlement (b) closely built area ofhouses

Question 4.
Give reasons. Today’s world is shrinking.
Information is available at any place or area from any region of the world due to modem technology. With the development and progress of communication and technology, the world has shrinked. Radio, newspaper, television had brought the world closer to each other. World has even come closer due to internet and cellular phones. Hence, we can say that today’s world is shrinking:

(For Fun)

Question 5.
(i) Conduct a survey in your locality and find out how people commute to their respective workplaces using –
(a) more than two modes of transport
(b) more than three modes of transport
(c) stay within walking distance,

(ii) Mention which mode of communication you will prefer most in the following situations –
(a) Your grandfather has suddenly fallen ill. How will you inform the doctor?
(b) Your mother wants to sell the old house. How will she spread this news?
(c) You are going to attend the marriage of your cousin for which you will be absent from the school for the next two days. How will you inform the teacher?
(d) Your friend has moved out with his/her family to New York. How will you keep in touch on a daily basis?
(i) (a) auto-rickshaw, metro and on foot
(b) metro, bus, rickshaw and on foot
(c) on foot

(ii) (a) Inform the doctor through telephone or cell phone.
(b) Will spread the news through newspaper and internet.
(c) Will send an application on leave to the teacher.
(d) Will keep in touch through internet or telephone.

JAC Class 7th Geography  Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Igloos are made by
(a) Eskimos
(b) Shepherds
(c) Farmers
(d) None of these
(a) Eskimos

Question 2.
In Asia, Indian railways is the . network.
(a) smallest
(b) slowest
(c) largest
(d) fastest
(c) largest

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 3.
The ports in Europe are
(a) Singapore and Mumbai
(b) Rotterdam and London
(c) New York and London
(d) Los Angeles and Rotterdam
(b) Rotterdam and London

Question 4.
The inland waterways are
(a) The Nile river in Africa
(b) The Great Lakes in North America
(c) The Ganga- Brahmaputra river system
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 5.
To communicate with large number of people, we use the mode/s of communication.
(a) television
(b) radio
(c) newspaper
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Question 6.
The cheapest mode of transport is/are
(a) Waterways
(b) Roadways
(c) Airways
(d) Railways
(a) Waterways

Question 7.
Roads built above the ground are called as
(a) Bridges
(b) Flyovers
(c) Subways
(d) Canals
(b) Flyovers

Question 8.
The traditional train engines are nowadays replaced by electric and diesel ones. Those are
(a) air-powered
(b) magnetic
(c) steam
(d) hydro-powered
(c) steam

Question 9.
Air traffic is mainly affected by
(a) floods
(b) fog and storms
(c) drought
(d) None of these
(b) fog and storms

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 10.
The type of houses which are less likely to find in cities are
(a) huts
(b) bunglows
(c) slums
(d) flats
(a) huts

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by the term ‘site’?
Site is the place where a building or a settlement develops.

Question 2.
Name the cities which are connected by the Golden Quadrilateral.
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata are connected by the Golden Quadrilateral.

Question 3.
How human settlements became larger and larger?
Human settlements became larger andlarger with the development of trade, commerce and manufacturing.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 4.
In places of hot climate, which types of house are commonly found?
In areas of hot climate, thick mud walled houses with thatched roofs are commonly found.

Question 5.
What type of transport is used for short distance?
The means of transport used for short distances are roads.

Question 6.
Define Transhumance.
A seasonal movement of people is known as transhumance. According to changes in seasons, people who rear animals move in search of new pastures.

Question 7.
What do you mean by wet point settlement?
Wet point settlement is the settlement growing around water areas.

Question 8.
What are the three ways of inland waterways?
The three ways of inland waterways are river, lake and canals.

Question 9.
What are the modern means of communication?
The modem means of communication are email, cellular phones, fax, computers.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 10.
When and where the first rail route came into started in India?
In 1853, the first rail route came into started between Mumbai and Thane.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Differentiate between compact and scattered settlement.

Compact Settlement Scattered Settlement
• A closely built area of dwelling where flat land is available is known as compact settlement. • The area where houses are spread over an extensive area is known as scattered settlement.
• This type of settlement is found near river valleys and fertile plain. • This type of . settlement is found in hilly regions, thick … forests and in extreme climatic conditions.

Question 2.
What are the natural conditions for selection of a site?
The natural conditions for selection of a site are as follows:

  • Convenient climate
  • Fertile soil
  • Fertile and suitable land
  • Good availability of water

Question 3.
Mention the merits of airways.
The merits of airways are as follows:

  • It is the only means of transport to reach the most distant and remote
    areas where no roads or railways can reach.
  • Helicopters are also very useful in most accessible places and in time of disasters and tragedies such as to rescue people, distribution of medicines, food, useful things.

Question 4.
Why it become necessary to build a permanent house?
Human beings in early days lived on trees and in caves. When they started to grow crops it became very necessary to have a permanent house.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 5.
What changes made transport easier and uncomplicated?
Transport was made easier by invention of the wheel. With the transit of time various mode of transport developed but even today people use animals for transport. Airplanes have made travel faster. New and modem means of transport hence saves time and energy.

Question 6.
Differentiate between Communication and Transport.

• It conveys the messages and news from one place to another such as telephone service; postal service. • It transfers goods and helps for transportation of human beings and other living beings from one place to another such as roadways, railways.
• Modes of communication are television, radio, cellular phone. • Modes of transport are airplanes, ships, train, bus, cars, etc.
• In early days, bullock carts, donkeys, camels L were used. • In early days, modes of transport was used as communication.

Question 7:
Differentiate between State Highways and National Highways.

State Highways National Highways
• The state capitals which are joined with big cities within a state are known as state highways. • The state capitals which are joined with other state capitals are known as national highways.
• They are limited within the states. • They cross many states within the country.
• Total length of the state highways in India is about 3,81,000 km. • Total length of the national highways in India is about 1,15,435 km.

Question 8.
Satellites had proved themselves very useful for the mankind. How?
Satellites had proved themselves very useful for the mankind as they have helped in detecting mineral wealth, underground water, weather forecast, oil exploration, forest survey.

Question 9.
Which is the longest railway system in the world?
The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway system which connects St. Petersburg in Western Russia to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question 10.
In which places, the railway network are well developed?
The railway network are well developed in the plain and flat places.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the two types of waterways? Explain.
Waterways are the cheapest means of transport for carrying heavy and especially where there are no roads and railways. Helicopters are useful in most inaccessible areas and in times of disasters and tragedies.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

JAC Class 7th Geography Natural Vegetation and Wild Life InText Questions and Answers

Page 39

Question 1.
Salima was excited about the summer camp she was attending. She had gone to visit Manali in Himachal Pradesh along with her class mates. She recalled how surprised she was to see the changes in the landform and natural vegetation as the bus climbed higher and higher. The deep jungles of the foothills comprising sal and teak slowly disappeared.

She could see tall trees with thin pointed leaves and cone shaped canopies on the mountain slopes. She learnt that those were coniferous trees. She noticed blooms of bright flowers on tall trees. These were the rhododendrons. From Manali as she was travelling up to Rohtang pass she saw that the land was covered with short grass and snow in some places.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 1.
Now can you tell why Salima saw changes in the natural vegetation as she climbed higher and higher? What type of vegetations did she see in the Himalayas starting with the foothills and going to the higher altitudes?
Salima saw changes in the natural vegetation as she climbed higher and higher because of change in climate, slope, thickness of soil. The type of vegetation she saw in the Himalayas starting with the foothills and going to the. higher altitudes are trees such as cedar, pine, chir; snow covered coniferous forests and short grass.

Question 2.
Like Salima, when you go to visit any new place, notice the type of natural vegetation occurring there and try to think of factors responsible for the growth of such vegetation in that habitat.
Students need to do it themselves.

Question 3.
Note down if any human interference has taken place in that area in terms of deforestation, grazing, cultivation of cash crops, constructional activities etc.
Students need to do it themselves.

Page 41

Question 4.
Where in India do tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forests occur? Name the states.
In India, the tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forests occur are

  • Tropical evergreen forests: Assam, West Bengal, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.
  • Tropical deciduous forests: Odisha, Jharkhand Chhattisgarh, Kerala.

Question 5.
Which type of forest dominates most part of India?
The tropical deciduous forests dominates part of India.

Page 43

Question 6.
Look around in your surroundings and find out the articles made of hard wood and soft wood.
The articles made of Hard wood Doors, windows, tables, chairs, beds, cupboards, etc. Soft wood Match boxes, packaging materials, boats, etc.

Question 7.
Find out and learn few names of trees of your locality.
We see mango, neem, guava, peepal, jamun trees in our locality.

JAC Class 7th Geography Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends?
The temperature and moisture are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends.

(ii) Which are the three broad categories of natural vegetation?
Forests, grasslands and shrubs are the three broad categories of natural vegetation.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

(iii) Name the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest.
Mahogany and rosewood are the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest.

(iv) In which part of the world and tropical deciduous forest is found?
The tropical deciduous forest are found in northern Australia, Central America and in large part of India.

(v) In which climatic conditions, citrus fruits cultivated?
In hot dry summers and mild rainy winters, citrus fruits are cultivated.

(vi) Mention the uses of coniferous . forest.
The coniferous forests are used for manufacturing paper and newsprint, match boxes, packing boxes.

(vii) In which part of the world is seasonal grassland is found?
In the mid-latitudinal zones and in the interior parts of the continents of the world, the seasonal grasslands are found.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Mosses and Lichens are found in
(a) Desert vegetation
(b) Tropical evergreen forest
(c) Tundra vegetation
(c) Tundra vegetation

(ii) Thorny bushes are found in
(a) Hot and humid tropical climate
(b) Hot and dry desertic climate
(c) Cold polar climate
(b) Hot and dry desertic climate

(iii) In tropical evergreen forest, one of the common animals is
(a) Monkey
(b) Giraffe
(c) Camel
(a) Monkey

(iv) One important variety of coniferous forest is:
(a) Rosewood
(b) Pine
(c) Teak
(b) Pine

(v) Steppe grassland is found in
(a) S. Africa
(b) Australia
(c) Central Asia
(c) Central Asia

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Walrus (a) Soft wood tree
(ii) Cedar (b) An animal of tropical deciduous forest
(iii) Olives (c) A polar animal
(iv) Elephants (d) Temperate grassland in Australia
(v) Campos (e) Thorny shrubs
(vi) Downs (f) A citrus fruit


(i) Walrus (c) A polar animal
(ii) Cedar (a) Soft wood tree
(iii) Olives (f) A citrus fruit
(iv) Elephants (b) An animal of tropical deciduous forest
(v) Campos (g) Tropical grassland of Brazil
(Vi) Downs (d) Temperate grassland in Australia

Question 4.
Give reasons.

  1. The animals in polar region have thick fur and thick skin.
  2. Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in the dry season.
  3. The type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place.


  1. The animals in polar region have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from extreme cold climatic conditions.
  2. Transpiration occurs through leaves. To reduce transpiration in dry season, the tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in dry season.
  3. Due to variation in temperature and moisture, the type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place.

(For Fun)

Question 5.
In the given crossword table given below, some words are hidden. They are all about vegetation and wildlife and are to be found horizontally and vertically. Two have been worked out for you. Work in pairs with a friend
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life 1

Vegetation Wildlife
1. Neem 1. Bear
2. Bamboo 2. Whale
3. Flora 3. Ox
4. Lichen 4. Zebra
5. Pine 5. Goat
6. Chir 6. Tiger
7. Grass 7. Yak
8. Taiga 8. Owl
9. Tulsi 9. Deer
10. Fir 10. Lion
11. Tundra 11. Fowl
12. Ebony 12. Horse
13. Pampas 13. Pig
14. Llanos 14. Camel
15. Oak Wildlife
16. Mosses

JAC Class 7th Geography Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Coniferous forests are also known as
(a) Mediterranean
(b) Taiga
(c) Tundra
(d) None of these
(b) Taiga

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 2.
The forest which comprises both hard wood and softwood trees is
(a) Coniferous forest
(b) Tropical evergreen forest
(c) Temperate evergreen forest
(d) Tropical deciduous forest
(c) Temperate evergreen forest

Question 3.
Tropical deserts are found on the margins of the continents.
(a) Northern
(b) Western
(c) Southern
(d) Eastern
(b) Western

Question 4.
Tropical grasslands in East Africa is
(a) Campos
(b) Llanos
(c) Savannah
(d) Prairie
(c) Savannah

Question 5.
kind of vegetation is found in steppes.
(a) Temperate grasslands
(b) Tropical evergreen forests
(c) Tropical grasslands
(d) Temperate deciduous forests
(a) Temperate grasslands

Question 6.
The given below is a coniferous tree
(a) Teak
(b) Cedar
(c) Rosewood
(d) Pine
(d) Pine

Question 7.
Given below tree is not a hardwood tree
(a) Rosewood
(b) Eucalyptus
(c) Ebony
(d) Mahogany
(b) Eucalyptus

Question 8.
The most commonly found primate in India is
(a) The Rhesus Macaque
(b) The Red-faced baboon
(c) The Proboscis monkey
(d) The Grey langur
(a) The Rhesus Macaque

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 9.
The only species of bears found in India are
(a) Sloth bear
(b) Himalayan Black bear
(c) Asian Sun Bear
(d) None of these
(b) Himalayan Black bear

Question 10.
Thorny bushes are mainly found in
(a) Cold polar climate
(b) Hot and humid tropical climate
(c) Hot and dry desert climate
(d) None of these
(c) Hot and dry desert climate

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do the term Taiga mean in Russian language?
The term taiga means untouched or pure in the Russian language.

Question 2.
What is the reason which makes the coniferous forest unique?
The reason which makes the coniferous forest unique is the tall and softwood evergreen trees. .

Question 3.
What is the alternate name of tropical evergreen forests?
The alternate nathe of tropical evergreen forests is tropical rainforests.

Question 4.
Where is Veld Temperate Grassland situated?
Veld Temperate Grassland is situated in Africa.

Question 5.
What is the main feature of polar region?
The main feature of polar region is that it is very cold.

Question 6.
Where are Campos found?
Campos are found in Brazil.

Question 7.
What animals are found in the tropical grasslands?
Animals which are found in the tropical grasslands are elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer, leopards, etc.

Question 8.
Where are Savannah grasslands found?
Savannah grasslands are found in Africa.

Question 9.
Which place is known as ‘Orchards of the World’ and why?
Mediterranean places are known as ‘Orchards of the World’ because for their fruit cultivation.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 10.
In which region temperate evergreen forests are found?
The thick forests are found in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
The equatorial forests are considered as the lungs of the earth. Why?
The tropical evergreen forest or the equatorial forests in Brazil are so enormous that it is like the lungs of the earth.

Question 2.
What are the features of Mediterranean trees?
The features of Mediterranean trees are that they adapt themselves to dry summers with the help of their thick barks and wax coated leaves which help them to lessen the transpiration.

Question 3.
Write a note on anaconda.
Anaconda is one of the world’s largest snakes. They are very huge and non- poisonous snakes. They are found in the tropical rainforest. Anaconda can kill and eat a large animal such as a crocodile.

Question 4.
Does altitude affect vegetation? If yes then-how?
Yes, altitude affects vegetation. A close relationship between height of land and the character of vegetation is present. With the change in height, the climate changes and thus changes the natural vegetation.

Question 5.
Name the different types of grasslands. Answer: Different grasslands are:

  • Savannah in East Africa
  • Campos in Brazil
  • Llanos in Venezuela
  • Pampas in Argentina
  • Prairie in North America
  • Veld in South Africa
  • Steppe in Central Asia
  • Down in Australia.

Question 6.
Write the important features of tropical evergreen forests.
Important features of tropical evergreen forests are:

  • These forests are so dense and opaque that thick canopies and sunshades are developed which do not allow the sunlight to penetrate and go inside the forest.
  • There is no particular dry season, hence the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This keeps the forest evergreen.
  • Hardwood trees such as rosewood, ebony and mahogany, etc., are found here.

Question 7.
Brief about the tropical grasslands.
The tropical grasslands develop on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. This vegetation grows in the regions of moderate to low amount of rainfall. The grass can grow very tall to a height of about 3 to 4 metres. One of this type of grasslands are Savannah grasslands of Africa. Some ; of the animals found here are elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer and leopards.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Question 8.
What are the different kinds of h natural forests found?
The different kinds of natural forests’ found are

  • Tropical evergreen forest
  • Tropical deciduous forest
  • Temperate evergreen forest
  • Temperate deciduous forest
  • Mediterranean vegetation
  • Coniferous forest

Question 9:
Write a short note on the natural vegetation and wildlife found in the polar regions.
The growth of natural vegetation is very limited here as the polar regions are extremely cold. Only mosses, lichens and very and small shrubs are found here and grow during the very short summer. This is known as Tundra type of vegetation and found in the polar regions of Europe, Asia and North America. The animals found here have thick fur and skin which protect them from the cold and harsh climatic

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 10.
Explain different types of forests.
Different types of forests are:

  • Tropical evergreen forests
  • Tropical deciduous forests
  • Temperate evergreen forests
  • Temperate deciduous forests
  • Mediterranean vegetation
  • Coniferous forests

Tropical evergreen forests :
These forests are very dense and thick and found in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics. They receive heavy rain all through the year. The trees of these forests do not shed their leaves altogether and therefore they remain green all the time and called as evergreen. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony and mahogany are found here.

Tropical deciduous forests:
These forest are found in the areas which experience seasonal changes and trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. The hardwood trees such as sal, teak, neem and shisham are found in this region. Animals like tigers, lions, elephants, langoors and monkeys are found in these forests.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 6 Natural Vegetation and Wild Life

Temperate evergreen forests:
These forests are found along the eastern margin of the continents. They contains both hard and softwood trees such as oak, pine, eucalyptus, etc.

Temperate deciduousf orests:
Trees of these forests shed their leaves in dry season. Trees found here are oak, ash, beech, etc. Deer, foxes, wolves, etc., are some of the animals found in these forests.

Mediterranean vegetation :
It is found in the areas around the Mediterranean sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. Citrus fruits like oranges, figs, olives and grapes are cultivated in the Mediterranean regions.

Coniferous forests :
These forests are also known as Taiga. They are tall, softwood evergreen trees. Chir, pine, cedar are important types of trees found in these forests. Silver, fox, mink, polar bear are the some of the animals found here.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

JAC Class 7th Geography Water InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why water is important for us?
Water is the most useful and easily available thing on the earth for the survival. It is useful in many ways. We require water for drinking, cleaning, washing, cooking, bathing, putting out fire, etc.

Question 2.
Suggest some ways in which water can be conserved in your home and in your school.
Some ways in which water can be conserved in our home and in our school are:

  • Use only the amount of water required.
  • We should not play with water.
  • We should repair the leakage taps.
  • We should try to minimise the wastage of water.
  • We should close the tap after use.
  • Rainwater harvesting tequniques should be applied.
  • We should not pollute water.
  • Water recycling should be done.

JAC Class 7th Geography Wate Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) What is precipitation?
Precipitation is the falling of moisture in the form of rainfall, snow, fog, sleet and hailstorm.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

(ii) What is water cycle?
The process by which water continuously changes its form and circulates between oceans, seas, atmosphere and land is called as water cycle.

(iii) What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?
The factors affecting the height of the waves are winds, earthquakes, under water disturbances, volcanic eruptions. The waves become bigger when the winds are stronger.

(iv) Which factors affect the movement of ocean water?
The factors which affect the movement of ocean water are winds, temperature, gravitational pull of the sun, the earth and the moon. Apart from these, cold and warm currents also affect the movement of ocean current.

(v) What are tides and how are they caused?
In a day, the rhythmic rise and fall of ocean or sea water which occurs twice are called as tides. They are caused by the strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and moon on the surface of the earth.

(vi) What are ocean currents?
The streams of water which flows constantly on the ocean’s surface in definite direction are called the ocean currents.

Question 2.
Give reasons.
(i) Ocean water is salty.
Salt in the ocean comes from two sources: runoff from the land and openings in the seafloor. Rocks on land are the major source of salts dissolved in seawater. Rainwater that falls on land is slightly acidic, so it erodes rocks. Ocean water seeps into cracks in the seafloor and is heated by magma from the Earth’s core.

(ii) The quality of water is deteriorating.
The quality of water is deteriorating because the portable water which is available is not always of good and pure in terms of quality. This is due to industrial effluents and outflow . and untreated water of factories and . industries get mixed into the rivers and streams. Sewer water also get mixed with them. Hence, it is unfit and poisonous for human and for other living being’s consumption.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 3.

(i) The process by which water continually changes its form • and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land
(a) Water cycle
(b) Tides
(c) Ocean currents
(a) Water cycle

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

(ii) Generally the warm ocean currents originate near
(a) Poles
(b) Equator
(c) None of these
(b) Equator

(iii) The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called
(a) Tide
(b) Ocean current
(c) Wave
(a) Tide

Question 4.
Match the following.

(i) Caspian Sea (a) Largest lake
(ii) Tide (b) Periodic rise and fall of water
(iii) Tsunami (c) Strong seismic waves Streams of water
(iv) Ocean currents (d) moving along definite paths
(e) Water cycle


(i) Caspian Sea (a) Largest lake Periodic rise
(ii) Tide (b) and fall of water
(iii) Tsunami (c) Strong seismic waves
(iv) Ocean currents (d) Streams of water moving in along definite paths

Question 5.
(For Fun) Be a Detective
(i) The name of one river is hidden in each of the sentences below. Spot it. Example: Mandira, Vijayalakshmi and Surinder are my best friends
(a) The snake charmer’s bustee, stables where horses are housed, and the piles of wood, all caught fire accidentally. (Hint: Another name for River Brahmaputra)

(b) The conference manager put pad, material for reading and a pencil for each participant. (Hint: A distributary on the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta)

(c) Either jealousy or anger cause a person’s fall (Hint: Name of a juicy fruit!)

(d) Bhavani germinated the seeds in a pot (Hint: Look for her in West Africa)

(e) “I am a zonal champion now” declared the excited atheletic. (Hint: The river that has he biggest basin in the world)

(f) The tiffin box rolled down and all the food fell in dusty potholes. (Hint: Rises in India and journeys through Pakistan)

(g) Malini leaned against the pole when she felt that she was going to faint. (Hint: Her delta in Egypt is famous)

(h) Samantha mesmerised everybody with her magic tricks. (Hint: London is situated on her estuary)

(i) “In this neighbourhood, please don’t yell! Owners of these houses like to . have peace”. Warned my father when . we moved into our new flat”. (Hint: colour!)

(j) ‘Write the following words, Marc!’ “On”, “go”, “in” said the teacher to the little boy in KG Class. (Hint: Rhymes with ‘bongo’). Now make some more on your own and ask your classmates to spot the hidden name. You can do this with any name: that of a lake, mountains, trees, fruits, school items, etc.
(a) Teesta
(b) Padma
(c) Orange
(d) Niger
(e) Amazon
(f) Indus
(g) Nile
(h) Thames
(i) Yellow
(j) Congo

Carry on Detective
(ii) With the help of an atlas, draw each river which you discoverd in For fun (i), on an outline map of the world. Answer: Student need to do it on their own.

JAC Class 7th Geography Water Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The word Tsunami derived from a Japanese word which means
(a) Ocean waves
(b) Harbour waves
(c) Ocean wind
(d) None of these
(b) Harbour waves

Question 2.
World Water Day is celebrated on
(a) 22nd March
(b) 22nd May
(c) 24th March
(d) 28th July
(a) 22nd March

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

Question 3.
The earth surface is …….covered by water.
(a) one-fourth
(b) one-third
(c) three-fourth
(d) half
(c) three-fourth

Question 4.
The sources of fresh water are
(a) river, spring, salt lakes
(b) pond, river, glacier
(c) ocean, sea, river
(d) glacier, sea, river
(b) pond, river, glacier

Question 5.
…….. has a saline water body.
(a) Glenwood Springs
(b) The Sambar lake
(c) The Amazon river
(d) None of these
(b) The Sambar lake

Question 6.
The percentage of freshwater foundin rivers are
(a) 0.01%
(b) 0.00001%
(c) 0.001%
(d) 0.0001%
(d) 0.0001%

Question 7.
A huge tidal wave is also called
(a) a Tsunami
(b) a tide
(c) a super wave
(d) all of these
(a) a Tsunami

Question 8.
When the water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level then the tide is called as
(a) Spring tide
(b) Neap tide
(c) Low tide
(d) igh tide
(d) igh tide

Question 9.
The following is not a result of high tides
(a) generation of electricity
(b) growth of bananas
(c) better fishing
(d) better navigation
(b) growth of bananas

Question 10.
The current which originates near the equator and moves towards the poles are
(a) warm ocean currents
(b) frozen ocean current
(c) cold ocean currents
(d) tidal ocean currents
(a) warm ocean currents

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Which condition causes evaporation of water from earth’s surface?
The condition which causes evaporation of water from earth’s surface is the sun’s heat.

Question 2.
Which place was the epicentre of the earthquake of 26th December, 2004?
Sumatra was the epicentre of the earthquake of 26th December, 2004.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

Question 3.
What was the magnitude of 26th December, 2004 earthquake?
The magnitude of 26th December, 2004 earthquake was 9.0 on the Richter scale.

Question 4.
What happens in the areas where warm and cold current meet?
The areas where warm and cold current meet, there they experience a foggy and misty weather which makes navigation very difficult.

Question 5.
Which place/s are the best fishing grounds in the world?
The best fishing grounds in the world are the seas around eastern coast of North America and Japan.

Question 6.
What are the major sources of fresh water?
The major sources of fresh water are river, lakes, springs, glaciers and ponds.

Question 7.
Is it possible to float in the Dead Sea? Why?
Yes, it is possible to float in the Dead Sea because it becomes very dense by the increased salt contents.

Question 8.
From where cold currents originates?
Cold current originates from the poles.

Question 9.
What do you mean by waves?
The water of the ocean surface rises and falls alternatively, they are known as waves.

Question 10
Which is the southernmost point ofIndia? What happened in 2004?
Indira point is the southernmost point of India. It submerged due to Tsunami in 2004.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What happens during high tide and low tide?
When high tide occurs waves rise very high and water covers much of the sea shore. When low tide occurs water falls to its lowest level and go back and recedes from the shore.

Question 2.
Define salinity? What is the salinity of seas and oceans?
Salinity is the amount of salt in grams present in 1000 grams of water. The average salinity of the oceans is 35 parts per thousand.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

Question 3.
Name the different types in which the movements of ocean w ater can be categorized.
The movements of ocean water can be categorized as

  • waves
  • currents
  • tides

Question 4.
What is the initial sign or indication of a tsunami?
The initial sign or indication of a tsunami is that there is a rapid withdrawal and pull-out of water from the coastal region followed by destructive and disastrous wave.

Question 5.
What do you mean by spring tide and neap tide?
Spring tides occurs during the full moon and new moon days, when the sun, the earth and the moon are in the same line and the tides are at its highest level.Neap tide occurs when the moon is in its first and last quarter, then the ocean water get drawn in diagonally opposite directions by the gravitational pull of sun and earth which results in low tides.

Question 6.
In which way waterbodies are distributed on the surface of the earth?
The following table gives the distribution of water in percentage

Saline water Oceans 97.3
Fresh water Ground water 0.68
Ice caps 2.0
Fresh water lakes and Inland seas 0.009
Salt lakes 0.009
Atmosphere 0.0019
Rivers 0.0001
Total 100.00

Question 7.
Differentiate between warm ocean current and cold ocean current.
Difference between:

Warm ocean currents Cold ocean currents
• These originates near the equator and move towards the poles. • These carry water , from the polar or higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes.
• Such as – The Gulf Stream • Such as – The Labrador Ocean Current.
• It brings warm temperature over the surface of the land. • It bring the cold temperature over surface of the land.

Question 8.
Differentiate between waves and tides.

Waves Tides
• Waves happens all day long means 24 hours a day. • Tides happens twice a day; once early morning and late at night.
• Due to the different actions of the wind, there are up and down movements of ocean water are called as waves. • Due to the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon, there are up and down movement of ocean water are called as tides.
• The waves are not so useful’. As a matter of fact, they can be destructive and devastating. • Tides are very useful.

Question 9.
What do you understand by vertical circulation of ocean water.
When the water surface gets heated by sun, water evaporates and increases the concentration of salts. Surface water becomes more dense and sinks and eventually sub-surface water rises up. Hence, the salinity of ocean water causes vertical circulation.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Water

Question 10.
In which way Tsunami cause?
A volcanic eruption, under water landslide, an earthquake shifts large amount of ocean water. Hence, huge and large waves are formed which are known as Tsunami.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the important and major movements of ocean water?
The important movements that occur in oceans can be classified as waves, tides and currents.

  • Waves occurs when the water on the surface of the ocean rises and falls alternatively. Waves are formed when winds scrape and push across the ocean surface. The bigger the wave becomes when the stronger the wind blows.
  • Tides are the rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day. High tide occurs when water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level. Low tide occurs, when water falls to its lowest level and recedes and move back from the shore. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface causes the tides.
  • Ocean Currents are the streams of water flowing constantly on the ocean surface in definite directions. The ocean currents may be warm or cold. Normally, the warm ocean currents originate near the equator and move towards the poles. The cold currents carry water from polar or higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes. The Labrador Ocean current is cold current while the Gulf Stream is a warm current.

Question 2.
Explain in brief about Tsunami.

  • Tsunami is a Japanese word which means ‘Harbour waves’ as the harbours get destroyed whenever there is tsunami.
  • A volcanic eruption, an earthquake or underwater landslides can shift large amounts of ocean water.
  • Hence, a huge tidal wave known as tsunami which may be as high as 15 m is formed. The largest tsunami ever measured was 150 m high. These waves travel at a speed of more than 700 km per hour.
  • The tsunami of 2004 caused devastating and disastrous damage in the coastal areas of India. The Indira point in the Andaman and Nicobar islands got submerged after the tsunami.
  • On 22nd December, 2018, huge, monstrous and gigantic waves crashed into the coastal areas of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. The volcano named Anak Karakatau erupted again on the following day causing huge damage which took many lives.
  • These damage caused to life and property are due to the lack of monitoring the early warning systems and knowledge among the coast dwellers.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

JAC Class 7th Geography Air InText Questions and Answers

Page 21

Question 1.
Is global warming a serious issue in today’s world?
Concern about climate change is much less pervasive in the United States, China and Russia than among other leading nations. Just 44% in the U.S. and Russia, and even fewer in China (30%), consider global warming to be a very serious problem.

Page 23

Question 2.
For ten days note down weather report from a local newspaper and observe the changes occurring in the weather.
Students need to do it by their own.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

JAC Class 7th Geography Air Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) What is atmosphere?
Atmosphere is a huge layer of air that surrounds the earth. It shields and guard us from the harmful rays of the sun. rays of the sun. rays of the sun.

(ii) Which two gases make the bulk of the atmosphere?
The two gases which make the bulk of the atmosphere are nitrogen (78% ) and oxygen (21%).

Which gas creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere?
The gas which creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

(iv) What is weather?
An hour to hour, day to day condition of the atmosphere is called as the weather. It is the total atmospheric conditions of a particular place at a particular time regarding temperature, air pressure, clouds, wind, humidity, etc.

(v) Name three types of rainfall?
Three types of rainfall are:

  • Convectional rainfall
  • Orographic rainfall
  • Cyclonic rainfall

(vi) What is air pressure?
Air pressure is the pressure which is exerted by the weight of air on the earth’s surface.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Which of the following gases protects us from harmful sun rays?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Ozone
(c) Ozone

(ii) The most important layer of the atmosphere is
(a) Troposphere
(b) Thermosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(a) Troposphere

(iii) Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is free from clouds?
(a) Troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(b) Stratosphere

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

(iv) As we go up the layers of the atmosphere, the pressure
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains the same
(b) Decreases

(v) When precipitation comes down to the earth in the liquid form, it is called
(a) Cloud
(b) Rain
(c) Snow
(b) Rain

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Trade winds (a) Incoming solar energy
(ii) Loo (b) Seasonal wind
(iii) Monsoon (c) Horizontal movement of Air
(iv)Wind (d) Layer of ozone gas
(e) Permanent wind
(f) Local wind


(i) Trade winds (e) Permanent wind
(ii) Loo (f) Local wind
(iii) Monsoon (b) Seasonal wind
(iv) Wind (c) Horizontal movement of air


Question 4.
Give reasons.

  1. Wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day?
  2. Amount of insolation decreases from equator towards poles?

1. The air is full of water vapour on a humid day. So, the evaporation is very slow due to low temperature. That’s why, wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day.

2. On equator, insolation comes through on vertical rays. So, it covers up less amount of space but more heat is felt when it goes up from equator towards poles and the sun rays become slanting. Though slanting rays heat up more amount of space, the level of hotness is felt less. That’s why, amount of insolation decrease from equator towards poles.

Question 5.
(For Fun)

(i) Solve this crossword puzzle with the help of given clues:
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air 1

6. An Indian tree having extraordinary quality of providing oxygen round the clock
8. Gas present in atmosphere occupying only 0.03% by volume
11. Outermost layer of atmosphere
12. Mixture of many gases
14. Life giving gas
15. Air in motion
16. An indian tree valued highly for medicinal properties
18. Gas protecting us from harmful sun rays
19. Low pressure area

1. Amount of water vapour in air
2. Condensation of water vapours around dust particles in atmosphere
3. Example of local wind blowing in summer in northern india
4. Short term changes in atmosphere
5. Precipitation in liquid form
7. Blanket of air around the earth
9. Instrument to measure pressure
10. Incoming solar radiation
13. Reduces visibility in winters
17. It is time when sun is overhead

6. Peepal
11. Exosphere
14. Oxygen
16. Neem
19. Cyclone

1. Humidity
3. Loo
5. Rain
9. Barometre
10. Insolation
17. Noon
8. Carbon dioxide
12. Air
15. Wind
18. Ozone

(ii) Make a weather calendar for one week. Use pictures or symbols to show different types of weather. You can use more than one symbol in a day, if the weather changes. For example, the sun comes out when rain stops. An example is given below:

Hint: Students can do it in this manner.
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air 2

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air 3

JAC Class 7th Geography Air Important Question and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
In the atmosphere, the most abundant gas is
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Helium
(c) Nitrogen

Question 2.
The winds which below constantly throughout the year in a particular direction is known as
(a) Local winds
(b) Seasonal winds
(c) Permanent winds
(d) None of the these
(a) Local winds

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

Question 3.
An hour to hour, day to day condition of the atmosphere is known as
(a) temperature
(b) weather
(c) climate
(d) degree
(b) weather

Question 4.
Exosphere is the layer of the atmosphere.
(a) uppermost
(b) middle
(c) lower most
(d) none of these
(a) uppermost

Question 5.
The thermosphere extends between
(a) 90 – 370 km
(b) 100 – 350 km
(c) 50 – 300 km
(d) 80 – 400 km
(d) 80 – 400 km

Question 6.
The balance of and gets disturbed, if we cut down trees and forests.
(a) oxygen, helium
(b) nitrogen, heiium
(c) oxygen, carbon dioxide
(d) oxygen, nitrogen
(c) oxygen, carbon dioxide

Question 7.
The air which we inhale and exhale means breathe exists in the
(a) mesosphere
(b) stratosphere
(c) troposphere
(d) exosphere
(c) troposphere

Question 8.
The instrument which measures the temperature is
(a) Barometer
(b) Thermometer
(c) Wind vane
(d) None of these
(b) Thermometer

Question 9.
In the atmosphere, the ozone layer exists in the
(a) Stratosphere
(b) Exosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Troposphere
(a) Stratosphere

Question 10.
The other name of greenhouse gas is
(a) oxygen
(b) nitrogen
(c) argon
(d) carbon dioxide
(b) nitrogen

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by smog?
Smog is the combination of smoke and fog. It generally occurs during winter season.

Question 2.
What will happen if there is very less rainfall?
Water scarcity and drought occurs if there is very less rainfall.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

Question 3.
What are the various forms of precipitation?
Various forms of precipitation are rain,snow, sleet and hail.

Question 4.
Give a word/term for the hot and dry wind of northern plains of India.
Answer: Loo.

Question 5. Air pressure is highest at which area?
Air pressure is highest at the sea level

Question 6.
What are the three types of winds?
The three types of winds are:

  • Permanent winds
  • Seasonal winds
  • Local winds.

Question 7.
When air is heated, what occurs?
Air expands and becomes lighter and goes up when the air is heated.

Question 8.
Ozone layer is important for us. Why?
Ozone layer is important for us because it protects and shields us from harmful reactions and effects of the sun rays.

Question 9.
Green plants use carbon dioxide. Why?
Green plants use carbon dioxide because it helps them to prepare their food and release oxygen.

Question 10.
What is the consequence and importance of greenhouse gas?
The consequence and importance of greenhouse gas is that the earth would have been too cold to live in.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What are the instruments called for the measurement of air pressure and the measurement of amount of rainfall?
The instruments are called as barometer for the measurement of air pressure and rain gauge for the measurement of amount of rainfall.

Question 2.
What do you mean by a climate of a place or area?
The average weather condition of a place or area for a longer period of time constitutes the climate of a place.

Question 3.
What are permanent winds?
Winds which blow constantly throughout the year in a particular direction is called as the permanent winds. The trade wind, westerlies and easterlies are the permanent winds.

Question 4.
What is the role of water vapour?
One of the major component of the atmosphere is water vapour and it plays a very important role in climatic changes and results in precipitation.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

Question 5.
How many types of pollutants are found in the atmosphere?
There are mainly two types of pollutants found in the atmosphere

  • Gaseous – carbon dioxide and smog
  • Solid – dust and bacteria

Question 6.
Which ty pe of pressure are exerted by cold and hot air?
The air expands when heated up hence becomes lighter and goes up. Cold air is heavy and dense so it tends to go down and sinks. When hot air goes up and rises, from surrounding areas, cold air rushes to fill the gap.

Question 7.
Explain the temperature in cities are much higher than that of the villages.
In the cities, we find many high rise buildings. The fnetals and concretes in these buildings and the asaphalt of roads get heated up during the day and this heat is released in the night.The other important cause is that in the cities the crowded buildings trap the warm air and hence raise the temperature of the cities. Therefore, the temperature in cities are much higher than that of the villages.

Question 8.
Poles are covered with snow always. Why?
From the equator towards the poles the amount of insolation decreases. Hence, the temperature decreases in the same manner. This is the reason why poles are covered with snow always..

Question 9.
What do you mean by global warming?
Global warming happens when the level of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere due to factory smoke or car fumes and the heat retained increases the temperature of the earth.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 4 Air

Question 10.
Rainfall is important for us when there is excess rain, what happens?
For the survival of animals and plants,rainfall is very important. It actually brings fresh water to the surface of the earth. There is water scarcity and drought like situation when there is less rainfall. And, if there is excess rainfall then floods take place which makes the life very difficult to sustain. Many things get damaged such as crops, houses, etc.

Question 11.
In which manner bacteria help plants use nitrogen?
For the plant’s survival, nitrogen is very crucial and important. But plants cannot take nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. Hence, bacteria that lives in the soil and roots of some plants take nitrogen from air and changes its form so that the plant can use it.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Discuss the different layers of the atmosphere.
The atmosphere has five different layers. They are:

  • Troposphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere
  • Thermosphere
  • Exosphere
  • Troposphere:
    All the weather characteristics occurs here such as fog, rainfall, hailstorm. This is the thickest and the most important layer of the atmosphere. It has the average height of 13 km. We also find the air which we breathe.
  • Stratosphere:
    It lies just above the troposphere and presents the ideal conditions for flying aeroplanes. Stratosphere extends upto a height of 50 km. It also contains the ozone gas layer which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  • Mesosphere:
    It lies above the stratosphere. It extends upto the height of 80 kms. In this layer, meteorites bum up on entering from the space.
  • Thermosphere:
    It lies just above the mesosphere. It extends between 80 400 km. Temperature rises very fast with the increase in height in this layer. In thermosphere, radio waves are transmitted from the earth are reflected back to the earth.
  • Exosphere:
    This is the last and the uppermost layer with very thin air. Light gases such as helium and hydrogen float -into the space from exosphere.

Question 2.
What are the different constituents of air? How they are important to us?
The different constituents of air are oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ozone, helium, argon and hydrogen. Besides these gases, the air also contains some amount of water vapour and dust particles. They are important to us in many ways:

It is one of the major gas and second most in volume which makes up about 21% of the air. It is also called as life supporting gas. The atmosphere is continuously recharged and restored of oxygen by green plants through the photosynthesis process and thus keeps a healthy and efficient balance of oxygen in the air. Nitrogen: The total volume of nitrogen is about 78% in the air. The major amount of nitrogen is not utilized in our body system when we inhale. But, plants need nitrogen for the well being and survival.

They absorb it through soil and plant roots. Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide is composed of very small percentage around 0.03% of the air. Then also, it is one of the important gas in maintaining the life cycle of plants on the earth. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat of the sun and warms up the lower atmosphere of the surface of the earth. It is taken by the green plants when human beings and animals release it.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

JAC Class 7th Geography Our Changing Earth InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Find out the names of a few rivers of the world that form a delta?
Some of the rivers of the world that form a delta are Niger, Mississippi, Nile, Rhine, Ganga, Brahmaputra.

JAC Class 7th Geography Our Changing Earth Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Why do the plates move?
There is a movement of the molten magma inside the earth hence the plates move. .

(ii) What are exogenic and endogenic forces?
Exogenic forces are the forces that act on the surface of the earth. Endogenic forces are the forces that act in the interior of the earth.

(iii) What is erosion?
Wearing away of the landscape by different agents such as wind, water and ice is known as erosion.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

(iv) How are flood plains formed?
Layers of fine soil and other materials called sediments are deposited on the river bank during floods. This leads to the evolution of a flat fertile and productive flood plains.

(v) What are sand dunes?
In the desert, the low-hill like structures formed by the deposition of sand are known as sand dunes.

(vi) How are beaches formed?
When the sea waves deposits sediments along the shores of the sea, the beaches are formed.

(vii) What are ox-bow lakes?
Ox-bow lakes are formed when the meander loop is cut-off from the main river, it forms a cut-off lake and the shape is like an ox-bow.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Which is not an erosional feature of sea waves?
(a) Cliff
(c) Sea cave

(ii) The depositional feature of a glacier is:
(a) Flood plain
(b) Beach
(c) Moraine
(c) Moraine

(iii) Which is caused by the sudden movements of the earth?
(a) Volcano
(b) Folding
(c) Flood plain
(a) Volcano

(iv) Mushroom rocks are found in:
(a) Deserts
(b) River valleys
(c) Glaciers
(a) Deserts

(v) Ox bow lakes are found in:
(a) Glaciers
(b) River valleys
(c) Deserts
(b) River valleys

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 3.

Match the following.

(i) Glacier (a) Sea shore
(ii) Meanders (b) Mushroom rock
(iii) Beach (c) River of ice
(iv) Sand dunes (d) Rivers
(v) Waterfall (e) Vibrations of earth
(vi) Earthquake (f) Sea cliff
(g) Hard bed rock
(h) Deserts


(i) Glacier (c) River of ice
(ii) Meanders (d) Rivers
(iii) Beach (a) Sea shore
(iv) Sand dunes (h) Deserts
(v) Waterfall (g) Hard bed rock
(vi) Earthquake (e) Vibrations of earth

Question 4.
Give reasons.
(i) Some rocks have a shape of a mushroom.
Winds usually erode the lower section of the rock much more than the upper portion in desert. Hence, such hocks take the shape of a mushroom which have narrower base and wider top.

(ii) Flood plains are very fertile.
The deposition of fine soil and other materials called sediments on the river banks helps in the formation of flood plains. By flood water, the soil and sediments are brought hence they are very fertile.

(iii) Sea caves are turned into stacks.
At the rocks, sea waves strikes. Cracks develops as a result and it becomes bigger over the period and hollow like caves are formed on the rocks. These are the sea caves. These cavities becomes bigger and bigger and a times come when only the roof of the caves remain to make sea arches. To some extent, erosion breaks the roof and only walls are left. These wall like features are called stacks hence, in this manner sea waves are turned into stacks,

(iv) Buildings collapse due to earthquakes.
Most of the buildings are not earthquake proof and safe enough to withstand the pressure of the vibrations of the earthquake. They collapse tearing apart due to insubstantial foundation and lack of adequate good materials such as steel in the interior design.


Question 5.
Observe the photographs given below. These are various features made by a river. Identify them and also tell whether they are erosional or depositional or landforms formed by both.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth 1

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth 2

(For Fun)

Question 6.
Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of given clues.
JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth 3a
2. Loop like bend of river 4. Solid form of water
7. Moving mass of ice
9. Sudden descent of water in bed of river
11. Natural cavity on weak rocks formed by action of waves
12.Embankment on river that keeps river in its channel
13. Large body of sea water
14. Dry area where sand dunes are found
15. Small hill of sand piled by action of wind
16. Flat plain formed by river depoits during time of flood

1. Rise and fall of water caused by friction of wind on water surface
3. Flow of water in channel
5. Steep perpendicular face of rock along sea coast
6. Debris of boulder and coarse material carried by glacier
8. Crescent shaped lake formed by river meander
10. Fine sand deposited by action of wind
13. Isolated mass of rising steep rock near coastline
14. Alluvial tracts of land at mouth of river formed by river deposits

Across Down
2. Meander 1. Wave
4. Ice 3. River
7. Glacier 5. Cliff
9.Waterfall 6. Moraine
11. Caves 8. Ox Bow lakes
12. Levee 10. Loess
13. Sea 13. Stack
14. Desert 14. Delta
15. Sand dune
16. Flood Plain

JAC Class 7th Geography Our Changing Earth Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The earthquake is measured with the help of
(a) Compass
(b) Seismograph
(c) Thermometer
(d) Lactometer
(b) Seismograph

Question 2.
Sand dunes are
(a) hill like structure
(b) cave like structure
(c) wall like structure
(d) none of these
(a) hill like structure

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 3. Inside the earth, the molten magma moves in a……manner.
(a) circular
(b) vertical
(c) horizontal
(d) spiral
(b) vertical

Question 4.
The highest waterfall in the world is
(a) Jog Falls
(b) Victoria Falls
(c) Niagra Falls
(d) Horseshoe Falls
(c) Niagra Falls

Question 5.
Loess is found in
(a) mountains
(b) sea
(c) plains
(d) deserts
(d) deserts

Question 6.
Colour of infrared images that represent sandy areas, sand dunes and beaches is
(a) yellow
(b) white – cream
(c) red magenta
(d) pink – white
(b) white – cream

Question 7.
Broken plates are known as
(a) Farallon plate
(b) Scotia plate
(c) Tectonic plate
(d) Lithospheric plate
(d) Lithospheric plate

Question 8.
The forces which act in the interior of the earth is known as
(a) Endogenic Force
(b) Magnetic Force
(c) Exogenic Force
(d) Gravitational Force
(a) Endogenic Force

Question 9.
One of the Endogenic Force is theSudden Force. These include/s
(a) Volcano
(b) Landslides
(c) Earthquake
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 10: The activity in a river which erodes the landscape is
(a) Swimming of humans
(b) Growth of weeds
(c) Running water
(d) Boating
(c) Running water

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
During an earthquake we should keep away from which places?
During an earthquake we should keep away from the places such as chimneys, windows that shatter including mirrors and picture frames and fire places.

Question 2.
Name the major agents of erosion.
The major agents of erosion are wind, water and ice.

Question 3.
What do you meant by vent?
Vent is the narrow opening of the volcano.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 4.
Name the scale that is used to measurethe earthquake.
The Richter Scale is used to measure themagnitude of the earthquake.

Question 5.
What do you mean by distributaries?
When the river begins to break up to a number of streams are known as distributaries.

Question 6.
Which are the two methods that wear away the landscape?
The two methods that wear away the landscape are weathering and erosion.

Question 7.
What are the activities on the surface of the earth that create different landforms?
The activities on the surface of the earth that create different landforms are the process of erosion and deposition.

Question 8.
What do you mean by focus?
The focus is the place in the crust where the movement starts.

Question 9.
When the river tumbles at the steep angle over very hard rocks or down a steep valley side then what is formed?
When the river tumbles at the steep angle over very hard rocks or down a steep valley side then waterfall is formed.

Question 10.
What is formed when the river enters the plain and twists and turns forming large bends?
Meander is formed when the river enters the plain and twists and turns forming large bends.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
In which manner glacial morains form?
The materials which are carried by the glacier such as rocks small and big; sand and silt gets deposited. These depositions form glacial moraines.

Question 2.
What do you understand by the term delta?
A feature is formed when river drops off the sediments in low-lying areas usually as they enter the sea, ocean or estuary is known as delta. It has triangular shape sometimes.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 3.
What are the three types of earthquake waves?
The three types of earthquake waves are

  • Longitudinal waves or P waves
  • Transverse waves or S waves
  • Surface waves or L waves

Question 4.
Where are Victoria Falls and Niagra Falls located?
Victoria Falls is located on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa. Niagra Falls is situated on the borders of United States of America and Canada.

Question 5.
List the important lithospheric plates.
The important lithospheric plates are

  • The Indo-Australian Plate
  • The Eurasian Plate
  • The North American Plate
  • The South American Plate
  • The African Plate
  • The Pacific Plate
  • The Antarctic Plate

Question 6.
What are the agents of denudation?
Denudation is the effect of two main processes – Endogenous and Exogenous.

  • The agents of denudation are
  • Wind
  • Running water
  • Sea waves
  • Glaciers

Question 7.
How do we measure the intensity of an earthquake?
Seismograph is a machine which helps to measure an earthquake and the magnitude is measured on the Richter Scale. Hence, the intensity of the earthquake is measured in the following way:

Magnitude Affect
4.0 or less only little can be felt
Over 5.0 cause damages such as things falling
6.0 or more feel very strong
7.0 or higher major damage of this earthquake

Question 8.
When does ox-bow lakes form?
When there is a continuous erosion and deposition occurs along the sides of the meander, the ends of the meander loop come very closer. Hence, in due period of time the meander loop cuts off from the river and forms a cut-off lake which is known as ox-bow lakes.

Question 9.
What are the two types of tectonic movement?
The two types of tectonic movements are Vertical earth movement and Horizontal earth movement.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 10.
Where do you think volcanoes are found?
The place where the tectonic plates are pulled apart or come together, the volcanoes are found there. These are also found where there is thinning and stretching of earth’s crust happens such as in the rift valley (Africa).

Long Answer Type Questions

  • Due to continuous erosion and deposition along the sides of the meander, the ends of the meander loop come very close. In due period of time the meander loop cuts off from the river and forms a cut-off lake which is also called as an oxbow lake.
  • At times the river overflows its banks and and this leads to the flooding of the neighbouring areas. As it floods heavily, it deposits

Question 1.
Discuss the work of a river.
Work of a river:

1. In the river, the running water erodes the landscape. When the river tumbles at steep angle over very hard rocks or down a steep valley side it forms a waterfall.layers of fine soil and other materials which is known as sediments along its banks. This leads to the formation of a flat fertile flood plain. This raised banks are known as levees.

2. As the river proceeds towards the sea, the speed of the flowing water
decreases and the river begins to break up into a number of streams which are known as distributaries. The river becomes so slow that it begins to deposit its load. And, each distributary forms its own mouth. The collection of sediments from all the mouths hence forms a delta.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 3 Our Changing Earth

Question 2.
Write short note on the work of sea waves.
Work of sea waves:

  • The sea waves gives rise to coastal landforms with the help of erosion and deposition. Sea waves . continuously strike at the rocks and the cracks develop. Over the period, they become larger and wider. Hence, hollow like caves are formed on the rocks. They are known as sea caves.
  • As these cavities become bigger and bigger only the roof of the caves remain at last and thus forms the sea arches.
  • Furthermore, erosion breaks the roof and only the walls are left. These walls like features are known as stacks.
  • Above sea water, the steep rocky coast rises almost vertically is known as sea cliff”.
  • The sea waves which deposits sediments along the shores forms beaches.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

JAC Class 7th Geography  Inside Our Earth InText Questions and Answers

Page 9

Question 1.
Collect pictures of some monuments and find out which are the rocks used to build them.
Students can collect pictures of monuments which are made of

  • White marbles: Victoria Memorial in Kolkata; Lake Palace in Udaipur; Taj Mahal in Agra.
  • Red Sandstones: Hawa Mahal in Jaipur; Buland Darwaza in Fatehpur Sikri near Agra Red Fort in Delhi.

Page 10

Question 2.
What are the minerals found in your state? Collect some samples to show in your class.
Students need to do it on their own.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

JAC Class 7th Geography  Inside Our Earth Questions and Answers

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.

  1. What are the three layers of the earth?
  2. What is a rock?
  3. Name three types of rocks.
  4. How are extrusive and intrusive rocks formed?
  5. What do you mean by a rock cycle?
  6. What are the uses of rocks?
  7. What are metamorphic rocks?

1. The three layers of our earth are Mantle

2. A rock is made up of a natural mass of mineral matter that makes up the earth’s cmst. They can be of different shape, colour, size and texture.

3. Three types of rocks are:

  • Igneous rocks and primary rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Metamorphic rocks

4. When the molten lava comes down, it cools down very fast and becomes solid. In this way, the rocks formed on the crust are called the extrusive rocks. For example – basalt. Sometimes the molten magma cools down deep inside the crust of the earth. So, the solid rocks are thus formed and called the intrusive rocks. For example – granite.

5. One certain type of rock changes to another type under certain conditions in a cyclic way. This process of transformation of the rock from one to another is called the rock cycle such as igneous rocks change into sedimentary rocks. When the igneous and sedimentary rocks exposed to extreme heat. and pressure, they change into metamorphic rocks. The metamorphic rocks which are still under heat and pressure meet down to form molten magma. This again cool down and solidify into igneous rocks.

6. The rocks are used for making houses, buildings, roads. Stones are used in many games such as hopscotch (stapu / kitkit), five stones (gitti), seven stones (pitthoo) etc.

7. The igneous and the sedimentary rocks are exposed to heat and pressure, they changes into metamorphic rocks. Such as clay changes into slate, limestone changes into marble.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2:
(i) The rock which is made up of molten magma is
(a) Igneous
(b) Sedimentary
(c) Metamorphic
(a) Igneous

(ii) The innermost layer of the earth is
(a) Crust
(b) Core
(c) Mantle
(b) Core

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

(iii) Gold, petroleum and coal are examples of
(a) Rocks
(b) Minerals
(c) Fossils
(b) Minerals

(iv) Rocks which contain fossils are
(a) Sedimentary rocks
(b) Metamorphic rocks
(c) Igneous rocks
(c) Igneous rocks

(v) The thinnest layer of the earth is
(a) Crust
(b) Mantle
(c) Core
(c) Core

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Core (a) Changes into slate
(ii) Minerals (b) Used for roads and buildings
(iii) Rocks (c) Made of silicon and alumina
(iv) Clay (d) Has definite chemical composition
(v) Sial (e) Innermost layer
(f) Changes into slate
(g) Process of transformation of the rock


(i) Core (e) Innermost layer
(ii) Minerals (d) Has definite chemical composition
(iii) Rocks (b) Used for roads and buildings
(iv) Clay (f) Changes into slate
(v) Sial (c) Made of silicon and alumina

Question 4.
Give reasons.

  1. We cannot go to the centre of the earth.
  2. Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments.
  3. Limestone is changed into marble.

1. We cannot go to the centre of the earth because we need to dig around 6000 km under the ocean bed which is not possible. Also, the centre of the earth has very high temperature and pressure.

2. Rocks break down into small pieces called the sediments. These sediments are transported and deposited by water, wind, etc. These loose sediments are composed and hardened to form layers of rocks called the sedimentary rocks.

3. Limestone is changed to marble because sedimentary rocks changes into metamorphic rocks under a extensive pressure and heat. (For Fun)

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Question 5.

  1. What are the minerals most commonly used in the following objects?
  2. Identify some more objects made up of different minerals.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth 1

  1. Karhai, Pan, Taw CL Hammer – Iron, steel Bell, lamp – brass, iron Ornaments – gold, pearl
  2. Utensils – aluminium, steel, copper, brass Wires – copper, aluminium Almirah – Iron Doors – Iron Windows – Iron, glass, aluminium

JAC Class 7th Geography  Inside Our Earth Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
The continental mass of the crust is about km and km on the ocean floor.
(a) 5,65
(b) 45,10
(c) 35, 5
(d) 10, 50
(c) 35, 5

Question 2.
……… is the deepest mine in the world.
(a) South Africa
(b) Australia
(c) South America
(a) South Africa

Question 3.
Rock sediments are transported and deposited by
(a) wind
(b) water
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(d) None of these
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

Question 4.
We use the following as fuel /s:
(a) petroleum
(b) coal
(c) natural gas
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Question 5.
The Deccan plateau is made up of
(a) clay and sandstone
(b) granite and basalt
(c) limestone
(d) basalt
(d) basalt

Question 6.
From the sand grains is made.
(a) silicon
(b) sandstone
(c) limestone
(d) granite
(b) sandstone

Question 7.
Below the crust, the mantle extends upto a depth of
(a) 2900 km
(b) 2000 km
(c) 2100 km
(d) 3900 km
(a) 2900 km

Question 8.
The thickness of the outer layer of the earth is
(a) 40 km
(b) 60 km
(c) 70 km
(d) 100 km
(b) 60 km

Question 9.
The main mineral constituents of the continental mass are
(a) silica and magnesium
(b) nickel and iron
(c) silica and alumina
(d) nickel and magnesium
(c) silica and alumina

Question 10. The oceanic crust mainly consists of silica and magnesium called as
(a) sial
(b) sima
(c) nife
(d) nima
(b) sima

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the radius of the core of the earth?
The radius of the core of the earth is 3500 km.

Question 2.
What is the crust of the earth made up of?
The crust of the earth is made up of different types of rocks.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Question 3.
In which rock igneous and sedimentary rocks change?
In metamorphic rocks the igneous and sedimentary rocks changes.

Question 4.
What are the main components of the core?
The main components of the core are nickel and iron. It is generally called as nife.

Question 5.
What is the special trait of the uppermost layer of the earth?
The special trait of the uppermost layer of the earth is that it is the thinnest of all the layers.

Question 6.
What are the components of the oceanic crust?
The components of the oceanic crust are silica and magnesium.

Question 7.
What do you mean by lava?
A raging and fiery red molten magma coming out from the interior of the earth on its surface is called as lava.

Question 8.
What do you mean by volcano?
Volcano happens when magma from deep below forces its way upto earth’s outer surface.

Question 9.
What are minerals?
Naturally occurring substances which have specific physical and definite chemical properties and composition are called the minerals.

Question 10.
What do you understand by crust?
Crust is the uppermost layer of the earth’s surface.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Why the igneous rocks are called the primary rocks or the basic rocks?
Our earth consists of a hot molten material which have high temperatures and pressure deep below. Igneous rocks are formed on cooling and solidification of the matter and they make up about two-thirds of the earth’s crust. Hence, they are called primary or basic rocks.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Question 2.
Volcanic ashes are found after the volcano’s eruption. What are these volcanic ashes?
The material that comes out of the volcano are generally of three types; they are solid, liquid and gases. The solid materials are large and small fragments and pieces of rocks which are known as cinder and fine particles of these are called volcanic ashes.

Question 3.
Why formation of rocks is a slow process?
Formation of rocks is a slow process because:

  • Climate and weather breaks the parent rocks into numerous smaller pieces.
  • Plants and animals organism helps in weathering of rocks.
  • Elevation or topography also helps in weathering of rocks.
  • Time and period also plays major role in the slow process.

Question 4.
Give examples of each of the following:
(a) Igneous rocks
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks
Examples of each of the following:
(a) Igneous rocks – basalt
(b) Sedimentary rocks – limestone, coal, sandstone, shale
(c) Metamorphic rocks – marble, slate, gnesis

Question 5.
What do you mean by fossils?
Fossils are the remains of the dead plants and animals trapped and confined in the layer of rocks. They generally formed from the hard parts bones or shells of living things.

Question 6.
How minerals are useful for mankind?
Some of the minerals such as coal, natural gas and petroleum are used as fuels and also in industries. Iron, aluminium, gold, uranium, etc., are used in medicine, in fertilizers, etc. Hence, minerals are very useful for mankind.

Question 7.
What do you mean by mantle?
The intermediate layer which lies between the crust and the core of the earth is called the mantle. Its average thickness is about 2900 km and is believed to comprises of solid ultra basic rocks which are rich in iron and magnesium.

Question 8.
Why the outer crust is important to us?
The outer crust is important to us because the solidified outer crust of the earth is having a thin crust forms the base on which human life and civilization have developed. It also consists of the valuable soil and gives us most of our minerals.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Question 9.
Differentiate between mantle and core.

Mantle Core
• Just underneath the crust means it is the middle or centric layer of the earth. • The innermost layer of the earth.
• It has a density of 3.5 km. • It has a density of 5.1 km.
• The main components of minerals are silica and magnesium i.e.; SIMA. • The main  components of minerals are nickel and ferrous (iron) i.e; NIFE.

Question 10.
Differentiate between minerals and rocks.

Minerals Rocks
• Minerals have atomic structure and contains ore. • Rock is a collection and cluster of minerals.
• They have a specific and definite chemical composition. • -They does not have a definite chemical composition.
• There are about 2000 types of minerals. • Mainly they are of three types – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
• It is the natural inorganic compound which forms in the rocks. • It is a solid natural material formed in the earth’s crust.
Minerals Rocks

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Write and describe the different types and features of the rocks.
The different types of rocks are:

  • Igneous rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
  • Metamorphic rocks

Igneous Rocks :
When the molten magma cools down it solidifies and rocks formed in this way are called igneous rocks. They are also known as primary rocks. These are mainly of two types:

Extrusive rocks :
When the molten lava comes on the surface of the earth, „ it cools down very fast and solidifies. Thus, rocks formed in this way on the crust are called extrusive rocks such as basalt.

Intrusive rocks:
When the molten magma cools down deep inside the earth’s crust and solidifies. Thus, rocked formed in this way are called intrusive rocks such as granite. They cool down slowly and form large grains.

Sedimentary rocks:
Small and tiny pieces of rocks are called sediments. These sediments are carried from and deposited by wind, water, etc. These ‘ loose sediments are compressed and hardened to form sedimentary rocks such as sandstone.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 2 Inside Our Earth

Metamorphic rocks:
When igneous and sedimentary rocks are exposed to enormous heat and pressure they gradually change into metamorphic rocks such as clay changes into slate.

Important Features of Rocks:

  • They are found in different shapes, sizes, textures and colours.
  • On the earth’s crust, different types of rocks are found.
  • They can be as soft as clay or chalk and hard as granite.

Question 2:
Differentiate between crust and core.

Crust Core
• Crust is the uppermost layer of the earth’s surface. • Core is the innermost layer of the earth’s surface.
• The main mineral components are silica and alumina i.e; SIAL. • The main mineral components are nickel and iron (ferrous) i.e; NIFE.
• The density is only 1.5 km. • The density is only 5.1 km.
• The temperature is between 50 degree to 55 degree Celcius. • It has pressure and the temperature is much higher than the crust.
• On continental mass the crust is about 35 km and on the ocean floors it is about 5 km. • It has a radius of 3500 km.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

JAC Board Class 7th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

JAC Class 7th Geography Environment InText Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Look at your surroundings. Make a list of uses that the land in your neighbourhood is being put to.
The land used in our neighbourhood is being put to parks, roads, places of worships, buildings, institutions, small scale industries, etc.

Question 2.
Where does the water you use in your home and school come from? Make a list of different uses of water in our daily life. Have you seen anyone wasting water? How?
The water which we use in our home and school come from rivers, tanks, city water works, taps, etc.

  • Different uses of water in our daily life are for drinking, cooking, washing, cleaning, brushing, bathing, growing plants, sewerage disposal.
  • Several people waste water in various ways and seen it many times. While brushing teeth, they keep their tap on. Seen overflow of water tanks in many houses, as they forget to check the water. While working in kitchen, washing utensils, they keep tap in full speed and on always.
    Observe the sky while coming to school. Make a note whether the day is cloudy, rainy, sunny, foggy, etc. Students need to do it yourself.

Sample answer given below:
The day is sunny. It is not so hot. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear and blue and cannot see clouds. We can play outside. The weather is comfortable for swimming.

Page 4

Question 4.
Sketch or bring photographs of your place like the students in the story. Answer: Students need to do it yourself.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Page 5

Question 5.
Talk to some elderly person in your neighbourhood and collect information about-

  • The trees in his/ her neighbourhood when he/ she was your age.
  • The indoor games he/she played.
  • His/her favourite fruit at your age.
  • How did they make themselves comfortable during hot summers and cold winters? Display your answers on a wall/ bulletin board.

Students need to do it yourself. Sample answer given below:

  • The trees of papaya, mango, guava, coconut, litchi, banana, etc.
  • Chess, carrom board, cards, ludo.
  • Mango, litchi and coconut.
  • During hot summer days they used to sit under huge trees where breeze blows and do swimming in ponds and lakes.
  • During cold winter days they used to sit near fire and outside to get sunlight.

JAC Class 7th Geography Environment Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) What is an ecosystem?
A system established by the interaction of all living organisms with each other and their surroundings in which they live and interlinked with transfer of energy and material. They are interdependent and called an ecosystem.

(ii) What do you mean by natural environment?
Natural environment comprises of land, water, air, plants and animals. Hence, natural environment refers to both biotic and abiotic conditions that exist on the earth.

(iii) Which are the major components of the environment?
The major components of the environment are:

  • Natural environment (land, air,
  • water, living beings)
  • Human environment (individual, family, community, educational, economic, religion, etc.)
  • Human made environment (parks, buildings, roads, bridges, monuments, etc.)

(iv) Give four examples of human made environment,
Four examples of human made environment are parks, roads, monuments, buildings.

(v) What is lithosphere?
The solid crust or hard top layer of the earth is called Lithosphere. It is usually made up of rocks and different minerals and covered with thin layer of soil.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

(vi) Which are the two major components of biotic environment?
Animals and plants are the two major componenets of biotic environment.

(vii) What is biosphere?
The limited section of the earth where land, air and water interact with each other to support life is called biosphere. Hence, animal and plant kingdom together constructs biosphere means the living world.

Tick (√) the correct answer.

Question 2.
(i) Which is not a natural ecosystem?
(a) Desert
(b) Aquarium
(c) Forest
(b) Aquarium

(ii) Which is not a component of human environment?
(a) Land
(b) Religion
(c) Community
(a) Land

(iii) Which is a human made environment?
(a) Mountain
(b) Sea
(c) Road
(c) Road

(iv) Which is a threat to environment?
(a) Growing plant
(b) Growing population
(c) Growing crops
(b) Growing population

Question 3.
Match the following.

(i) Biosphere (a) blanket of ai? which surrounds the earth
(ii) Atmosphere (b) domain of water
(iii) Hydrosphere (c) gravitational force of the earth
(iv) Environment (d) our surroundings
(e) narrow zone where land, water and air interact
(f) relation between the organisms and their surroundings,,


(i) Biosphere (e) narrow zone’ where land, water and air interact
(ii) Atmosphere (a) blanket of air which surrounds the earth
(iii) Hydrosphere (b) domain of water
(iv) Environment (d) our surroundings

Question 4.
Give reasons.

  1. Man modifies his environment
  2. Plants and animals depend on each other


  1. Man modifies his environment to fulfill their basic needs and make their own life easy and comfortable. He also modifies to adapt itself ‘ to the natural surroundings and environment.
  2. Plants and animals depends on each other for their own interests and needs. Plants release oxygen and animals need to breathe it. Animals release carbon dioxide which plants required to breathe.


Question 5.
Imagine an ideal environment where you would love to live. Draw the picture of your ideal environment.
Students need to do it by themselves.

JAC Class 7th Geography Environment Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
…………..is not a component of natural environment.
(a) Region
(b) Air
(c) Land
(d) Water
(a) Region

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 2.
The atmosphere contains
(a) dust
(b) gas
(c) water vapour
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Question 3.
Human made component of environment is ………
(a) air
(b) water
(c) buildings
(d) none of these
(c) buildings

Question 4.
The force which hold earth’s atmosphere is…
(a) pulling force
(b) gravitational force
(c) pushing force
(d) magnetic force
(b) gravitational force

Question 5.
The revolution which made communication easier and speedy across the world was
(a) French revolution
(b) Information revolution
(c) Green revolution
(d) Glorious revolution
(b) Information revolution

Question 6.
Fifth June is celebrated as
(a) World smile day
(b) World chocolate day
(c) World environment day
(d) None of the above
(c) World environment day

Question 7.
Different landforms are a part of
(a) lithosphere
(b) hydrosphere
(c) atmosphere
(d) biosphere
(a) lithosphere

Question 8.
Industrial revolution was conducted in the period of
(a) Small scale production
(b) Population growth
(c) Use of money
(d) Large scale production
(d) Large scale production

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 9.
In French, the word ‘environment’ mean
(a) forest
(b) surrounding
(c) neighbourhood
(d) nature
(c) neighbourhood

Question 10.
Hydrosphere comprises of
(a) lakes
(b) sea
(c) river
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What do you mean by barter system?
Barter system is a system or trade in which goods are exchanged without the use of money.

Question 2.
What is the importance of atmosphere?
The importance of atmosphere is that it protects us from scorching heat and harmful rays from the sun.

Question 3.
What do you mean by atmosphere?
The thin layer of air which surrounds the earth is called as the atmosphere.

Question 4.
What do you mean by hydrosphere?
Hydrosphere means the domain of water in the earth.

Question 5.
Why hydrosphere is of great significance?
Hydrosphere comprises of water which helps to sustain a great variety of life form. It comprises various sources of water and different types of waterbodies like rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, etc. It is essential for all living organisms.

Question 6.
What do you mean by environment?
Environment is our basic life support system. It provides the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat and the land where we live. It is a combination of natural and human made phenomena.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 7.
Give names of different types of waterbodies.
Different types of waterbodies are lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, etc.

Question 8.
Does Cherrapunji gets heavy rainfall?
Yes, Cherrapunnji gets heavy rainfall.

Question 9.
Which kind of animals do you find in desert?
The kind of animals we find in deserts are camels, lizards, snakes and different types of insects.

Question 10.
Where do we find landforms?
We find landforms over the continents and ocean floors.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Do you think our environment is changing? Justify your answer.
Our environment is changing very fast because our needs are increasing day by day and in order to fulfill these needs we are modifying and at times even destroying our natural surroundings.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 2.
What is the difference between biotic and abiotic environment.
Biotic environment comprises of all the living organisms such as animals and plants. Abiotic environment comprises of all non-living components such as air, water, land. ‘

Question 3.
Why human beings are makingchanges in their environment?
Human changes or made alterations of his environment according to his needs and demands. With time needs and demands grew and became more varied and wide. Human beings started learning new ways to use and change the environment. Hence, they leamt to grow crops and started harvesting, domesticate animals and lead a settled life.

Question 4.
What are the three major components of the environment which are collectively known as biosphere?
The three major components of the environment which are collectively known as biosphere are atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

Question 5.
Which gas human beings and plants use to sustain in the environment?
Human beings use oxygen and plants use carbon dioxide to sustain in the environment. Plants uses carbon dioxide to make their food and releases oxygen. Human or animals releases carbon dioxide.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 6.
What is the importance of oxygen in air?
The importance of oxygen in air is that humans and animals need it to breathe and sustain. Without oxygen life cannot sustain. It is the second most in quantity in’ air.

Question 7.
What are the differences between lithosphere and atmosphere?
Differences between lithosphere and atmosphere:


  1. The solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth is called as lithosphere.
  2. Grasslands, lands, forests, human settlements are a part of lithosphere.


  1. The thin layer of the air that surrounds the earth is called as atmosphere.
  2. Atmosphere safeguard us from scorching heat and harmful ultra violet rays.

Question 8.
How does the ecosystem work?
Each and every ecosystem is formed by the interaction between all living beings with each other and with the environment in which they live. The connection between biotic and abiotic elements of an ecosystem happen due to the transfer of energy. They are interdependent on each other.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 1 Environment

Question 9.
Biosphere has a great impact on human beings? What are they?
Biosphere has a great impact on human beings.
They are as follows:

  • It provides us our basic necessities of our life such as food, air, water, etc.
  • It provides us natural resources like fuel, energy, plants, minerals, etc.
  • It also provides us raw material for industries.

Question 10.
What do you understand by biodiversity?
In our solar system, earth is the only planet where life sustains. Over period of time, life evolved and got diversified. Different types of species came into existence due to diversification process of nature. This wide range of species are called as biodiversity.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Should we protect our environment? Justify your answer.
Yes, we should protect our environment due to the following reasons:

  • It is our fundamental life support system. It provides us the air which we breathe, water which we drink and do cleaning works and land where we live.
  • It provides us many natural resources such as minerals, wood, fuel, etc.
  • By unwise use of resources such as forests, farms, pastures, hills, most of the parts of the environment has been badly affected and damaged.
  • The different activities of the human beings effects the environment in one way or the other.
  • If we don’t control now, then the problems which we will face will be very dangerous and irreparable like we don’t get enough rainfall where it is required hence crops and harvesting gets affected.

Question 2.
Is environment static or dynamic? Human beings have adapted and changed the environment accordingly to fulfill their needs. Explain briefly.
Our environment is dynamic and not static. Different natural, external and human factors bring many changes in the environment.

  • Human beings have adapted to the environment and changed it to fulfill their needs and requirements:
  • Early humans led a simple life and fulfilled their needs from the surrounding nature. They adapted easily to the nature around them.
  • The human beings started using variety of things and their needs kept increasing.
  • To meet the requirements and needs, human beings learnt to grow crops, domesticate the animals and started to live a settled life.
  • Excess food and grains was produced. Hence, trade emerged with the rise of barter system.
  • Transport and agricultural needs ‘ were fulfilled by the invention of ’ wheels.
  • Also means of communication developed.
  • Human beings are using the natural resources beyond their needs and wasting it most of the time.
  • Due to human activities environmental degradation occurred.
  • Hence, human beings should mark this as his duty to maintain the environmental balance and stability.

JAC Class 7 Social Science Solutions